Scenic update for Sweethome Alabama
Jon Grant 4472 Wrote:I removed the end-scene between the layout and the fiddle yard to get some unusual photo angles of the freight house...

It was worth the trouble. Great photos!
Thanks Reinhard.

I've also been working on a few smaller details and sceniced the area around the rainwater culvert and started making a 'pad' to hold a chlorine (or propane) tank - I have several chlorine tank cars but only one to carry propane at present.

[Image: IMG_00524.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00513.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00642.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00533.JPG]

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Steamtrains Wrote:I'll bet more than a few of us had to really look hard to determine that it is a model. Unfortunately, unless you know Photoshop and other "enhancers" (which I don't... Misngth ) the blurry foreground will give it away every time....

The "blurry" foreground will appear in photos of the real world as well. It's "depth of field" and it works regardless of what you are shooting - your camera cannot tell the difference. Photoshop cannot correct it ("sharpness" in Photoshop and focus on the camera are not exactly the same thing).

Definitely some of the best modelling and photos of said models I have seen! Thumbsup Thumbsup


Great looking scenery, nicely done Thumbsup Thumbsup

I'm well acquainted with the depth of field in photography. In the "real world", at the distance and light conditions at which these shots would have been taken, there would be no depth of field issues, particularly if you use a camera which allows you to change your f-stop and shutter speed.
There is a technique for nearly eliminating the "blurriness" in model photos, take a look at Crandell's pics which regularly appear in the photo threads here. He has explained how it's done. It involves (I believe) taking various pictures at different focus settings, and then combining the results with one of the "enhancing" techniques I made reference to.
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:There is a technique for nearly eliminating the "blurriness" in model photos, take a look at Crandell's pics which regularly appear in the photo threads here. He has explained how it's done. It involves (I believe) taking various pictures at different focus settings, and then combining the results with one of the "enhancing" techniques I made reference to.

Hi Gus,

Sorry - I misunderstood your Photoshop reference. Combining the best parts of several pictures is a technique that I have little experience with as well. I thought that you were referring to depth of field - hence my attempt at an explanation. However, the photographer may not want (or indeed be able) to maximize depth of field (i.e. minimize out of focus areas) in all cases - light conditions simply may not be favourable.

I'm off to search for Crandell's explanation of his technique... Smile

The tree planting is finally complete. After a marathon tree-making session which lasted into the early hours of this morning, I had enough trees to cover the remaining areas at the back of the layout.

Here are the first photos with all the trees in place

[Image: IMG_00972.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00893.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00851.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00781.JPG]

[Image: IMG_01251.JPG]

[Image: IMG_01152.JPG]

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As well as adding the trees, I also had time to work on a few new details for the layout.

I have replaced the Hayes bumpers with piles of old ballast - the Hayes bumpers being too upmarket for a lowly branch line in rural Alabama. I still have some weeds and junk to add to the piles.

[Image: IMG_00651.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00731.JPG]

I also added some power lines to the opposite side of the tracks to the telephone lines. I have yet to decide whether or not to add the wires - previous experience showed that the lines will get knocked and the posts damaged.

[Image: IMG_00683.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00773.JPG]

[Image: IMG_00845.JPG]

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Looks Awesome,Jon...of course Smile BTW I am curious to know how you have your lighting set up on your layout?What type of lighting do you use?and how is it supported on your layout?

The reason i ask is because i plan on using shop lights 2-T12 flouresent bulbs- 4' long.With a 36" width and 45' long benchwork.I really want to stay away from the cost of having to drywall my basement,and put a drop ceiling in.

If it's not too much trouble,could you post some pics of your "lighting" setup?

Don Shriner

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