Charlie b's layout
Good morning group.
I had to move everything out of the east yard so I could work on the track along the backdrop. While I was on the step stool I noticed I could get some pictures at a different angle. The mains are clogged with "traffic" from the yard. Another couple of days work to finish the upper track.                
Great pictures. They show a lot of your wonderful spacious scenery.
faraway Wrote:Great pictures. They show a lot of your wonderful spacious scenery.

...AND those wonderfully looooong trains....

Green with envy... Misngth
Gus (LC&P).
Great shots Charlie---looks like Barney Secord has been visiting your neighbourhood
cn nutbar Wrote:Great shots Charlie---looks like Barney Secord has been visiting your neighbourhood

Cheers Must be: we haven't seen him around these parts for a while. Misngth Misngth

The panoramic view shows off the long trains nicely, and your backdrop is looking good, too. Thumbsup Thumbsup


Wow! I'm impressed! Those are very inspiring photos. Your layout just keeps improving.
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Charlie B,

I love seeing your updates. Your bellcrank switch throws are the epitome of awesome. I am most definitely "borrowing" that idea. Seeing your progress and workmanship is inspiring and makes me jealous. Keep up the good work my friend.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
Hello Blue
Many of you that know me know that in addition to model railroading I have a passion for dogs, especially the Samoyed. If you really want to know the story of our involvement with the breed stories are posted here. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
To continue, some of you know we lost our heart dog Taffy on New Year’s day. Our other Samoyed was in mourning and had never been alone so we adopted a little dwarf Samoyed from Buckeye Samoyed Rescue, (I am a volunteer for them) after a 10 minute attempt at fostering him.
Last week (Tuesday) we found our little girl dead in the yard. We let her out to play with Mr. Beck and Happy, an 18-month-old, that we were fostering and when we called them for breakfast and they didn't come my wife found her. I tried to revive her, but to no avail. The vet thought she had had an aneurysm. She had a bout with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever when she was 3 months old and we almost lost her then.
We rushed her to Pittsburgh to the emergency clinic and they got her stabilized and she pulled through, but I always suspected she had brain damage.
The foster went to his forever home on Saturday, which was a match made in heaven. Three children ages 10-15 and mom and dad all instantly in love with him and they have previous Sammie experience. Happy needed a home with children, not a bunch of old people.
Well, after losing two wonderful companions that's it. Mary told me if I even mentioned another dog she would kill me, so that was that. No more chances for heartbreak.
Then it hit us Sunday morning and Mr. Beck was really showing how lonely he was. He is a very vocal guy, but he quit talking, and started to lay and was unresponsive, not even eating,
I was eating lunch and my wife said: She has to be around Tootsie’s age and really need a home: I said, what are you talking about, and she replied ‘a companion for Beck”
I have a few connections so I started working the net. I found 4 that met the criteria, but one of them had all ready been adopted. The other 3 had yet to be vetted so I was waiting for vet reports when one of the members of my Samoyed group sent me an email about a breeder surrender, and a contact email address. It turned out she wasn’t the lady with the dog, but her friend was, so she forwarded my email to her friend, and I got a reply with a phone number. When I called I found out she was not the lady with the dog, but her friend was, and could her friend call me. To finish this convoluted story, her friend called and we left Monday morning to pick up the girl, So after a 1200-mile round trip we are doing what we swore we wouldn’t do.
There will always be a very empty place in our heart for Taffy and Tootsie, and we will cry for them at times, but we have always known there are these furkids in shelters that need homes so we will find room in our hearts to provide for them as long as we are able. Closing our hearts because we can’t be in pain is not the right reason. I will continue to work with rescue as long as I can too. My trains are great, but not once has one of them cuddled next to me to give me a kiss.

Looking forward to meeting the new girl on Friday, Charlie. Thumbsup

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of another pet. I do understand bringing another dog home as a companion to a mourning surviving animal. We've done that twice with cats after one died leaving the other alone. I guess we'll always have two younger than the other. Best wishes with the newest addition to your home.

Thanks Ralph.
May your pets have long lives and lots of fun and leave the trains alone. And may the PC heritage come your way and you get to see it.
Hi, Charlie B.

Sorry to hear about losing one of your beloved friends. I understand the loneiness when that happens. My cat passed away recently. She was my buddy for over 15 years and it's hard to come home from work and not be greeted by her every day and have her curl up in the recliner with me. They say it gets better but who knows.

Not to change the subject but I'm new to Big Blue. I recently discovered this thread but until today didn't have time to read all of it. I really have been intrigued by everything in the thread and have picked up a ton of new ideas. I noticed your shelves on the wall and have tried to figure out how they attach to the wall. What's the technique?

Roger Huber
I used #10 drywall screws 3 1/2 inches long, predrilling the shelves on the edge and countersinking the heads.
Hey Charlie, great going buddy. Cheers
Things sure move on when I'm not around to annoy.
You have done a power of magnificent work in the year I've been away, I am very envious of the time you must be able to commit to your layout, and you seem to have no problems in filling up all that space with buildings and scenery. I love your RR 'cause it gives the sense of distance, and looks like your trains are actually going somewhere and not just to the other side of the table. Misngth

I have a lotta threads to read between my work and living with war office and her honey do's.

..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy
Hello Everyone---when Wayne and I weren't chasing the 765,we had a chance to do some railfanning on Charlie's beautiful layout---here's some of the action

[Image: P1140277-1.jpg]

[Image: P1140272-1.jpg]

[Image: P1140267-1.jpg]

[Image: P1140004.jpg]

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