Website with cRaZy HO weathering and graffiti
Some wild stuff here. Not to my taste, but some of the weathering is good.

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Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
The picture of the guy was enough to change my mind about looking around.
Hmmm. That guy really likes his rolling stock beat up. Some of his rust effects are pretty cool. The graffiti? Perhaps it looks different in Canada than it does around here. Much of what he has done seems too "organized" compared to what I see around here (if that makes any sense).
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To me, the graffiti is not prototypical. But as Nacho said, some of the rust is good.

MM, it doesn't hurt to look, despite the artist.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
He has fine modeling skills, but yes he is a bit over the top with the graffiti. The "Smurftastic" style graffiti is very rare in real life. This is why I call it "Smurftastic" style. Very rare.
Puddlejumper Wrote:He has fine modeling skills, but yes he is a bit over the top with the graffiti. The "Smurftastic" style graffiti is very rare in real life. This is why I call it "Smurftastic" style. Very rare.

HAHA! I think you did a better job of describing what I was trying to say! The guy looks like he has fun with what he does.
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Another good reason to model an earlier time period when people respected others property and law enforcement was allowed to do their jobs.
A very perceptive observation, Charlie B.
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
I really don't like seeing heavy graffiti on rail equipment but it is part of the real world now so modeling it seems appropriate. The artist has some amazing skills. I'm impressed with his work. Like Charlie however, I prefer a time when there was less prevalent tagging. Here is an example I found very close to my house this summer...

[Image: IMG_1096.jpg]

Wow... I can't imagine the circumstances in which "Smurftastic" and "Mesh" would have been possible... I mean, it would take a sizeable step ladder and a lengthy period of time to get such a graffiti mural done. And I have to agree about the lack of respect for other's property. Sickening.
That's the beauty of this hobby. You have the option of creating the world that you want, re-create the past more pleasant or more dramatic. No matter what time period you model, there will be some kind of societal "ill" that you will have to deal with. In my case, I am putting together a short passenger train for a fictional short line. I've been debating with myself for almost a year whether or not my train should have some kind of "Jim Crow" car. Some very disturbing things happened during the time period in which I model, and I ponder how realistic I want to portray those issues.
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Good point Kevin.
Charlie B Wrote:Another good reason to model an earlier time period when people respected others property and law enforcement was allowed to do their jobs.

Charlie,I model the modern times as my secondary modeling interest but,leave off the graffiti.

My main interest is the '70s IPD boxcar era.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
WHOA! Man he does some neat and realistic work! I'd love to have him do some rolling stock for me, but I cant afford his prices right now Nope LOL

Thanks for the link Gary, I bookmarked his site lol
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Regarding the O.P. link. ...definitely something I could without. Icon_lol

It's a little much.

Actually...I take back what I initially posted. I looked at some more of his work. It is good. Just not my taste. I prefer the more subtle weathering jobs.

Trying to be objective here... not biased.

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