It's been a long time....
Good Evening Folks.

Gosh it's been sometime since I've posted anything on this forum.  Life has a way of getting in the way...I guess.  During my absence I've had a career change. (for the better) and sadly my layout became nothing more then a glorified shelf space.  That has all changed recently as a few weeks ago I started re-organizing and just doing some long overdue house keeping.  I was happy to see that even after years of neglect my layout after a thorough track cleaning sprang to life and even though I forgot some of the numbering for my turnout programming, Icon_redface everything operated just as I remembered.  Progress is once again being made on the Kootenay Branchline and the CP Geep 9s along with the addition of some 0-8-0 steamers has come back to life.  There are a number of projects on the go.  Some exactly how I left them.  All of which I hope to share in the days ahead with the awsome members of this great forum.  Here's Hoping all is well with you and yours.  Now let's get to work.

Welcome back!
We missed you! Glad to hear you're doing well and back to railroading.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Great to see you back, Shane!

Welcome, it's always good to see old friends.... Glad that your career is on a path that you feel good about.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Welcome back Shane! Great looking steamer ya got there!

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Welcome back. Very nice work. Looking forward to more pictures.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Great to have you back Shane---looking forward to seeing your threads again
So...what have I been up to lately?  A lot of stuff train related.  Perhaps a layout tour to help me get caught up


Looking North is a card board mock up of showing the backside of what will be Kootenay Station.  Passenger Ops were never really in the plan however from a scenery and location perspective it makes a lot of sense to include a train station on my layout.  I may yet include a staging cassette at this end where I can build a passenger train and send it across the layout.  Final portion of the backdrop to be completed is next up for this area first.  


Continuing on is a view looking toward the engine facilities.  A newly painted backdrop give the area a whole new feel and brightens up the layout quite a bit.  I am going to have to get my Bob Ross on and start painting soon.


My scratch built sand tower, 40 ton coal tower and water tower.  Recent work on the coal tower is the addition of the platform at the back.  I'm working on finishing it up so I can post a comprehensive thread with pictures regarding its completion.  In the background is where Ill be building a small town.  I've also used some cardboard to lay in where roads are going to go once I start putting in the scenery.


Another scratch built project.  A Turntable based on CPR drawings I've obtained.  I've been looking for ways to motorize it and recent a fellow modeller has turned me onto stepper motors and programming the indexing with a Raspberry Pi or Arduino.  So much to the back ground is a mock up for a freight building...some familiar reefers cars have made their way into the region delivering some much needed goods to the area.


In the foreground is my two stall engine house.  The original plan was to have it on the layout edge and detail the interior exposing it to the viewer.  However, in order to preserve my sanity I'm going to be adding an exterior wall with some windows and calling it good.  Plus where it will currently sit it is no longer anywhere near the edge.  In the back ground is my lumber mill mock up.  I don't have the space to model the entire operation so here I'll be modelling the finished product business end.  So finished lumber and poles (they moved a lot of poles in the region back in the day) will be shipped from here.  The building's size is in itself a necessity as it covers up some old pipes cemented into the basement wall that as far as I can tell do not serve any purpose and are not connected to anything...but I'm not about to try and remove them either so...


My small yard with caboose track.  To the left is the track(s) leading to the transfer slip.  I'm working on fabricating a new car float for the scene so I can finish up the area.


Time to finish this up.  This is an over all shot of the North end of the layout.  The snow shed was built before my extended hiatus from the hobby.  I'd like to revisit the mountain cliffs and recolour them...make them a little greyer and add some weathering powders.  I also made the piles a while back too and they are prototypical for the area.  I need to find some birds or gulls to perch on top of them. 

Anyways...this got out of hand.  Apologies for the long post.  I'm not as active on the forum as I'd like to be.  That said.  It's either because I'm busy with life or working on the layout so that i have content to post.  Hope everyone is having a great week otherwise?  Take care and bye for now.
Great looking work, Tetters!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Nice work on your locomotive servicing facility, Shane, and I always enjoy seeing my wandering EG&E equipment, too.

I really enjoy the rolling stock I picked up off of you a few years ago Doc. Truely excellent work sir!
Very nice!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
rock wall looks great in pics , only thing I might do is add a bit of green on the wider ledges. have to ask is the beer refer a old varney kit ?
Hi Jim.  I assume you're referring to the Schlitz beer reefers?  Those were Roundhouse RTR cars I picked up a few years ago.

I do also plan on adding some green on the wider ledges...when I decide to get around to it.  LOL.

I've been kinda jumping around on projects for the layout and decided the other morning to try my hand at painting some backdrop.  So I just played with some colours and shapes and came up with this.  It's not bad, in fact it looks okay to me.  I'm using dollar store acrylics and the mountains were mostly done with a painting knife.  Disclaimer...I'm not looking for Bob Ross level scenery painting just "good enough" to give the illusion of a world beyond the layout.  That said I think the background trees on the mountain need to be a bit more bluish grey and then gradually darker layers as the foreground comes closer.  That's really my only beef.  I'll probably paint over it and do it again anyways as I really should patch the gap in the hard board on the left first.

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