top 3 things you would change about your layout
We've all got things about our layouts that we wished we would have done differently. Things that we can't fix now without having to almost completely tear down and start over. So what are the top three things you would have done differently? For me:

1) My layout is 4x8, not because it is on a 4x8 sheet of plywood, but because that is the space I had left over in the room after leaving enough room for me to walk around. I didn't want to block any windows or doors, and situating the layout in the center with ample space to walk around left me with 4x8. But now I am recognizing I could have been more creative and still not blocked any windows or doors. I could have made a 4x8 with an L- shaped shelf on one end about 2' x 3' This would have greatly increased my track options, and made my layout visually and operationally more interesting.
2) Being that I have a 4x8, I had to go with 18" curves. That works fine for the narrow gauge, and for my standard gauge 36-40 foot cars and small steamers. But, I put an S-curve in the standard gauge loop so that the mainline does not parallel the edge of the layout, and the curve looks silly when running a passenger train with 60' cars. I'd much now rather have the more boring track so that the passenger train doesn't look so stupid. Changing this would be a real pain, and if I was going to go this far I would completely start over as in item #1
3) I'm wishing I had used #6 turnouts on my narrow gauge. The MDC 2-8-0s do okay because they have blind center drivers. My MDC shay barely makes it. But if I ever wanted to run a 2-8-2, I don't know if it would work so well without modification. This again is something I could change, but again I think I would pursue option #1 before I went this route.

What about you?
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1. Staging Yard! I'd like to have more hidden trains enter and leave the layout.

2. Install remote turnout controls prior to adding scenary.

3. I'd seriously consider not having any grades on my layout...maybe two unconnected levels to add visual interest but no hills that locos have to contend with.

Less track/less switches/more scenery

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Tyson Rayles Wrote:Less track/less switches/more scenery
I'm with you on this one. I should have just settled for a oval. So much easier doing the trackwork plus leaving a lot more room for scenery and structures. Wink
Don (ezdays) Day
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I really like this question, because all earlier layouts have been scrapped or sold due to different reasons...

For my Southern N scale layout, there are also some things I would like to change.

1. The trackplan at the terminus is very short. 2 or 3 cars more per train would be great.
2. The first Graham County Interchange, now abondened and replaced by a new interchange on a separate modul, is still there and I have no use for it... It's just a track to no where.
3. Atlas C55 tracks instead of Peco C55 on the main line.

But, so what - I like my layout any way and I enjoy it =)

Cheers, Gerd
1. Finish

2. Finish

3. Finish

Then I'll think about changing it...! Wink Icon_lol

And the # 1 answer is...the amount of time it takes to finish.

#2 would be the inevitable "wish I'd's" - "wish I'd done that instead of this"..."wish I'd make that bigger/smaller, etc." 8-)
Waldbahner Wrote:Hello,

2. The first Graham County Interchange, now abondened and replaced by a new interchange on a separate modul, is still there and I have no use for it... It's just a track to no where.

Cheers, Gerd

It would be a great place to set some MOW equipment or have a track gang working or put a abandoned business or use as an interchange track with another RR or

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
1. I would put some track on it.

2. I would put some scenery on it.

3. Refer to numbers 1 and 2.

(right now it is just benchwork and foam...)


This is a huge question ... basically, I wish it was 4 or 5 times larger and didn't have to use such tight 15"R curves! My current, main layout (which is HO or British 00) is only 3.5' wide by 6' long. Overall, I'm fairly pleased with it -- it's the best I can do in the small amount of space that I have. (I also have a 1x4' switching layout which is a good diversion).

I've been gradually improving what I don't like about the 3.5x6' layout. About 3 years ago, I added a sort of fiddle yard to it that will hold two trains. I've added point motors to most of my turnouts and I also added more short storage sidings on the layout's inner loop. And, just this past month, I tore out a cross-over that used two very sharp (the sharpest) turnouts -- some passenger coaches and many freight cars would derail when passing through these. I have now replaced these with medium-radius turnouts and my trains now travel through these turnouts quite smoothly. (However, in doing this, I had to remove & replace some nicely ballasted track and this caused some derailment areas, most of which I've now fixed.)

I'd also like to add even more sidings to my fiddle yard but I simply don't have the room. A possible solution might be to create or add a wall storage area (i.e. "Rail-rax") so I can simply store my locos & rolling stock nearby.
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First thing is get rid of the railroad,second would be just concentrate on the scenery,third thing is finish all of the vehicle projects I have started. Eek

Actually I think the first thing would be to raise the layout back to it's origonal height of 48".Second would be to use 1" foam over a open gridwork,third would be to wire each section before gluing the foam to the stringers.There are more but 3 was what was asked for. :mrgreen:
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
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The "Top Three" !!!!??
1- The size of my basement.
2- The size of my basement. !!
3- The size of my Nope ...... layout !!! 2285_ 2285_
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
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I usually design my ISLs as I build and therefore I find I make less mistakes and have no need to redo things.As from as switch controls I prefer manual switches.I keep my wiring simple by hooking to wires from the power pack to the track or if I need blocks then I use insulating rail joiners and Atlas Selectors.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
I'm with Andrew (MasonJar)...finish, finish, finish! Honestly there is one thing I have re-considered, I have twelve 16' staging tracks on a 24" wide section, it's a little tight for my fingers. I might re-build and go with 10 tracks.

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