Charlie b's layout
Looking good Charlie!  Applause Icon_e_biggrin
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Very nice work, Charlie...I'm glad to see that you're keeping busy, too.

Progressing nicely!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I finally got this Stewart model running, now I see it has a bent frame. I can see it won't be hard to straighten except everything else has been nothing but a headache so it will probably break.  Eek .      .

I have made some progress on the brass K4s. I have a couple parts that were just laying in the box that I need to find out where they go. I am not familiar with steam enough to know just by looking. I may have to ask for some help from people that know but for right now I will see if I can figure it out. Here is what it looks like thus far.     

I still have a Q2 to reassemble and then I have a Baldwin AS 616 to get running. By then winter will be here. 
" I finally got this Stewart model running, now I see it has a bent frame. I can see it won't be hard to straighten except everything else has been nothing but a headache so it will probably break. "

That's right Charlie keep a positive attitude! Big Grin

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
LOL!  Icon_e_biggrin ya, that would be my luck Charlie, easy job gone bad in a second Misngth .

Love the work you have done on those engines! Applause
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
You should contact English's Model Railroad Supply, Charlie...I'm sure they'd have a frame or two kicking around somewhere in that big hobbyshop of theirs.

(07-13-2021, 07:28 PM)doctorwayne Wrote: You should contact English's Model Railroad Supply, Charlie...I'm sure they'd have a frame or two kicking around somewhere in that big hobbyshop of theirs.


If it comes to that I will but I think it will straighten without having to take it apart again. I will just be patient.
Charlie, got a picture of those parts you are trying a place for- I am a steam nut.
After working on a steamer you will see why I am a nut. LOL
Jerry, I meant to take a picture a couple weeks ago. Next time I work on it I will. I have been busy with the motorhome project. 
It has been a while since I have had anything to report. The locomotive painting is at a stand still because I can't get motivated for that. I did however decide I would by a cutting machine.  I looked at Cricut but now they have decided that you need a subscription to use their product so I decided on a Brother Scan N Cut. 
        Now, my wife and daughters are both crafters so I decided they should have one and I would use it when I needed something.  I did find a video where a fellow had made his round house doors on one and he used polystyrene so that sold it for me.  I needed some signal targets so I scanned one that I had and took it into photoshop and made it so I could use 3mm LEDs. I made a test cut from a small sheet of .02 styrene  but the plastic was too small to stay on the mat so I made a program with 50 targets on it for a larger sheet and it stuck very well.  I did the first 50 and reversed the sheet to cut 50 more but after cutting 20 the plastic slid and I had to shut the machine down. It had cut some extra holes where I didn't want them  but I do have enough targets to make 65 heads. I punched the 3mm holes out with a blunt drill in my drill press and then I painted the sheet. I will punch the targets out as I wire them so I don't lose them  
        This is the results after opening the holes for the LEDs      . And here is what they will look like with the LED's installed.      .

I will try getting at least one bridge wired and lit up soon but I will be one handed for a couple weeks because I go Monday for carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. 
That is AWESOME, Charlie Applause Icon_e_biggrin .

Good luck on your surgery, my brother had it done, he's much better now Icon_e_biggrin .
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Lights are looking good Charlie, best wishes for your surgery.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Looking good with the lights. I hope all goes well with the surgery.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Those positional signals are so pretty. Who made the brass K4s? :o
Modeling the East Broad Top as it was between 1937-1942

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