Spend the day with an F-unit.
I am trying to host a special event for all my friends here at the Gauge. One Saturday time next month (July), we will have to pick a date that works best for us. I would like to invite all the members that can make it up to Steamtown in Scranton PA, to take part in one of our restoration sessions. There are no special skills needed, or tools required, just pack a lunch. Keep in mind that you will have to be able to climb in and out of the engine and possibly knell for short periods of time. If it's a problem or you have some kind of disability I am sure that we can find something that you will be able to do ( I spent a few weeks working on the B with a broken foot last year). We appreciate all the help we get no matter what form it comes in.

Respond here if you're interested and we will set up a day to do this.


 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
I would love to attend but unfortunately my July is pretty much booked. Thanks very much for the invite.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
I figured that this thread would generate a bit more interest than this. I thought that the opportunity to get out of the armchair and be part of something that only a few people ever get the chance to do would really be a hit. I understand that not all of our members are in the New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania area but a lot are. The invitation is still open to anyone interested, and all are welcome.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
I'm interested, but not sure if I'll have the time or money to make it. The fact that the Canadian dollar is so weak doesn't help much, either.

Doc, your coming in front a whole different country. It's got to be at least a seven hours drive to get here for you, plus passing through border. If you were going to be in the area it's one thing, but a special trip just from this would be asking too much. It would be nice to see you again, but I wouldn't expect you to come.

I would like to see other members host things like this in their local areas, where other near by members could attend. A few threads like that would be cool to see..
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Steve, I did not respond, though I should have just to let you know that is a great idea. I wish I had thought of that when I was working the Kiski. I could have shared my S-1 with folks.
I think Wayne and I are about the same distance and I would love to come, but my summer is going to be spent with doctors getting my body back in some kind of shape so I can get back to doing things.
So yes, I would come if I could but as it stands now I would be miserable, But thanks for asking.
Wayne and I are planning a trip your way someday as soon as I am able to move around.
I guess you're going in for a million miles rebuild, rest up and get healthy sir, and keep me posted. We are at the museum year round so the F's are always available. The NKP Gp-9 is going back together and it looks like our Fa-2 will be coming back to Steamtown.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
e-paw Wrote:I guess you're going in for a million miles rebuild, rest up and get healthy sir, and keep me posted. We are at the museum year round so the F's are always available. The NKP Gp-9 is going back together and it looks like our Fa-2 will be coming back to Steamtown.
Actually both knees are bone on bone and I don't see the surgeon until the 11th of July. Hard to tell how long after that before something can be done. I also fell about 6 weeks ago and screwed up my ribs and back and I am finally getting the help I need for that. I hope you have some takers.
I had a great bunch of volunteers at the KJR but a lot of the people that volunteered disappeared rapidly when they found out there was more to it than playing with the train. I had one fellow that loved track work and was a brute of a worker. He worked by himself one day and installed 22 ties all of it hand work, including tamping. It was cinder ballast which is much easier to retie and tamp, we did not do near as well when there was ballast to be dug out but 4 of us could do 20 a day by hand. Once I got the skid steer we could do 60 if I could get beside the track to push the old one out and the new one in.

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