Mike - if you want a small space switcher, this was one built by a mate in O gauge - it would be about 60" x 10" in HO 2 x LH and 1 x RH switches - will stand in a cupboard Backscene could be bolted on rear, plastic mirror on end "extends" the layout. Re your preevious posting - I think your outbound loadings are a way low compared to your inbound quantities, unless you are shipping some stuff by road, or your "workers" are sampling too many of the product

[Image: cs1y.jpg]

[Image: cs2x.jpg]

[Image: cs3wm.jpg]
I love the switcher layout Jack, but I'm going with my loopdy loop for now. I may build something like yours later on. I like it. I figured that if I fold it in half to make it 28 inches by 38 inches, I wouldn't have any trouble loading it into the back of my 1995 Nissan Maxima along with a box of buildings and rolling stock.

The loadings are what I surmised from getting a marshmallow recipe from and converting it to carloads. I just figured that it would be a 50/50 split of box cars to trucks. The workers aren't testing, it's quality control Thumbsup
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Hey Ed,

So glad to se you are back and it really looks great!! I love the fact that no matter what the comment you have stayed true to what you want. My layout could be picked apart for not being prototypical but hey it's mine and I like it and thats what should count... Misngth

Good luck with the surgery and I can't wait to see soem photo's and a build starting soon...

(+1 on the CNCW Kurt comment)
Mike - as a matter of interest, would you fold "up amd over" or "sideways horizontally"? I did one for MTI called Foldingham that folds sideways and can dig it out and scan if it would help - let me know if yould like it at some point - I'd need an email address to send it to mine is chacmool at lineone dot net - the Ed did one called a "Clipboard " layout ,that locks together with a "clip" unit - I can dig that out too.
Here's the alternate version of my track plan that I originally posted Feb 9, 2010, but with some minor revisions. Thought I'd run it up the flag pole and see if any one salutes. It's still in the running for being the final version for my ISL. Yes, I know, make up your mind, Ed!     I've eliminated one separate industry (and switch), but the plan still supports all my equipment types and still has my main "desired" industries. As on the other plan, there will be a removable 6ft staging track on the left side of this plan, giving me a total length of 22 feet.

The distribution warehouse has been moved to the opposite side of the industrial lead and in its place is now a trans-load track. The trans-load track would now handle cars of lumber/building products and also includes a simple shed toward the end of the track where covered hoppers of feed, fertilizer or other commodity would be unloaded. Idea comes from a similar facility on the CN/IC in Effingham, IL, and a few other locations that I've seen.

The one main consideration for me with this plan is that by moving the warehouse to the opposite side of the main track, you will be able to see all those colorful IPD box cars when they are on spot. I like the idea of having a large structure like this on the front side of the plan, giving you more of that "concrete canyon" effect, but it does bother me at times that you can't actually see the cars on spot.

Having the one structure (Candy Mfr) at the right side of the plan and on the front edge of the shelf is less of a problem, as when you stand at the end of the shelf, you can easily see what is on spot at that industry. Including two non-rail served structures on the left side of the plan, does still provide that "concrete canyon" feel to the layout and; taking a cue from Lance Mindheim, I've included an abandoned spur to one of them, strictly for scenic effect. As with the previous plan, I have a highway overpass at the left end to separate the main layout from the staging track section.

I've been operating the other version of my plan for a while now, and though I like it overall, I may pull the track this morning and try out this version for a while to see how it suits me. Only takes me about an hour to adjust the track and pin it to the foam and then start operating it, so we'll see what happens.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Also a great plan Ed, it will have that concrete canyon effect you want but will open up the layout for a better view. I wonder if perhaps you shouldn't try both versions with full mock-ups so you get the feeling of the views and restrictions if any?
SSWUPinSA Wrote:Also a great plan Ed, it will have that concrete canyon effect you want but will open up the layout for a better view. I wonder if perhaps you shouldn't try both versions with full mock-ups so you get the feeling of the views and restrictions if any?
Hi Cal;

Well I've just finished relaying the track to match what we'll call version 2 and have edited the track plan drawing to reflect a couple of minor changes made as I relaid the track. Getting ready to have a couple of operating sessions to see how this plan works out, but just by looking at the end result, I can see that operationally, it will be about the same as Version 1 of the plan. Still have the same number of potential customers and car spots.

