Digitrax Zephyr "Blast Mode"
"Blast Mode"

You guys probably know this unwritten feature already, but thanks to a reply to my reprogramming problem posted on the digitrax tech forum from a more knowledgeable DCC'er, I learned how to reprogram the address of a Soundtraxx Tsunami engine from the factory default 03 to a four-digit number that matches the engine's road number. For those that don't know of this feature - which isn't written anywhere in the Zephyr's manual - all you do is change the Ops switch setting 07 from "T" thrown to "C" clear (or open). Then place ONLY the engine you need reprogrammed on the mainline (absolutely nothing else that can draw power), and follow the reprogramming directions as outlined in the manual. Remember, you MUST return the Ops switch 07 back to "T" after you're done. The manual covers how to change Ops switch settings, but doesn't list the 07 switch as a possible setting to adjust.

My problem was the Soundtraxx decoder pulling more amperage than the Zephyr could produce on the dedicated programming track. On the mainline, and in the OPS mode, it also didn't get enough signal duration to compete the renumbering process of CV17 and CV18 (needed to overwrite to a four-digit number) and CV29's setting to recognize the four-digit address instead of the two-digit. Soundtraxx suggested purchasing their power booster (approx $60) and the additional power pack that would be needed to power the booster ($$$). I posted my problem on the digitrax tech forum and thankfully, someone told me of this unwritten feature. It saved not only money, but solved the frustration of not being able to rewrite an engine from 03 to the 4-digit address I wanted. Changing that one Ops switch setting makes the whole layout a programming track, but at full power instead of the much lower power normally on the programming track. According to the tech rep at Soundtraxx I contacted, the Zephyr doesn't sent quite enough power to complete the write cycle on the Tsunami decoder. Other DCC units might not have this problem, but the Zephyr does. This simple procedure solves the problem.

Hope this helps someone using a Zephyr system. For more details including step-by-step instructions, you can contact me or see the digitrax tech forum on yahoo/groups. Do a search for "blast mode zephyr" and you'll find all the threads.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

Thanks. I have a Zephyr, and am considering Soundtraxx decoders for several steamers. I will definitely keep this tip in mind. Thumbsup Thumbsup

Please!!! Make sure you see the information posted on that website. There's plenty of information to read over before trying to do this. (Although I did it successfully, I still held my breath when I pushed that last button to enter in the four digit address.) If you mess it up, you can recover from it by doing a reset on the decoder. You have to make SURE there is nothing else connected to the layout that would draw power when you're in this "blast mode" or you'll reprogram everything. I took every engine off the layout and had only the engine I wanted to program and a few cars with plastic wheels.

I hate sending people to other websites, but in this case there are almost a hundred posts about this "blast mode" and it's worth the time to read them yourself to get an idea of people's problems and how this little known feature can help. Go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://groups.yahoo.com">http://groups.yahoo.com</a><!-- m --> and search for the Digitrax group. You'll find my question there regarding the Nscale Athearn F45 address reprogramming problem...post 148771. That's exactly where I found the information about this "blast mode."

Hope all this helps!

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
I take it when you say anything that would draw power this also means any stationary decoders hooked up directly to the main buss. Correct?
I think I would unhook the unit from the layout and just hook up to a section of flex track to do this, that way you would not have to take everything off the track.
Charlie B Wrote:I think I would unhook the unit from the layout and just hook up to a section of flex track to do this, that way you would not have to take everything off the track.

That is actually a good idea. Not a program track per se, but a section of track wired to the track buss terminals. Better yet for a more permanent set up what about wiring a dpdt switch to switch between the two. That way you don't need to be disconnecting the terminals from the Zephyr every time you want to program a loco.

Does that make sense?
The DPDT switch makes a lot of sence, that way it would be impossible to have the command station tied to both tracks at once, however I would strongly recommend a safety switch in line with the main layout track so you would not accidently power the wrong track when blasting. (I could screw up easy stuff) Goldth
I use a DPDT switch to power the programming track on the layout. It's built into a runaround track in the yard, so when I'm through programming a loco, I just flip the switch to the "normal" position, and I can run the loco to check if I programmed it to what I wanted....Beats taking the loco on and off the layout to mess with it.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).
All very prudent ideas to make sure you don't program something you didn't want to.

And to answer the question...yes, I was told to remove the ability for power to reach any component, any electrical scenery device, anything you don't want programmed. So I guess that included an AC as well as DC devices and components. The only thing I had on my layout track was the diesel I needed reprogrammed. Everything else except the wiring going to the programming track - which had nothing on it - was disconnected or removed.

This is a feature I didn't know about until a day ago, but it is certainly one that you need to take precautions before utilizing.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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