I have developed a problem in my wrists which is problem for me in laying track and other hoppy related fun. I could use some help, is there any one in the South Jersey area who might be interested? I live in Sicklerville.
Hi Stu,

Sorry to hear of the troubles. Are there any clubs in the area? if you've been a bit of a "lone wolf", you might check out the club listings at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> .

Good luck!

Yes, that, or phone a hobby shop close by and ask the owner if he can put you through to a good samaritan. You may find that he knows just the guy, and you may also find a new friend for life. Just don't talk his ear off! 35


One of the reasons that I do business with my local hobby shop, instead of searching the internet for the "best deal" is that I've found it to be a great "hangout." It serves as a gathering place for local model railroaders. If you have such a local hobby shop, you might meet someone there who can help you out.
Thanks guys, I will head to Sattler's. That was staring me in the face Thumbsup Worship

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