My N-scale still-to-be-named layout
About time that I start my own layout thread to share my progress (and lack of progress) with you all.

Maybe a bit weird but I have no name yet for my layout. Will have to put the thinking cap on to think up a good one. It is a freelance n-scale layout set in no particular place, except that considering the two locos I have are CN and CP, must be somewhere in The Great White North, Canada, eh. Thumbsup

The size is 5' x 2.5', track plan is based on the Gorre and Daphetid and it was designed to be extended on one end. It's now been moved twice in the past 10 years in the back of a truck with no major damage (a few cracks in the plaster here and there).

It's been an off-again, on-again hobby. Seems I lose interest and then I get a spurt of energy to work on it again. Reading the posts here on the Gauge is inspiring, so I thank all of you for providing inspiration for me to continue on this small layout.

I did some work last weekend on it and will post something next weekend with photos (I'll have to read up on how to add photos to my posts).

Until then happy model railroading everyone!

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
That's sometimes how it goes, needing inspiration one moment, finding the time another, and so on, but the beauty is, there is no time frame, imposed by anyone, except yourselves if YOU choose there to be one. Sometimes it helps to get something done, but more often than not, it will just conflict with other 'life plans' so to speak, so take it a step at a time, and you'll enjoy it more.

To attach pictures, when you're typing a message, scroll down a bit, and go to the section to upload an attachment, that will get that done for you, you might sometimes get the option to 'place inline', this will mean that your picture will be visible with your post, if you don't place in line, it will link to your file stored here somewhere on big blue. :-) I usually 'place inline'.

Looking forward to your piccies! :-)

Be sure to visit my model railroad blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
There has to be some great names you could pull out from your local area. The land around the BC area sure is some of the prettiest on earth.

Look forward to your pictures as the layout progresses Thumbsup !

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Welcome back Ngaugingnut !
I missed your first post back in November. Can't wait to see pics of what you've done !
"The size is 5' x 2.5', track plan is based on the Gorre and Daphetid and it was designed to be extended on one end. It's now been moved twice in the past 10 years in the back of a truck with no major damage (a few cracks in the plaster here and there)."
I know the feeling,I'm repairing the damage to my new module set after only two trips to shows. Once that is done, I have to fix "the cause".
"Big Blue", is once again "Big Blue", and a lot of the old crew is here, along with a lot of newer folk, and we seem to be doing quite well.
It's been a very long time since I had to delete anything, but I did get your duplicate post deleted
So ! once again, Welcome back, Cheers Cheers
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

As far as a name - a rose by any other name is still a rose!

You'll come up with something that fits your locale, etc. Don't sweat the small stuff!
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln
I'm not sure how it mixes with the Gorre & Daphetid track plan,
but there a a number of places in Canada where both roads operate on the same tracks.
--Fraser Canyon in BC.
--Parry Sound area in Ontario.
Both of these use one railway westbound and the other eastbound. The railways are each single track at these points and it made a bottleneck.
Cities with a Union Station. Right now I can only think of Toronto and Ottawa and this puts you back in the per-VIA era.
You could always lease one set of locos to the other railway or lease both of them to your own little short line.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Welcome to the forum, looking forward to some pics of what you have so far.

Marc,One doesn't need to name a layout..

However,things happen...In one of my photos I stated here we see a N&W GP9 #740 at Slate Creek yard..The lightbulb came on and Slate Creek Industrial Lead was born. Icon_lol

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone to the forum. It's good to see that n-scale is still very much alive (I recall reading in some old Model Railroader issues from the late sixites that "N-scale will go the way of slot car racing" and they are both very active hobbies still).

Yes, pictures would be great to post to let everyone see my progress (and lack of) - I'll find time on the weekend to post something. Saturday is supposed to be sunny, so that'll be gardening day and Sunday is supposed to rain so I'll make that my model rr day! Funny how things sometimes work out. Big Grin

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
Brakie Wrote:Marc,One doesn't need to name a layout..

However,things happen...In one of my photos I stated here we see a N&W GP9 #740 at Slate Creek yard..The lightbulb came on and Slate Creek Industrial Lead was born. Icon_lol

I can relate to that. I couldn't think of a name for my layout's fictional part of the Penn Central system..and then I thought...I have a main city called Kings why not "The Kings Port Division"?!? Smile

By the way, welcome Marc!

Here's a quick post with a few photos:






I didn't get any work done today on the layout, as it was a beautiful sunny day - worked on my pond instead. Did do some work last weekend, so I'll post those photos maybe tomorrow.

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
Hope everyone enjoyed my last post with the photos.

A project from a couple of weekends ago was to replace a section of track that was causing me issues. I had tried a few times to fix it to no avail. So, I cut the track with my Dremel, soaked the ballast with plain water and tore up the track:

Hmm, should have put up a construction sign of some sort! Eek

Here's the problem: some of the track is inside a tunnel (now don't ask me what that wire-like thing is sticking out of the tunnel portal - have no idea)    

Luckily I have an access hole to reach inside the tunnel from the side:

Okay, time to fix things so trains can run again. First we'll slide the new piece of flex into the tunnel:

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
Second part (didn't know I'm limited to 5 photos per post).

Power to the track is needed, so I removed some ties and soldered on feeders to the underside (note that this is my first ever soldering job and I only managed to melt one tie - not bad):

Discovered I need another access hole - since the "fascia" is made from cardboard, I simply used a knife to cut another hole, hinged at the bottom:

Temporarily tack the track in place, determine where to cut (yellow tape):

Once the track is cut, let's check things out - oops, we seem to have superelevation but in the wrong direction :oops:

Fixed by adding some wood shims underneath the outside rail:

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout
And finally after ballasting, it's done. Trains run much smoother through this area: Big Grin

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout

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