Charlie b's layout
Dear Ed,
I have a new rule. (if I can't carry it it doesn't go in the building).
Alcos 1/87 the size of this one will, for sure, be welcome. Thumbsup
Charlie...That building looks really "railroady"....just needs a smoke jack to top it off.... Thumbsup
Been meaning to ask you...In one of the photos you posted (I think in the B&W thread...) I see what looks like Suydam's Black Bart mine. Is that the kit..? Looks great..!! I've been thinking it might serve as the "core" for a copper smelter I plan to have on the layout someday....
Gus (LC&P).
Gus, that picture was taken on a friends layout so I can't give you more information on the kit, but I have an idea that that model is over 25 years old.
It was a module that he put in his permanent pike.
Well the trim and landscape designer did some work yesterday. She does great work and works cheap too. I've still got some drilling to do.
Just to let you know, the dogs are in their "play pen" they love being out, but can't be trusted to not run. Normally they are in the house with us.

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Lookin' good.... Lookin' REAL good!
It is again and again unbelievably to me that you can build a complete house for the layout in the back yard. Amazing, just amazing Thumbsup
faraway Wrote:It is again and again unbelievably to me that you can build a complete house for the layout in the back yard. Amazing, just amazing Thumbsup
I agree! Wish I had that sort of space. Maybe I'll emigrate to the US. The UK's not doin' so well ATM Big Grin
What a way to go CharlieB.
I am going to have to get out and about more. Sorry guys, I haven't been down here for ages and have missed all the action.
Charlie you have made 99% of us here very envious, Gary S excepted,( that I know of). ...I am going away to sulk for a bit and read a few more of these threads here, then come back to see if I was dreaming.
If it is true ...then don't let your landscape artist and trim designer go before you are finished Charlie, she be too good to be paid a cheap wage, so I reckon a few roses or a box o' chocolates might be in order ( just to keep her 'till the job's finished mind.) Cheers

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
It is going to be nice if I ever get it finished. I have several other projects that have to be completed now the weather is nice. I'm building a room in the back of the attached garage for our computers, clothes dryer, and well, and I had to put in an outside door, which took 9 hours on Saturday. Thank goodness there was only 2 rows of concrete block to cut for the fit. I'm not very fond of a mason chisel. The wall is 8 inches wide, even the framed part so modifications have to be made to pre-hung doors too. Now I can finish the drywall and do the trim there. I also am going to have a small green house, and there is enough leftover material for a small garden shed for my mowers and rotor tiller. (did I mention a garden?) :mrgreen:
Then at this time of the year 2 days a week are needed to mow the grass. If you don't cut it twice a week it looks like the dickens and I try to keep the neighbors happy.
So my building project is not moving along very well.
Woah Charlie, with that huge list od "to-do's",when will you ever have time to get back to the building?
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
Well, it has been a while since I had any progress to report, and I have been very lax taking pictures, so maybe tomorrow I'll take a few more to update.
I have finished the skirting, which I did with stainless steel panels, so that I will never have to replace them.
I have the wiring roughed in, and started to insulate. I'm using 9 in R30 in the ceiling and walls (the walls are 9 inches thick), and I will have 4 baseboard heaters, 2 2000 watt and 2 1500 watt to warm up when running.
I decided to sacrifice a small corner for a workroom, so I walled off a 6 X 8 area so I would have a place to build kits in comfort.
I'm hoping to have the insulation up by Friday because I ordered the drywall for Friday morning delivery. Really not much interesting to photograph anyway.
I did get the garden tilled and planted and the grass is a real pain.
Charlie, I had been thinking about you and the building the last couple of days. Glad to see you made some progress. Now, don't ever think that your pics would be boring. I'm sure I can vouch for the majority of us in saying that we are always interested!
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
re you putting a separate heater with a separate control in the work space? There might be times when you are working in the work space and don't need to heat the entire building.
I'll just use a small electric space heater, I'm insulating it from the rest of the room with 4 inches of foam.
What a day, The dry wall was delivered and my son came to help put it away and brought my granddaughters boy friend to help (now this one is a keeper). The driver was able to set it right by the garage door, so it wasn't too hard to get inside in case of rain that is predicted. When this was done he was leaving, but said he would be back. (yea, sure 35 ) anyhow, I was puttsying around putting insulation in the side walls, and wow! Here they come. I had help until 7 PM and we made lots of headway. 2/3 of the insulation is up, and he is bringing a crew tomorrow to finish the insulation, install the vapor barrier, and drywall the ceiling,
I'll be happy to just finish the insulation and get the vapor barrier in place.
For what it is worth, here are a couple of pictures.

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