Wire Rounder (PLEASE HELP!!!)
Fellers I need your help!

I posted this in the Hobo's Camp but talking about the weather seemed more important that acknowledging my post. Sad :? :x

Has anybody out there got an older (early 2008 or earlier) Micro Mark catalog? I am absolutely convinced that they used to offer a wire rounder tool (see link below) but it is not listed in the current catalog nor any of the holiday or winter catalogs. I emailed them and their reply was, "we don't sell one of those". Well, duh! 35 I'm not asking if you do, I'm asking if you did, and if you have any left in stock er what happened to em?

Here's what one looks like:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.artbeads.com/tool-115.html">http://www.artbeads.com/tool-115.html</a><!-- m -->

I can get one at my local craft store. Now local = 50 miles away...Michael's doesn't carry one, but Crafter's Warehouse does yet we do not get down there very often. Plus, I wanted to order a couple other things and as of tonight there's a flat rate of $5 on shipping for orders over $50. Nice.

I usually have a few old catalogs around the house in stacks of magazines or newspapers. However, during the preparations for staging our house to sell it, I, like the fool I am, discarded all but the latest couple catalogs.

So if anyone can git one of your old ones, (I know you have them scattered around!), look to find the item or product number of said tool, and send me an email containing this number, I would indeed be grateful.


I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
OK Now we know what it looks like --- Exactly what does it do?
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!
Hi Galen,

Have you tried ebay i found these results on there ....... oredered one while i was looking ... Icon_lol

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=m38&_nkw=wire+rounder+&_sacat=See-All-Categories">http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid ... Categories</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freewebs.com/upnick/">http://www.freewebs.com/upnick/</a><!-- m -->
[Image: up_xm40o.gif][Image: up_lo-1.gif][Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]
Sorry Galen....I generally keep these for a few weeks, but early 2008....No way... Nope
Gus (LC&P).
try your local machine tool company if you don't have one try on line .Jim
Galen, do you need this tool for actually rounding the cut ends of wire, or merely for removing burrs so that the wire will slip readily into pre-drilled holes? Or for something else altogether?

Wow, thanks for the replies! I'll try to answer each in turn.

Dave - it does just what it says, it rounds wire. Okay, so you probably want more than that. It's basically a deburring tool for the cut ends of stiff wire.

upnick - The site I linked to in my original post has them for $5.99 with free shipping. I may just order from them if MicroMark doesn't have any more. Part of the plea, however, is to convince MicroMark (and myself) that I really DID see one in the catalog. Okay, so there's some pride at work here.

Wayne - I was thinking it would be great for rounding wire to be soldered in brass detail parts assemblies. Then the more I thought about it, the more uses I came up with. Plus, it's a cool tool. I like cool tools, and on a limited budget I figure I'll invest in good tools in order to get the most from the raw materials I use. Sure, I suppose a needle file would do the same job, but this seems to get rave reviews from the beading sites.

Thanks again everybody for taking a look. Of course the one time I need an old catalog is the time I clean them all out. Wallbang

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
I've got one from June 11th of 2008. A quick search of related items in the index did not reveal one, however, I will take the time to flip through each page later to see if I can't find it.

EDIT: Just found another catalogue from Winter of 2005. Will look in there also.

I was going to check my stash of catalogs, do not have any that old but will look anyway. The Hobo camp was not a snub we probably did not know how to answer the question 35 now that I know what it looked like I will be on the lookout for one Thumbsup
What about a jewelry supply store? Maybe a dental supply? They both have all types of nice tools and things.
There may be other places to get it locally. I'll have to let my fingers do the walking and see what I can find...IF I can't locate the MM product #. I'd rather go through them first since I'll be making an order. That is, unless they're not going to be cooperative. I have had great customer service from them in the past, however, so I don't expect any trouble. Although you'd think they could take a minute and find out if they'd ever offered one...makes me think that maybe they didn't and maybe I'm just imagining things.

Oh well.

Sorry about the hobo thread crack...no harm intended. But youz guyz do seem to talk about the weather and food an awful lot.

Go for it, TrainNut! Lemme know what you find ASAP!

Thanks again folks!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
Sorry Galen. I painfully (no money this month) flipped through each and every page of both catalogues without finding anything resembling a wire rounder. I was pretty thorough but there is always the possiblity that I missed it.

Thanks for the efforts, and for enduring the pain. I too am familiar with this tug on the wallet pocket, only to find it bare (with a hole in the bottom) or ripped off entirely.

I, fortunately, am not in that position right now. Yesterday my church gave me a fantastic send-off that included a 'money tree'. I'd never seen such a thing. Most of it will go into savings to help with the move to the new place and living expenses until then. A small portion will be held back, however, for my hobby and my wife's craft 'needs'.

Thanks again to everyone for looking. It's unlikely that I'll get down to Vancouver, WA for a trip to the Crafter's Warehouse for a long while, especially since we're moving about 90 minutes north of here. So I think I'll go ahead and order it from the beading link in the first post of this thread.

The other stuff from MicroMark? Well, I have been eyeing the car card operation kit for some time, and I need a 1651 decoder. I've got a 1650 that I had planned on using in a Spectrum 4-6-0 (both purchased from MM some time ago) but it doesn't come with the 9 pin plug & socket, only the NMRA 8 pin plug. The 1651 is a step up, with the 9-pin already wired to the board. I need to drop it in the little Mantua Classics 0-6-0T. It's DCC ready...for a 9-pin decoder. Ah well, I'll probably always be a few steps behind the trend when it comes to electronics in the hobby.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
As long as you got to the room to have this tool good luck to you finding it Thumbsup but I see nothing special about it and my job doesn't use them (we work with small wire) so to me it would be another tool taking up space in my tool box.

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Are you absolutely sure it was Micro mark catalog? I found one for $5.99 in the Model Expo catalog Icon_lol

part # BUR261

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.modelexpo-online.com">http://www.modelexpo-online.com</a><!-- m -->


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