Not sure if I have enough material left to make some sort of mockup of the candy plant, but do have a fair representation of the food processor and warehouse at this point. Need to modify the end of the warehouse to reflect the angled portion (which added another car spot location). I'm using a shed from a Walther's grain elevator kit to duplicate the covered hopper unloading spot on the trans-load track and some empty boxes of about the correct size for the other structures. Any way, I have enough stuff on the layout to already give me a good feel for how a final version of this plan will look.

I sure wish I could find a better material to make these structure mockups than that stupid foam board I'm using! All I can find around here is either the card stock covered foam board (a bit expensive for what you get) or plain old posterboard (too flimsy). I will be ordering some 40in X 72in X .060 sheets of styrene plastic as soon as the dealer gets it back in stock, but sure don't want to waste that on mockups.

Going to go rail fanning the NS this morning and I think there is a craft store there, so will see what I can find to work with if they aren't running trains every 15 minutes and I have time to check that store before I call it day.

*** EDIT - UPDATE ***
Have operated this version of the plan a couple of times this morning and other than needing a refinement or two, it's just fine. Look's like I might need a little more selective compression on a couple of industries/tracks, but will continue test operations for a while longer before I make any more changes.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Guess there's no substitute for actually being able to operate a proposed plan! Using what I'm calling version 2 of my plan, I've had to make some changes. Swapped two industries around and shortened the spurs serving them as it just looked like the more prototypical track lengths were overpowering the layout. So here's how it looks at this point:    
A little more operational testing and possibly another minor change or two and perhaps I can finally actually start building it!
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

It sure is amazing how a few changes can really effect the whole operation of a layout!
I am glad you are being smart and playing around with things before commiting full on to your final version. I know what you mean about mockups, I was playing around with scrap cardboard, plastic sheet and tape today trying to get things to come out right. I guess if I was thinking stright I would have gone upstairs and cut into my 4 X 8 sheet of .060 styrene 35

Post some pictures of your track in place with some cars on it when ever you get things "In place"
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
mountaingoatgreg Wrote:Ed,

It sure is amazing how a few changes can really effect the whole operation of a layout!
I am glad you are being smart and playing around with things before commiting full on to your final version. I know what you mean about mockups, I was playing around with scrap cardboard, plastic sheet and tape today trying to get things to come out right. I guess if I was thinking stright I would have gone upstairs and cut into my 4 X 8 sheet of .060 styrene 35

Post some pictures of your track in place with some cars on it when ever you get things "In place"
I've more than pleased that I decided to actually pin various track arrangements in place and even make a couple of so-so mockups to see how things would work out. Far too often, what looks great on paper does not work so great when you put it down. Been down that road a few times over the years.

As for you cutting up your 4x8 sheet of .060 styrene, I'd hold off on doing that until you're going for real. And photos... well they may come along at some point, once I say "this is it" and can actually start building the new shelf and put up a backdrop. Will be a while due to the medical problems, but in the mean time, there are plenty of things I can work on to keep the juices flowing. Just need to stop these fellows like Kurt from coming up with new plans that cause me to re-think what I'm doing!
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Ed, the track plan looks fantastic. The abandoned spur is genius. What kind of equipment are you going to run?
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Mike Kieran Wrote:Ed, the track plan looks fantastic. The abandoned spur is genius. What kind of equipment are you going to run?
Well the track plan is still getting some fine tuning, but this will probably be the basic plan. Still toying with the idea of having a larger industry on the front edge of the layout and maybe eliminating the trans-load track, but this plan operates very well.

As for equipment, I alternate between using an L&N MP15dc, L&N C-420 and a yet to be painted L&N NW-2. Typical yard power for my era (late 70's to early 80's). Trains coming on to the spur will also have a caboose and a 4 man crew.         I prefer the "Rebel" gray/yellow scheme.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Nice, I always loved that L&N gray. Kato or BLI NW2?
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Ed - ref your latest trackplan. Go to Google Maps and put in "Brookwood Drive, Olympia SC", then select satelite view, and move in on the marker pin and you should be on Duval and Brookwood. You should be approximately halfway between two spur tracks running southwest/northeast. Either could be your trackplan although both spurs use three-way turnouts rather than your seperate LH/RH ones. Modelling follows prototype into multiple Inglenook layouts!
So now if you want to enlarge your layout, you could operate from between two peninsulas! And to really complicate things, follow the tracks down to the southwest to the spur that they both kick back from, and then run north turning northeast, and see the yard that parallels the spurs that you were looking at originally - You could wind up with one heck of a switching layout! in an E-shape. A friend and I found this by accident some while ago, poking about on Streetview.
Have fun
Jack, I'm missing something. The address that you gave put me in Columbia, SC.
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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