iPhone Throttles
This is interesting:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.withrottle.com/WiThrottle/Home.html">http://www.withrottle.com/WiThrottle/Home.html</a><!-- m -->

For those that have an iPhone or iTouch, this makes for an extraordinarily inexpensive wireless throttle. The cool thing is that your DCC system doesn't need to be wireless for this to work - it communicates with your system via a home wireless network and JMRI.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0ZgoEpz_kY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0ZgoEpz_kY</a><!-- m -->

- Home wireless network (wireless router)
- JMRI (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://jmri.org/">http://jmri.org/</a><!-- m -->) running on a computer that's connected to your DCC system and to your home network.
- A DCC system that you computer can interface with (NCE, Digitrax, others)
- A wifi-capable device with an app that will function as a throttle (only the apple products so far, and as far as I know)

Once everything is set up, anyone with an iPhone or iTouch (or presumbably other smart phones in the future) can download the free app and have a throttle to use on your layout.

I've downloaded the app to my phone, and the interface is very smooth. I've just torn down my layout so haven't yet had a chance to try it out controlling trains, yet.
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio
gawd! I hate Mac and iProducts.

But this absolutely uber cool! Misngth

Stupid iPhone... 357
tetters Wrote:gawd! I hate Mac and iProducts.

But this absolutely uber cool! Misngth

Stupid iPhone... 357

Hah! You said almost the exact same thing in response to my post almost a year ago about using an iPhone to measure grades!

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.the-gauge.net/forum/search.php?keywords=iphone&terms=all&author=tetters&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search">search.php?keywords=iphone&terms=all&author=tetters&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search</a><!-- l -->

One of the things that makes this device so cool isn't the manufacturer (I'm brand agnostic), it's all those creative people out their creating apps for it!
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio
I am not quite sure I understand your definition of "inexpensive", as in:

Fluesheet Wrote:this makes for an extraordinarily inexpensive wireless throttle.

When you list

- Home wireless network (wireless router)
- JMRI (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://jmri.org/">http://jmri.org/</a><!-- m -->) running on a computer that's connected to your DCC system and to your home network.
- A DCC system that you computer can interface with (NCE, Digitrax, others)
- A wifi-capable device with an app that will function as a throttle (only the apple products so far, and as far as I know)

Plus the iPhone or iPod Touch.

This reminds me of a quote from Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) who said something to the effect that there was nothing he loved more than spending hours and hours programming his computer to save a few seconds.

Wink Smile Big Grin Icon_lol 35 Big Grin

Fluesheet Wrote:
tetters Wrote:gawd! I hate Mac and iProducts.

But this absolutely uber cool! Misngth

Stupid iPhone... 357

Hah! You said almost the exact same thing in response to my post almost a year ago about using an iPhone to measure grades!

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.the-gauge.net/forum/search.php?keywords=iphone&terms=all&author=tetters&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search">search.php?keywords=iphone&terms=all&author=tetters&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search</a><!-- l -->

One of the things that makes this device so cool isn't the manufacturer (I'm brand agnostic), it's all those creative people out their creating apps for it!

Hey. At least I'm consistent. Misngth
MasonJar Wrote:I am not quite sure I understand your definition of "inexpensive", as in:

Fluesheet Wrote:this makes for an extraordinarily inexpensive wireless throttle.


I thought about that someone might call me out on that statement when I wrote it... Big Grin The iPhone and iTouch are pricey devices!

However, JMRI is free - it's only cost is learning to use the program - PC's and wireless networks are close to ubiquitous and DCC is common. So, yep, very inexpensive if you already have an iDevice, and actually not much more than buying an extra radio throttle for for a wireless DCC system!

The other beauty is I can expose non-modelers to our hobby using a device they may already own (not to mention saving me cash for the extra throttles I wold otherwise have to buy)
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio
Fluesheet Wrote:I thought about that someone might call me out on that statement when I wrote it... Big Grin The iPhone and iTouch are pricey devices!

