Freelance 2012
Reinhard GREAT! Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
While the DPM building will not be the final solution I did at least the minimum to make it nice until the final Cornerstone freight house building will become available.

[Image: IMG_1358.jpg?t=1333718367]
faraway Wrote:While the DPM building will not be the final solution I did at least the minimum to make it nice until the final Cornerstone freight house building will become available.

[Image: IMG_1358.jpg?t=1333718367]

The building looks great but you have a lot of open space on that parking lot, if it were up to me i'd extend a loading dock to atleast the end of that last boxcar maybe with a canopy/over hang so you're still not blocking the background building, this way if the dock is double sided you could have trucks loading/unloading and take up some of that open space. Then add a roll-up door to that bottom right segment of the building for access to the dock with a fork lift or something. Food for thought, looks great either way though.
Rscott417 Wrote:... extend a loading dock to atleast the end of that last boxcar maybe with a canopy/over hang so you're still not blocking the background building,...
Something similar was my first intention. But I do not like the sharp contrast in quality of the warehouse in the background and the DPB building. The DPM building will be replaced therefor with the Cornerstone Hiawatha Freight House Kit (#2954, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... item=19143</a><!-- m -->). The DPM building will be a temporary placeholder for about two weeks only.
faraway Wrote:The warehouse is ready for operation. It will hold five 50' boxcars with first, third and fifth car at a loading dock.

[Image: IMG_1352.jpg?t=1333622264]


Your brick buildings look fantastic! Worship

Can you please describe how you did the mortar and black washes on the building in the back. It is very convincing and I’m not sure how to accomplish this on a massive, complex structure that has lots of window openings and relief detail.

The DPM building looks fine to me. If anything I would add some loading docks for trucks maybe as previously mentioned.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Southern Tuxedo Wrote:[... describe how you did the mortar and black washes on the building in the back....

Mark, the mortal wash is made with concrete colored (light gray) paint. Any acrylic paint will be fine. It is deluded 1:1 to have more time to work with a section with a size of about two hands.
A section is brushed with a wide brush intensive into all corners. Next is the section wiped of with a tissue paper. That should clean up 80% of the wash. All corners are still full of paint. I use two sponges. One dry and one moist to wipe the wash out of the corners, distribute it on the planes and wipe if off with the dry sponge. The deluded wash and the moist sponge will give you about 3-5 minutes per section to get the desired result. You can use a third wet sponge if you need more time.

The brown paint and the wash have a very porous texture. The black wash is therefor indian ink and water only. No alcohol etc. is required. Just apply as much layers as you like. There is no "wipe off" step due to the porous texture.
I test my wash on white paper. It should be light gray only. Apply more layers if required but do not put more ink into the water. It does not work when it becomes "paint" instead of wash.
Tyson Rayles Wrote:The DPM building looks fine to me. If anything I would add some loading docks for trucks maybe as previously mentioned.

I am thinking about a compromise. Keep the DPM building and put the Hiawatha Freight House in front as some kind of loading dock. However, I have to suspend that part of work. It is eastern and the Cornerstone kit will not arrive earlier than end of next week at best.

Thank you for the in-depth description of your technique. I was getting concerned about how I would accomplish this on a large brick structure, but with your instruction I am now confident that I can do it (after a lot of practice, of course). Cheers

All your stuff is great. I tend to like brick better. The warehouse is awesome, and the Hiawatha kit will look great with it.
MrBill, thank you.

As the works are on hold at the left side I start with the commercial strip at the right foreground. Those are the kits I robbed the rear walls from last week. So all the kits get a new rear wall made from plan brick styrene. They will not be visible and that will be good enough. There are ten "brick boxes" to be made first, painted and mortal washed. The store fronts will be individual. They are only temporary put in place to adjust the height of the upper front wall. It is my intention to model a fairly run down commercial strip with pawn shops, close shops etc. I did that never before. Let's see where I will end up Wink

[Image: IMG_1360.jpg?t=1333829105]
faraway Wrote:... start with the commercial strip at the right foreground ....

I have stopped that. It does not fit the overall character of an ISL layout and the right side would be overloaded with a commercial strip. May be the last shoe box will be replaced with an smaller and older brick building (DPM?) to match the other layout style.
faraway Wrote:and mortal washed.

I wouldn't worry about that, a true modeling wizard like you will no doubt bring these buildings back to life shortly.


steinjr Wrote:
faraway Wrote:and mortal washed.

I wouldn't worry about that, a true modeling wizard like you will no doubt bring these buildings back to life shortly.


Ups, may be I had a second sight. See my append from this morning 8:04h 357

ps. How about to reuse a simple building from 2011? That fast food restaurant on the parking lot makes that area appear much larger than it is.

[Image: IMG_1362.jpg?t=1333880176]

[Image: IMG_1365.jpg?t=1333881610]
That KFC looks good there. You do excellent work with creating totally believable scenes!


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