SSW Shelf Layout - You comments
Hello to all,

I am busy planning my first model railroad and have been doing extensive research. I would like some opinions on my design as I am not fully up to speed with opperational issues and do not want to design any elements that may hinder my enjoyment down the road.

I am modeling in HO, I have 2 DCC SSW GP40-2 PhII's that i would like to use for a small switching layout. My main interest is detail and the modeling aspect and really love the work of Pelle Soeborg and Lance MINDHEIM. I am also aware fo some of the members of this forum being very good at shelf layouts and details. Kurt(cnw1961) being just one.

I am looking at a prototype from Kansas City or StLouis MO or perhaps AZ or TX...Mabe California, somewhere where the SSW Cotton Belt would look at home in the mid 1990's. I like the industrial distcrict type feel as in Lances Miami model but need something that would carry the SSW feel with freight opperations only. I would like to model a cement plant, grian/flour mil/feed mill, Maybe intermodal, transloading and building materials site.

I am based in South Africa so all info and prototype info will be gained from the net.

I have had this post running on MR forum and have evolved the design to this...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ageIndex=1</a><!-- m -->


[Image: Finalv1.jpg]
And this is what I will e running on of 2...

[Image: IMG00063-20100829-1334.jpg]
First, a huge thumbs up for that loco. The weathering is wonderful. I can only hope that my locos will look that good one of these days when I make the weathering attempt.

For the layout, how big is the room?

At first glance, I like what you have done. If industrial switching is your game, you've definitely got that going! Thumbsup
Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times
I'm no pro at track planning, but an indication of the size of the grid would be helpful! If the lines are a 6" intervals and the room is 13'-6" by 15'-0" (plus the indicated 3'-0" by 1'-6" intermodal area) it looks like a decent plan. How about minimum radius for curves and turnout frog numbers? Are they really two duck-unders -- have you considered alternatives ("lift-outs," "swing-aways," or like "e-Paw" is doing elswhere on this Forum, and I have drawn in on my plan, "Roll-aways?"

Switching-wise, the potential looks pretty good! It looks like it might be fun to operate!

Oh ... and Welcome Welcome Welcome to Big Blue! I think you'll like it here! I came over as a result of an invite from a member here and rarely visit there anymore ... only when I 've read everything new here and don't want to go to bed yet!

So Welcome Welcome Welcome 2285_ Thumbsup

[My sister and her family lived in Johannesburg, SA for four years when her husband was transferred there with Ford Motor Company. They are now back in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.]

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
Hi Callum --

Umm - guess you didn't tell us your name here, but you did in the thread on MR, which I have also read, but not commented on.

I think you have a nice looking track plan there. Only thing I wonder a little about is reach to the intermodal tracks down in the lower left corner - (by a cupboard?).

SSWUPinSA Wrote:And this is what I will e running on of 2...

[Image: IMG00063-20100829-1334.jpg]

WOW... Eek I thought that was a proto photo! VERY nicely done locomotive!
Welcome Welcome
Looking at your plan, and purpose....this thought:
The track that leads from "International Paper" , down and left across what appears to be open space. Because the layout framework faces, on both sides form a about two ( yes, two ) roll around "inserts", one having a bridge across open water, the other having an "operating" car float with the docks.
With what looks like 1.1M ( about 3'-6" ) distance, the "bridge" could be used for constant running, and the car float when switching only is preferred. "duck under's".
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
By the mid 1990's "Cotton Belt" loco's would have been common all over the S.P. I don't think I would try to model an intermodal yard in your space, unless you really want to have some of the ancillary equipment used in intermodal yards. It is difficult to model an intermodal yard with only 2 tracks since all of the ones I've seen are as big as full sized classification yards. The only place that I know of with a two track intermodal yards is a shipping terminal in Long Beach where containers are taken off ships and put directly onto intermodal trains while containers off the trains are put directly onto the ship. For an inland layout, I think I would make the intermodal trains run through from staging to staging. In your space, I think I would dispense with intermodal operations entirely.
Welcome Welcome Welcome

Your plan looks very nice, but there are a few things I have to questions, First do you really need a continuous run? I would suggest just making another small staging area on the end and run trains from end to end, second What is the minimum radius for the curves and turnouts, intermodel equipment needs VERY broad curves and turnouts to function reliably. I would also suggest getting Xtrkcad and designing your plan in that, That way you can run trains on it to see if you like the operation, It will also show you if you have to tight curves, or if tracks are too close together.

And nice job on that loco! Thumbsup
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)
First off....Welcome to The Gauge.... Welcome
I know yo'll like it here....

Puddlejumper Wrote:
SSWUPinSA Wrote:And this is what I will e running on of 2...

WOW... Eek I thought that was a proto photo! VERY nicely done locomotive!

I too had to look hard to make sure it was a model (is it..??). Very nicely done... Thumbsup

I have 3 diesels in their pristine UP schemes...You make a pretty good case for getting them "dirtied up". How about a tutorial for getting them to look like that..??
Gus (LC&P).
Welcome to the Gauge! Welcome

The photo of your engine got me fooled. I did not look to closely at it, because I thought you just showed us a prototype pic of the type of engine you want to run on your layout. Superb weathering job!

I like you trackplan. This layout will give you lots of interesting structures to build and I think it will be fun to operate. I like that you have a continuous running option, something I cannot have on my layouts. Sometimes it is nice to just sit back and watch the trains go by.
Sorry Just realised I didn't include scale or sizes...

[Image: AngleRunv3.jpg]

Will get to the replies now...thank you for the comments so far...
Hi guys, Thank you so much for the great response...and kind words!

Yes, my name is Callum and sorry for that...Sometimes I'm so keen to post that I forget my manners!! Wallbang

I will post some of my other loco's and the one piece of rolling stock I have done in antother thread as I do know its not good to run two subjects in one
Thank you ALL for your comments on it though...I am new to MR and weathering but have done some plastic modeling and messed around with weathering there but jumped in all the way on these Loco's... I will be homest its not too hard, especially if you have a prototype photo to work off... Pelle Soeborg's "Done in a Day" is all I really looked at as well as a few YouTube vids...

Anyway Back to the design...

I hope you can make sense now with some dimensions!!! Was late here when I

I should say I don't have to have intermodal and I am working on an alternative to this. I will probably only build the outside(top, right and bottom) section and may build the island later... This will leave me with iether making it a running loop or not at all till later. If I do have the loop the section that crosses from Holcim to the Island will be a lift-up section as I would not want to have to duck under... I answering all the questions...

Will post some replies again now...
Okay so I couldn't are the rest of my SSW loco's and a UP AC6000 that I will run on my garage layout one day...

[Image: SSw76551.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1238.jpg]
[Image: SSw83751.jpg]
[Image: 7500.jpg]
Beautiful work there, Callum!

We expect lots of photos from you ... we want to watch you use all your tricks as you build your layout!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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