Good luck with the new/old board
I wondered what caused the moderator exodus... I figured it couldn't have been coincidence!

Looking forward to the good community that was The Gauge being reincarnated here.

I'll even try to play nice. Tongue Wink

Hopefully you folks can keep it alive without having to go the commercial route the other board went.

Glad to see you made it to the new forum Squid!! Welcome
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Squidbait Wrote:I wondered what caused the moderator exodus... I figured it couldn't have been coincidence!

Right! Something good was up! Glad you could join us!
Squidbait Wrote:I wondered what caused the moderator exodus... I figured it couldn't have been coincidence!

Looking forward to the good community that was The Gauge being reincarnated here.

I'll even try to play nice. Tongue Wink

Hopefully you folks can keep it alive without having to go the commercial route the other board went.

LOL if you play nice - it wouldn't be any fun!! Big Grin Big Grin

We thought of "keeping it alive" already, We're letting everyone know - at the bottom of every page is a paypal button... Or PM Don or I for address info for donations.. All it takes is (literally) a few dollars to keep us ad free... Smile Smile Smile We're ok for a year or so, so no rush...

You don't have to donate, but anytime you have the ability to, will be appreciated Smile Smile

~~~ Thanks for the compliments!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Mikey, once i get some extra cash and a JOB LOL i will be donating some money to this place, if all it takes is a little cash to keep this place up and running and ad free, im all for it :mrgreen:
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Quote:All it takes is (literally) a few dollars to keep us ad free..

Gee! I wonder if my governor would chip in a couple of million, if I testify on his behalf. Nope He doesn't believe in "play for pay".

Icon_twisted riiiiighttt!!!!!!! 1990_dancing
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Just in case someone doesn't understand, we are pledging ourselves to be ad free. We are digging into our own pockets to make that pledge come true. We are not asking anyone to donate anything. If anyone has the means and the desire, so be it, but it is not a requirement, nor will you finding us acting like PBS.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

Can you give us an idea of the overhead that you've got to keep the board running? What sort of a figure do you need to keep it going on an annual basis?
That's kind of hard to predict. We've had some start-up costs, obviously, and they've been covered, the monthly fees right now are minimal, but could change in a hurry of we need more storage or bandwidth. We could also incur additional costs if we add extras like a chat room or some other non-standard goodies. One of our members has generously offered us hosting space, but we're already committed for a year, so we do appreciate his offer.

I'm not trying to be evasive, but for now, Mikey, myself and one other person have things covered for now out of our own personal bank accounts. If our costs for running this escalates beyond what it is, and it should as we grow, we would appreciate any help at all, even the smallest donations are welcome, but none are required.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ezdays Wrote:That's kind of hard to predict. We've had some start-up costs, obviously, and they've been covered, the monthly fees right now are minimal, but could change in a hurry of we need more storage or bandwidth. We could also incur additional costs if we add extras like a chat room or some other non-standard goodies. One of our members has generously offered us hosting space, but we're already committed for a year, so we do appreciate his offer.

I'm not trying to be evasive, but for now, Mikey, myself and one other person have things covered for now out of our own personal bank accounts. If our costs for running this escalates beyond what it is, and it should as we grow, we would appreciate any help at all, even the smallest donations are welcome, but none are required.

by Squidbait on Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:42 pm [ Quote]


Can you give us an idea of the overhead that you've got to keep the board running? What sort of a figure do you need to keep it going on an annual basis?

Can you give us an idea of the overhead that you've got to keep the board running? What sort of a figure do you need to keep it going on an annual basis?

Don, squidbait has a good point If we had some idea of what kind of costs are needed covered it would make it a real simple job of everybody see to it that all of you don't end up paying for keeping things going & end up with the short end of the stick.
I am sure that the bunch that hangs out here are responsible enough that none of us would mind contributing enough that between us we can make this a going concern with out you having to dig into your kids college funds.
As you said , you don't want to act like PBS , but that could happen if no one knows what kind of expense is involved, perhaps some of the members have some idea, but I know I don't have a clue. If we have some idea we could see if say --- a 25.00$ donation would be a reasonable figure if done every 6 months or so or if more would be appropriate or ?????????
For that matter, since you guys did all this at least as much for all the members as yourself, why should you bear all the start up costs alone??
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
A tank of gas.................

Those of you that have been reading my posts on the old forum, have heard me talk about geocacing.

(Info: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - scroll down to: The Origins of Geocaching)

Turns out that path & I cache in Delaware, we're both members of The Geocachers of Delaware( I run their web site

See the connection? Big Grin Big Grin

Pat has provided the vehicle we needed to get off the ground on both sites... Smile Smile

The expenses are not that great so far.. Don & I have received a few gracious donations and we're content where we are...

If anyone wants to donate, i think a fair price would be:
How much does it take in dollars to fill your gas tank on an AVERAGE fillup????

Round that down (or up) to the nearest 10.00 There's your donation... we have no idea exactly how much it takes. With fluctuating prices, so it's a fair deal all around.. That way we're not asking for a certain amount Smile and we are letting everyone donate when and what they want with the option of not donating at all ...

We are keeping ALL donation amounts and donators absolutely private!! Don't even ask Big Grin Big Grin and we wont tell Big Grin Big Grin

Thanks for your concern.. Don & I are VERY humbled by your dedication to keeping this board running ad-free.. It' the main goal we have.. The second is for everyone to enjoy the board every time you visit!!!!!

~~~ Thanks!!!!
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Mikey and I both appreciate your wanting to help, and we won't turn any help away that is offered. But I hope you all understand that it's not good policy to open our books in public or even to tell what our monthly costs are. I don't think there's a forum on the Internet that is that open, and with good reason. Some people get by with low costs, or even none, using free software and free hosting. We chose to pay for our hosting space mainly because of our bandwidth needs and storage space, plus a major requirement for us was the ability to upload pictures from the get-go. Our deal is flexible, we can increase our capability upon request and our monthly fees go up, and we do pay something to have someone standing by to help, and believe me, he isn't getting anything near what he should be. Good thing he's Mikey's friend, and now mine too. We're not paying much for software right now so that's not a issue, but we do plan on adding some later that would cost us, but even then, we're not that high up on the expense level just yet, and Mikey and I have taken care of the initial set-up costs, so let's just leave it at that for now.

I guess generally speaking, what we're both saying is that if you want to donate, and can afford to send in a few dollars every once in a while, with enough people doing that, it will add up quickly. Regardless, we are committed to keeping this forum the way it is and to keep it ad free. The one concession we made was to put in the "donate" button, but not as a requirement to participate here, make no mistake about that. If you want, and can afford to donate even a small amount, we thank you. If you can't, don't worry about it, just come here and have fun and learn. that in itself is our reward. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good show EzDays ! --- That is what I was hoping for some kind of guide line as to how we all can help ---- I'm just glad this is not LAST month -- I'd have to mortgage the house to get a tank of gas back then! Eek Got to go to work right now but you'll get something from me tonight . Thanks much.

Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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