Nachoman Layout addition '24 Challenge
I have a 3x4 HOn3 layout that I want to get to a state of completion with people, details, vehicles, and other things of scenic interest.  The ultimate goal is to make the layout worthy of taking to shows for display, or for a feature magazine article.  Right now there are a few things that would make the layout a whole lot more interesting.  My list includes:

- Add 3-4 more vehicles
- Add ~20 more custom hand painted figures.
- Make sure all structure windows have glass and window treatments.
- Every square inch of layout space has appropriate ground cover
- add signs, interesting details, trash cans, power lines, junk, tools, etc.

It's really an open list - I will try to get as much done by the close of the contest.
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Here is one area i want to improve.  It needs detail, interest, and the ground texture is too coarse.  I am thinking trash cans, junk, a few LPBs up to no good, and maybe a stray dog.

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all your ideas are good window dressings add to any structure the ground is also a good idea as it looks too rough for a town adding LPBs is also something that brings it ti life, don't rember your era but if its around 1900 a few horses would still be in use. myself i would add a backdoor to the one without it and maby another outhouse. other than that looks great.

How about some tall (8') fencing behind a building or two like this:

Nothing breaks up visual lines like a vertical barrier.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Great ideas, guys!
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Here is a house that needed window glass, needed missing trim replaces, a few things glued back on, and to be dirtied up a bit.

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That looks fantastic, what a difference
Modeling the East Broad Top as it was between 1937-1942
I agree.... Fantastic!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
i agree the little things mean a lot. fyi evergreen has scale 1 by 3 paired with a 1 by 4 male nice corner trim.
Awesome job!
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
This area is way too barren.  It is in front of an enginehouse and next to a mine shaft.  It needs junk, stockpiled supplies, workers, more junk, tools, etc.

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Maybe even some flora! Even in the desert, there's a surprising amount of surviving stuff that's occasionally green and/or flowering. Love the scene, Kevin! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
I’ve been adding scenery around where the houses are.  Finished up a rock retaining wall and added steps and a path.

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Well done! I think I could live up there - you could railfan from the living room!
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:
Awesome. A railfan's castle.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery

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