UP Elmwood Subdivision - N Scale Layout

Ever since I painted the hills on backdrop, I was never really happy with how they turned out. The color of the backdrop even started to look too grey to me. So Friday I started the process of overhauling the backdrop.

I started with the lower level near the end and at the river crossing . I first repainted the whole area a new shade of blue, Quiet Splendor from Ace Hardware using a 4 roller. While the blue was still wet, I used a 2 brush and brushed Bright White (also Ace brand) at the bottom and worked my way up about halfway. Since the blue was still wet, the white blended in with it to give a nice horizon effect, and faded nicely to the darker original blue toward the top. You can see a huge difference between the new color and old color now.

[Image: IMG_1775.jpg]

The next step was to add clouds.

Again, while the blue is still wet you use the same brush as before but use a stipple motion (basically, just tapping the tip of the brush on the backdrop) to blotch clouds on the background. Go heavy on the top and then lighter on the bottom to get a sense of depth, and soften the cloud a little. You can layer clouds to for more dimensional effect.

[Image: IMG_1777.jpg] [Image: IMG_1778.jpg] [Image: IMG_1779.jpg] [Image: IMG_1780.jpg]

I think the ones over the river bridge came out better than the ones over the hill, so I might redo that section again (for the 3rd time, heh).

Overall though, a huge improvement over the previous look. I still want to paint a hill on it with some better tress but it'll be a lower hill than before, and more of a tan-ish color.

As predicted, I repainted some clouds over the hills...twice.. and I think I have something I'm happy with now.

[Image: IMG_1783.jpg] [Image: IMG_1784.jpg]

I'm almost scared to try painting in a backdrop hill in fear of messing up my lovely blue sky and clouds! Smile

Just a quick look at the backdrop that's going up that will cover the helix. The tunnel portal begins to take shape too. Once the masonite is all installed I'll trim the edges. fill in the gaps, sand smooth and paint blue. Then I'll shape the terrain here around the tunnel.

[Image: IMG_1785.jpg] [Image: IMG_1787.jpg] [Image: IMG_1789.jpg]

Last night I gave the rest of the lower level a first coat of the new blue backdrop color and then built up the scenery base around the tunnel portal.

[Image: IMG_1873.jpg] [Image: IMG_1874.jpg]

Today I put down my first batch of groundwork. I'm using a mixture mentioned in one of Joe Fugate's railroad videos. It's a simple mixture of:
- 4 parts fine vermiculite
- 3 parks patching plaster
- 1 part portland cement
and then enough water to make it a smooth, spreadable mixture. Here's how the first attempt looks:

[Image: IMG_1882.jpg] [Image: IMG_1883.jpg] [Image: IMG_1884.jpg] [Image: IMG_1885.jpg] [Image: IMG_1887.jpg]

I'll let this setup for a day or two and then go back to patch up the cracks and any spots needing a little more coverage. While the mixture looks good once dried, it does shrink a little while setting up. But it's nothing a quick little patching can't fix.

I ended up making a much larger batch than I was expecting so I had to sorta hurry through this first section. Next time I know to go with a much smaller batch and just do small 1-2 foot sections at a time.

After completing the first section of the layout with the terrain cover mixture, I decided I didn't like it. I'm sure they're are many folks out there who used this same technique with good results, but it just wasn't happening for me.

- Inconsistent mixture. Even with using the same measurements each time, I would end up with a different mixture consistency everytime. Sometimes it was lumpy, sometimes is was smooth, sometimes to thick, sometimes to thin. This resulted in inconsistent ground covering as well. It was hard to get it to blend together on the layout sometimes.

- Messy. Mixing up three powered items, then mixing with water, and getting it on the layout seemed to make quiet the mess to me. I've gotta give my office good vacuuming now to pick up all the poweder that kept going *poof* as I opened the bag or scooped it.

- Fragile. I found the final setup of the mixture to be rather fragile. You really need to get a good 1/2" layer down if you want it so have some strength. But I found this hard because the mixture was not very smooth when applying, and it stuck to, well, everything. If you accidentally bump an area where the mixture was a little thin, it would easily result in a crack or shattering of pieces.

- Needs Patching. Like I mentioned in the previous post, the mixture shrinks so you end up with cracks. Lots of them. I spent almost as much time trying to patch cracks and blending new/old mixtures as I did putting it down the first time. A lot of extra work that I'd rather not have to do.

While I think the finished product results in a good, natural looking ground, I think requires way too much time and effort needed to get there.

So.. PLAN B! The old tried and true Woodland Scenics plaster cloth with a layer of Sculpt-a-mold (or mold-a-scene, whatever they call it now) on top method. I'll break up and remove the concrete mixture that I did the other night, clean up the layout and room, and then start working on the plaster cloth in the next few days. I'll have to order more up though. Only have 1 roll I think.

In the midst of prepping to redo my terrain covering with plaster cloth, I decided I wanted to first redo some of the terrain base and fascia. This mainly included making the hill and the end of the lower level flush with the fascia (not just a hill that looks like a bug bump), building up a hill at the first corner, and then making the fascia flow more with the terrain, especially at the river banks.

So first I yanked off the existing fascia.

[Image: IMG_1902.jpg] [Image: IMG_1903.jpg]

Then I cut new pieces of masonite there were 7 (short section) and 6 tall (river section), and installed them in place. I also added a piece to the edge of the layout to complete the fascia covering here.

[Image: IMG_1906.jpg] [Image: IMG_1908.jpg]

I then rebuilt the hills as I wanted.

[Image: IMG_1918.jpg] [Image: IMG_1919.jpg] [Image: IMG_1921.jpg]

And then trimmed the fascia with a Dewalt Cut-out drill to flow with the terrain.

