NCE dcc systems
Hi all, first off, HAPPY EASTER!

I am still evaluating various dcc systems, and I am still leaning towards a Lenz system. I like the look and feel, and it's used by two modelrailroad groups in my area, so the advantage of owning it myself would be to be able to bring one of my own throttles to a meet.
However, my financial situation is not great at present, and I am therefore still looking around, and recently discovered that a NCE starter system (which easily expands to a bigger system in the future) set's me back in the region of £135,- (I'm in the UK as you can tell) , or about half that of a Lenz system. I also like the way it looks, and it appears to be programming quite easily (downloaded their manual) too.
So based on that, it is certainly something I seriously considering as an alternative.
Does anyone here own an NCE system, and would you care to share your experiences here?


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Happy Easter to you too.
I am going to guess that you are talking about the NCE Power Cab starter system.
I have had one for about 3 years. One of the most user friendly systems you can get. Easy to use, layman read outs on the display. Will program sound, or any decoders with out any other devises. Easy to read manual. Good product support and the price is hard to beat. There are a couple of down sides to a Power Cab. If you have any reverse loops. There is no auto reverse module that will work with the Power Cab. Also you can not unplug the throttle and move to a different panel- when you unplug the system will shut down-all the brains are in the hand held throttle. It will not operate a DC locomotive (no decoder) on address 00 like Digitrax.
I just upgraded my system to a Smart Booster (SB3a) Now I have a 5 amp system, and use the Power Cab with a separate power supply for my USB connection for use with Decoder Pro for programming. I use the throttle of the Power Cab on the Smart Booster system. I have a reverse loop and this is why I upgraded.
Lenz is a good system, but it looks like they are sitting on there hands- NO radio- unless you use a wireless phone. The prices have gone through the roof.
Get a Power Cab for you home and if you need a Lenz throttle for club operation, just buy a Lenz throttle only for that.
Ooooo I do! I do!

I shopped around such as you are doing right now. I was actually leaning towards a MRC Prodigy Express system until I ran across the NCE Power Cab for a steal on e-bay for just over a $100 buck US. I liked the Power Cab because it came with everything you needed to get started, including a power supply, which as I found out back then not all systems came with and would require an additional purchase on top of the cost of the DCC system.

Wiring it up was idiot proof. Two wires to the track buss and you are done. This is assuming that you have an existing layout with good wiring in the first place. Misngth

I didn't like the lack of an on off switch to begin with, but this is easily achieved by plugging the power supply into a power bar that you can switch on and off.

I was a total newb when I bought this system too, and was quite grateful that it was easy to program locos and get things up and running relatively easy ad within a few minutes. I am still learning how to program CV's and how to get around the nuances of the system, which is a bit of a learning curve, however I would guess that is the same for anyone first learning about DCC systems. I like the hand held throttle, the display is easy to read and since I am starting to get into sound, I can take advantage of the short cut keys for the bell, horn, and lights. Misngth

I recently "expanded" the capacity of my layout and upgraded my Power Cab to a "Pro Cab" by purchasing the 5 amp Power House Command Station (which you can by separately as the box only, instead of purchasing the complete 5 amp Power House System.). You will need to purchase a power supply once you decide to go this route, though and in the end going this route will cost you a bit more coin, however, it shows the versatility of the Power Cab should you choose to expand in the future.

As a side bonus, the local club in my area also uses NCE, however I really don't think that should be a limiting factor on what system you should buy for your own personal layout.

Good luck which ever system you purchase, I am sure they all have their individual merits which appeal to the end user.
Yes indeed, I meant the Powercab system. :-)

Thanks for your feedback so far (any more any one? ), it really helps to read experiences of other people next to product information from manufacturers.
It does appear to be easy to program. The Lenz systems (particularly the set 90) are harder due to smaller displays and more abbreviations. I don't think they're quite sitting on their hands. They are a more conservative company that doesn't go with hypes like wireless throttles (not saying it isn't useful, I can think of circumstances where it is). They are developing next generation protocols and technologies, decoders that can keep the loco running regardless if you left a piece of masking tape on the rail etc... But bringing these to market is slow, but perhaps they want to do it right first time.
Anyway, NCE appears very attractive indeed, and I've found several companies now that offer NCE in the UK, so that's good too.
Now it's time for sound decoder prices to start dropping a bit, as adding sound to a loco is just as pricey as buying a (DC) loco (DCC ready though). You can get standard decoders for around $20 bucks now, so why can't sound decoders come down to lets say $35,- to start off. ( a basic decoder,with back EMF, an EMD diesel engine sound, a 3 chime nathan horn,1 bell, and 4 light channels would do for me) More expensive decoders can add the choice of more bells and whistles, literary :-) NCE are you reading this? :-)
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Okay I made my 'decision'.
I've been posting my question for advice here and on other groups (NMRA yahoo group for instance) and had enough feedback to make a good evaluation.

- I'm going to save up and put money aside for a NCE Powercab + a few decoders.
- I get an unexpected financial windfall that will enable me to buy a Lenz system (chances of that happening are slim I think..)

Thanks everyone!
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You wont be dissapointed with the NCE system. I was going to go for the power cab, but I managed to get a PH Pro system off eBay for dirt cheap. I have found it very easy to use, and very reliable so far, so you should have no worries.
Tom (TC) - Creator of Extremely Miniature Layouts on Disks! See Them All, and More on My Website. Latest Update: Jan '10.
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