Big Grin It was the use of the qualifier "extraordinarily" with inexpensive, combined with iDevice/Apple products all in one sentence that caught my eye...! Wink


What's more, you could build a pretty cheap DCC system, if you already have an iPhone or an iPod Touch. (I've heard there's an Android version coming or already out there)
Add the Withrottle software (the lite version is FREE) , install JMRI software on your PC/Mac, and then:

Go and buy one of these together with a suitable power supply: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sprog-dcc.co.uk/index.html">http://www.sprog-dcc.co.uk/index.html</a><!-- m -->

Yes that's a USB DCC programmer, but what's more, if you run it through decoder pro and call up a throttle, you can run a train , without the need of any additional DCC system (okay the loco must be a DCC loco). Now imagine adding the Wi throttle to this setup. Okay it may not (yet) be fully featured, making a consist etc may not yet work, but this depends on JMRI developments, and future WiThrottle releases. Depending on your power supply , you could run one or two loco's. And if your layout is bigger, add a few boosters and you're having loads of fun!
Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
Odd that this thread just popped back up. Lately I have been going through my old electronics junk. Much of it is left from when I was in high school and built a transistorized hand-held throttle for my layout. I used a large transformer I ripped out of an old VCR for a power supply. That was only 20 years ago, and now look how far we've come. I almost prefer soldering together a bunch of electronics components than figure out what I can do with my I-phone (not that I even would consider having such a complicated phone in the first place!)
Check out my Shapeways creations!
3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kevin-s-model-train-detail-parts">https://www.shapeways.com/shops/kevin-s ... tail-parts</a><!-- m -->
Don't worry, and iPhone is not that scary but I see what you're saying. :-)
I wouldn't use half of what it can do, so I don't have one either, but i do have an iPod touch which is playing my music when I'm traveling, plays a few simple games (so I don't need to drag along a PSP or Nintendo DS) to keep me entertained on an airplane, has a calculator build in, and a calendar application which I find quite useful.
So I own one device that can act as a throttle, and therefore I do have the throttle software too, it's just fun.
It's also fun to build something with electronics, and if you know about a plan for a DCC compatible wireless or even wired throttle, I like to know as I enjoy that aspect too :-)
Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
Here's a little (poor quality) video I shot a month ago or so, introducing my new layout under construction, two of my loco's, and the withrottle on an iPod Touch in action.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nH6OEizMfs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nH6OEizMfs</a><!-- m -->

Hope this gives you an impression on how it works.
I own no other DCC equipment. I run JMRI software on an old laptop, that is connected to the layout via a SPROGII USB interface, which is acting as a DCC basestation.
The iPod is my only throttle, but this set up works great for my small layout.

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
Sounds like a great idea to me .By using an iwhatever and not buying from the manufacturer ,Thottles etc it puts more people out of work .Great for the economy and great for model railroader. Soon no more manufacturers and no more trains to run. But hey Apple loves it . Sorry guys just my opinion . I have no use for Apple anything. MartyG
MartyG Wrote:Sounds like a great idea to me .By using an iwhatever and not buying from the manufacturer ,Thottles etc it puts more people out of work .Great for the economy and great for model railroader. Soon no more manufacturers and no more trains to run. But hey Apple loves it . Sorry guys just my opinion . I have no use for Apple anything. MartyG
I don't think we'll loose modelrailroads due to iWhatever, I am sure that takes a bit more than just that. :-)
I don't see Apple as the 'bad guys', and strangely they were the underdogs a few years back, and Microsoft was the big bully etc.
Apple has improved some aspects my life to be honest. I have a better computer that rarely (though occasionally) gives me any grief without me having to know much about how it all works, i can take my music anywhere I want, I can control my trains wirelessly and 'cheaply', without having to invest in a 'proper' DCC system for which I don't have the money at the moment, but I will get one in the future. There's nothing better than something that is dedicated to the job it needs to do. But in short it's called progress. the vinyl records (which i like) were replaced by CD's (which I also like), which are starting to get replaced somewhat by MP3 formats etc on portable music players, and can be bought online (which I also like). It all serves a purpose. I play my MP3's when I'm travelling, working out etc, and if I want to enjoy some music with a nice glass of wine, I put a CD or LP on my home HiFi system. I think the times of a iLayout, running iTrains with iDispatchers etc are still far in the future (although you can drive trains in Microsoft Train simulator on your PC... Icon_lol )
Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.namrr.blogspot.com">http://www.namrr.blogspot.com</a><!-- m -->
Jst a quick "heads up" to anyone using jmri with a Sprog and planning to up grade to more complete dcc system in the future. MRC is th eonly manufacturer that I know of who has deliberately made sure that their system won't work with jmri, sprogs, or anything else not manufactured by MRC except decoders which have to be interchangeable to get NMRA certification.
nachoman Wrote:than figure out what I can do with my I-phone (not that I even would consider having such a complicated phone in the first place!)
The iphone is really easy to use, thus the popularity. however running it with PC based hardware/software is nothing but fail.\

MartyG Wrote:By using an iwhatever and not buying from the manufacturer ,Thottles etc it puts more people out of work .
Manufacturing products is all about 1 upping the competition, only thing that needs to be said is if it's gonna put people out of work than that company needs to do something to get their part of the market back. Like lower prices.

Model Conrail

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