[Image: IMG_1930.jpg] [Image: IMG_1931.jpg] [Image: IMG_1932.jpg]

A huge improvement to what it looked like before.

Since my last post, I've been toying with the idea of replacing the Atlas flex track on the lower level with ME Concrete tie code 55 Flex. I ordered two pieces of ME track to get a up close look at at.

Today I got my two sample pieces of Micro Engineering track and instantly had this wow moment. This is some great looking track. I love the fact that it's so shape-able too and not springy like Atlas flex track. You can bend this track into whatever curve you want and it stays.

I decided to try out a piece on the layout. I picked the small curve on the layout just before the tunnel as my test spot. Removing the existing track was a piece of cake thanks to the caulk adhesive. I cut the ME track to size, formed the curve I needed and installed the track in place with some rail joiners. Works perfectly without any adhesive holding the curve. I love it!

[Image: IMG_1945.jpg] [Image: IMG_1946.jpg] [Image: IMG_1948.jpg]

So I think I'm going to ahead with the plan to replace the existing mainline track with some ME weathered concrete track. I haven't decided if I want to replace the siding with concrete ties as well or leave those as wood ties (and just leave the Atlas in place).

Also, since the ME ties are a little thicker than the Atlas', I'll have to sand the cork roadbed a little bit around the turnouts so the rails meet each other at the same height. I really want to avoid having to pull up any turnout.

In other news, I picked up a black BLMA brass truss bridge off ebay. I'll be replacing the two deck bridges over Dixie river with this single bridge.

Finally had a full weekend off from work so I made some time to work on the layout a little bit. This afternoon I finished putting down the first bit of concrete tie track up to the east control point on refinery siding.

[Image: IMG_2001.jpg] [Image: IMG_2011.jpg] [Image: IMG_2002.jpg] [Image: IMG_2003.jpg]

I super-elevated the curves on this section (and will do the same on the last large corner) using Jamie's method described here.

[Image: IMG_2005.jpg] [Image: IMG_2010.jpg]

And lastly, a few photos of the BLMA Brass bridge I got. This bridge is fantastic looking, and I'll be using Monroe Models' Concrete Girder bridge expansion kit. I'll toss the girder sections and using the concrete sections to build a modern squared off concrete abutment for the bridge, kind of like this.

[Image: IMG_2012.jpg] [Image: IMG_2013.jpg] [Image: IMG_2014.jpg]

Along with replacing the old bridge spans with a new BLMA Truss bridge, I also wanted/needed to replace the abutments for the new bridge (the existing weren't wide enough). So I decided to go with a squared off concrete abutment this time around.

I first started with 6 boxes of Monroe Models Bridge Expansion kits. This gives you 12 total pieces.

[Image: IMG_2024.jpg]

I cut off the little backer piece on top (not shown) so the tops were nice and flat. I then glued two sections together with a little piece of popsicle stick, and then glued 3 sections together to form a 3 sided box.

[Image: IMG_2028.jpg] [Image: IMG_2027.jpg]

Gave everything a spray on concrete Floquil in-a-can paint...

[Image: IMG_2029.jpg] [Image: IMG_2030.jpg]

And voila! The new bridge is in place.

[Image: IMG_2031.jpg]

Just need to redo the terrain around the new abutments, extend the roadbed a tiny a bit and she'll be ready to roll.

Got the base to the new riverbank's in place this morning. They'll get a layer of plaster cloth soon to complete it out.

[Image: IMG_2034.jpg] [Image: IMG_2035.jpg] [Image: IMG_2036.jpg] [Image: IMG_2037.jpg]

Gave the river banks, and the surrounding area, a layer of plaster cloth as the base shell to the landscape.

[Image: IMG_2094.jpg] [Image: IMG_2095.jpg]

My next plan was to put a layer of sculptamold on top the plaster just to smooth out the service a bit, and fill any gaps that needed it. But then I saw a container of Woodland's Scenics Mold-A-Scene at Hobby Lobby (who didn't have sculptamold), and figured what the heck, let's give this stuff a try.

My verdict... I like it. Funny enough, it looks like the mixture from Joe Fugate's DVD series, but I find it easier to work with. Maybe cause it's a heck of lot easier to mix. 1 Cup of mixture + 3 ounces of water. Done. I mix it up a plastic container, then use a medium size pallet knife to scoop out maybe 1-2 tablespoon at a time. I plop the mixture on the plaster, spread it out a little bit, and repeat. You have about 30 minutes working time according to the box, and it takes about 24 hours to fully dry. Once I empty the container, I'll wet my fingers and then just manually smooth and blend the area just applied.

Here's the result of the first batch I applied.

[Image: IMG_2096.jpg] [Image: IMG_2097.jpg] [Image: IMG_2098.jpg]

I love the end result though. It's got a nice looking texture and a great looking ground color. I don't even think I'm going to bother painting or applying "dirt"? to this stuff because to me it looks good as it is.

Just a quick look at some progress made with the mold-a-scene materia. Did this a few a few days ago but never got around to posting it. My poor little rock face though has taken a beaten with plaster drippings. I'll have to clean that up, or just spray paint over it or something.

[Image: IMG_2226.jpg][Image: IMG_2227.jpg]
HOLY COW Shaun!! You have certainly made alot of progress on the layout!! I like the new backdrops, the clouds look good Thumbsup Thumbsup

that BLMA bridge is a beauty!! And those abutments you made from those other kits came out fantastic Thumbsup Thumbsup Awesome work Shaun, keep it up Cheers
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
That's going to be a real nice layout! Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string

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