Freelance 2012
@fwwrmodeler , the silos are universal silos made by Faller in Germany. They are perfect for cement etc. but I think they may be a nice decoration for a flour mill too. Have to do some piping etc. for connection.

As Reinhard said Faller kit " industriesilos" # 130476 - 2 in a pack- I got some from with no problem
Hello Reinhard,

Another great idea and nicely well done industry Thumbsup
I will have to enlarge the room of my future layout in order to add something similar Wink Big Grin
Reinhard: Great! Can I rent you?

Regards T3homas

Super job on the complex. Very complete. The road system around the buildings ties the structures together.

Thanks again for the kind words.
The ground cover has been done this morning. The entire area is a no go area until the glue has set tomorrow. I will be busy the next days. So it might take some time until the details will be added and some raw material is missing (e.g. pipes).

[Image: IMG_1310.jpg?t=1331997496]

[Image: IMG_1311.jpg?t=1331997497]

The abandoned road has be reactivated and connects the mill with the so called Walters bakery. All buildings together from one company campus.

[Image: IMG_1312.jpg?t=1331998423]
Looking at some of the roads and vegetation you have, I can't help thinking about the overall environment you'd find in a prototype area similar to your layout. It's basically the "wrong side of the tracks", which means there's a lot of non-railroad atmosphere that's also interesting. Here's some material you might want to think about incorporating:                    
That new mill is great! Honestly, it capture perfectly the feeling of a mid-sized industry. Very inspiring.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
I did proceed with some details of the mill complex.

[Image: IMG_1314.jpg?t=1332617271]

[Image: IMG_1315.jpg?t=1332617269]

[Image: IMG_1316.jpg?t=1332617269]

[Image: IMG_1318.jpg?t=1332617267]

[Image: IMG_1321.jpg?t=1332617269]

@jwb, you are so very right about the none railroad related scenery at "the wrong side of the track". I loved to do the none rail served business on my last layout with simple structures inspired by LA prototypes. I kept the area on the hatch but I had give it up in the center part (those buildings made their way to Texas) even I did cut back on switches again. It is a never ending battle to distribute the available space between scenery and tracks with track relevant structures. I will have an eye on my layout to find a spot to do some more none railroad scenery.
...and those details make an already excellent complex absoultely fabulous! (I don't ue the word "fabulous" often). Smile Thumbsup Worship
A small commercial area might be a nice contrast in the very right background corner. A LHS has a bunch of "small town USA" kits at a reasonable price. I will see if I can use them for a not to cute store front. In the mean time two store fronts of DPM Victorial Style and Twentieth Century bulk packs have been kit bashed (lowered) for first test buildings.

[Image: IMG_1323.jpg?t=1332798161]
I will have a small commercial area but the right rear corner is an optical and logical extension of the mill complex. That spot will be occupied by a newly created building in the same style as the other mill buildings are. A small shed connects it optical to the mill complex. Both will get some details and paint tomorrow.

The commercial area is planned to be a string of buildings facing to the front with a 1/2" wide residual street and replacing the shoe box and parking lot at the right foreground.

[Image: IMG_1325.jpg?t=1332881725]
Amazing! Love the new complex, it really looks good.

faraway Wrote:[Image: IMG_1314.jpg?t=1332617271]
Some paint this morning and the mill got a building to ship it's products via truck.

You might have noticed but I am fascinated by pitched roofs. That is a nice variation of shoe boxes with a touch of antique.

[Image: IMG_1328.jpg?t=1332927278]

And an overview of the entire mill complex made of nine buildings.

[Image: IMG_1329.jpg?t=1332927881]
Most impressive! Cheers Thumbsup Worship

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Are you sure this isn't a GERN facility?

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