New free layout design software
Hello dear friends,

I want to introduce my freeware layout design program, called SCARM, which you can download and test from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->.
It has 50 track librarues included, lightweight and intuitive user interface, 3D view with incline feature and more.
I will appreciate any comments concerning SCARM here or by email – scarm at scarm dot info.
I was not sure where to post this topic, so I do it here - please excuse me if this is not the correct place in this forum.

from Bulgaria
I've been playing with your software for a while now, and i do enjoy it, it feels much more flexable than say RTS, and is not as tricky as Xtrakcad

I will point out though, that the flex track pieces can be trouble. Unless the flex track is perfectly straight, it will not connect with other pieces. This counts even if you add flex track as you go, then delete a section and try to put it back in. You can sorta get away with this by just "ending" the flextrack where it should connect, but that isn't ideal.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Hello Green_Elite_Cab,

Yes, you are right about difficult flex track connections. I will fix this in the next update by enabling the zoom function, while modeling flex tracks. Also I will make an option for editing connection distance tolerances, but I cannot tell you when it will be ready, because now I am working over 3D objects, like platforms, signals, buildings and so on. Hope that you and other users will enjoy the coming new features Smile

Mixy Wrote:Hello Green_Elite_Cab,

Yes, you are right about difficult flex track connections. I will fix this in the next update by enabling the zoom function, while modeling flex tracks. Also I will make an option for editing connection distance tolerances, but I cannot tell you when it will be ready, because now I am working over 3D objects, like platforms, signals, buildings and so on. Hope that you and other users will enjoy the coming new features Smile


I will admit i was a bit frustrated when i made the post, but it is still true, nothing was more frustrating than trying to connect two nearly lined up pieces Wallbang 357

Would it be possible to make it so that you can connect the flex track, and then modify the curve later, similar to how its done on the RTS?

I will say though, that i still enjoy working with it, and i think once the kinks are out it will be great. Its the only track planner i know that will let me accurately represent my layout.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:... nothing was more frustrating than trying to connect two nearly lined up pieces Wallbang 357
I agree. Zooming will solve this Wink

Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:Would it be possible to make it so that you can connect the flex track, and then modify the curve later, similar to how its done on the RTS?

The way in which SCARM works with flex-tracks is quite different than other layout programs. SCARM uses length and radii limits to ensure realistic laying of the track. At the moment, flex-tracks cannot be edited with control points or other controls, but may be I will put an option to “unlock” the track and to edit already fixed sections. I will experiment with this and if it is OK, I will add this to some of the next versions.

Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:I will say though, that i still enjoy working with it, and i think once the kinks are out it will be great. Its the only track planner i know that will let me accurately represent my layout.
Thank you - I am glad to see that SCARM is helping you Smile

Oh WOW! i didn't try the 3d featuer before, but that is AMAZING. it really helps me visualize the track. its one thing to see a bunch of lines, but another to see the track, ballasted, and KNOW that it will all fit!

This is really cool, can't wait for updates.
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Is there any chance of a Linux version of SCARM? Icon_lol
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)
Hi Justin,

Unfortunately there is no chance for Linux or Mac versions for now. Developing of SCARM and Multilanguage support cost me all me free time and I just have no more time to port and test the program to other OS platform. But in the future, everything is possible Smile

Hello again Smile

The new version 0.8.6 of SCARM is ready Smile

The most important new feature is automatic 3D terrain generation. It will allow realistic 3D representation of the layouts, which have defined heights, bridges and/or tunnels. For example, here is a simple layout with shape of the digit '8' with two stations and with predefined heights of the tracks:

[Image: 8-0.jpg]

If the tracks in the lifted middle section are set as bridge, the layout will look as follows:

[Image: 8-1.jpg]

If the tracks in the other (lowered) middle section are set as tunnel, the layout will look as follows:

[Image: 8-3.jpg]

To look through terrain, you can switch to “Wireframe” mode, using View > Terrain > Wireframe from menu bar in 3D viewing mode. To make terrain invisible, use View > Terrain > Invisible.

Quality vs. Speed of terrain generation is controlled from Tools > Settings > 3D View. It is recommended to keep Automatic setting, which is default – the program will automatically adjust quality/speed of terrain calculations according to your layout. Large layouts with complex track development will require more time for rendering of the terrain. You can turn off terrain generation if you prefer old, flat baseboard view or if terrain calculations are too slow for you.

Terrain engine will help for better visualization of multileveled layouts and is cornerstone in SCARM development, because all future 3D objects with assigned heights depend on the terrain shape. I will create terrain modeling interface so you will be able to create your own mountains and valleys in SCARM.

Hope that you will enjoy the new features – more will come soon Wink

I just downloaded SCARM. I am looking forward to testing it. I have heard some good reviews about it.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
The new version 0.9.1 of SCARM is ready Smile

Now with 2D/3D shapes and objects for representing of buildings, platforms, roads, signals and many other railway and layout related items and accessories. The enthusiasts will be able even to create the interior of the room where their layout will be standing Smile The user can easily create many things with the figures in SCARM, but there are also some items that will be unable to be shaped and I have to work more in order to solve this. However, there are some already predefined figures and objects like signals, trees and lamps and more will come in the future. Before start working with the new version, pleasе check the items, marked with “new” in the FAQ section of the documentation for explanation how to use the new features of SCARM.

There is an example layout: Download it, unzip and open in SCARM to see in details some of the new features. The following are four pics, taken from the sample layout (click to enlarge):

[Image: sl_bus-stop_sm.jpg] [Image: sl_lake-wood_sm.jpg] [Image: sl_station-front_sm.jpg] [Image: sl_station-back_sm.jpg]

Remember, that SCARM is still in beta stage of development and sometimes may not work as expected. Always create archives of your layouts and save changes in the files with incremental names (just in case) i.e. layout_1.scarm, layout_2.scarm and so on. Please report any bugs or error messages with explanation how, when and where in the program they occur and I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

Hope that all of you will like the new version of SCARM Smile

THat looks cool! i've already tinkered a little with it but i haven't done anything significant. The problem with me though, is more that i'm having "planner's block", not so much that i haven't figured it all yet. I'll keep fiddling!

ANy chance you have a "catenary" tool in the mix?
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:THat looks cool! i've already tinkered a little with it but i haven't done anything significant. The problem with me though, is more that i'm having "planner's block", not so much that i haven't figured it all yet. I'll keep fiddling!

ANy chance you have a "catenary" tool in the mix?

Yes, Catenary feature is planned and will appear in some of the future versions of SCARM Smile
After some delay I am happy to announce that the last version SCARM 0.9.16 is ready and can be downloaded as usual from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Smile

The most important new feature in this release is the ability to work with texts on the drawing plot. For now, the texts are only single-lines and without formatting, but this will be changed in the future versions of the program. There are also some new and updated libraries, including dedicated object library with some US signals and many small improvements and bugfixes. I hope that you will like the new version of SCARM Smile

I was not able to write here for a long time, because I was helping at home to my wife, carrying for our newborn Smile. But now I have little more free time and I decided to use it in collecting all my knowledge about SCARM in a recently launched SCARM Blog, which will hold all useful and interesting stuff about the program. There you will find news & updates, tips & tricks, tutorials & examples, videos & clips and everything else related to SCARM and intended to help you in your work with it. The first articles are already published and more will come soon. See them and say your opinion Smile

Meanwhile, SCARM reached v. 0.9.17 and I am continuing to work over it. Many new features will appear in the next versions and I hope that you will enjoy them Smile


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