Negotiations under way...again. The wife just offered me the third garage bay, originally built to house an RV! I could probably get 200 Sq Ft out of it!
Sounds great, BTW, don't forget the tunnel. Eek
Surgery on the left eye was completed on Sep 27th, and I am now finally allowed limited access to the computer, albeit with the left eye closed and both eyes cast downwards. :?

The wife is tempting me with hints that the RV bay in the new garage could be the home of the Pandorum layout, which makes me drool a lot, which leads to shorts in the keyboard! 357

I have been purchasing additional locos and rolling stock with an eye to how they will be modified to fit into the Pandorum Line, and doing a lot of thinking about grades, turnouts and sosme really esoteric ideas for handling certain aspects of operations. Look out, Rube Goldberg!

Next appointment will be on Oct 5th, where I expect to be put on limited activity, and a month later my eyes will be re-refracted, final lenses and I will get this show on the road - meanwhile, I will try to get photos of a home in Florence - seems the owner has decorated the entire front and back yards with home-made locos and cars built by hand in roughy LGB scale! Strangest thing I have seen lately... Confusedhock:

At the moment I anm furiously trying to concieve a final trackplan for this monster that is both decent sized and realistic in terms of completion. I'm trying to reconcile grades and so forth at the moment, wiith the overall "Big Picture"! 35

Thanks for all the good wishes. The wife is doing fine, the new home is coming together, and our new town is rich in railroad and mining history! More later...
thumsup Wrote:Sounds great, BTW, don't forget the tunnel. Eek

Tunnel? :?

There's a tunnel?
For the light. Eek
thumsup Wrote:For the light. Eek

There's a LIGHT? Confusedhock:
Yeah, at the in of the tunnel Goldth

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