"Magoun pier" The beginings of my layout
Greg,  always enjoy your modeling and photography, thanks for posting the additional photos.

Tom, Wayne, cn Nutbar & Bruce, thanks so much for your kind comments! 
I really appreciate them!

Here are a few more pics that I took.




OMG, astounding work, I'm awestruck (or as they say elsewhere, gobsmacked)
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Don, thank you so much for your kind words!

Something about the outdoors makes the layout look even better than in your garage (or wherever it was for the layout tour).
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
David, I really like to photograph my models outdoors in natural light when I get the chance, they always look better than any photos I can take indoors.
Thanks for the compliment!

Hello Greg

Your Magoun Pier project is just stunning.  I've seen pics of it before, but these are even better.  The whole thing is exceptional, I can't imagine the patience and care you have put into it.  These latest pictures, I was struck by several things.  The overall color palette (particularly the pier shed) gives such an air of realism.  Your structure lighting projects are outstanding, and I, too. noticed the headlights as others have commented.  A very nice touch of detail. I like the outdoor photos with natural diffuse light.

However do you transport and set up?  So much of it seems so delicate, particularly the ships.  Any more pictures of them?  They also look very good.

sorry to gush, but....  wow.
Very nice job!
hillyard999, thanks very much for your kind words! When I need to transport this module it all fits into the bed of my pick-up truck.

The ships and the structures closest to the edge & all of the pier cranes get removed. So it all ends up looking like this shown in the photo below.


Here are a couple of pics showing the "Sylvan" ships that I built for my pier.
First the "Langell Boys" these ships were also known as lumber hookers on the great lakes.



The largest ship is a Tramp steamer the R.A.SANTOS named after a modeling friend Robert (Bob) Santos.



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