Building the Walthers N Blast Furnace ~~ Start to Finish
I had this posted on the old forum a while back when i did these buildings in N scale when i was doing N Scale Steel Mills

This one is of the Walthers Cornerstone N Scale Blast Furnace, thought you guys might like to see how i built them. So these threads will contain the building and weathering process from start to finish of each of the 3 Steel Mill buildings i did. Hope you enjoy them if you have not already seen them Misngth
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World
Here I have assembled the Furnace halfs, the Bust Pipe, the Mantle ring to the Bust Pipe, the Bell Hopper, and the Sheaves to the Sheave Rod.

[Image: Step1.jpg]

Step 2
Here I have assembled the Bell Beams and the Trolley Support. I then put the Bell Beam in place on the Trolley Supports and also glued the Sheaves and Sheave Rod in place on the top of the Trolley Supports.

[Image: Step2.jpg]

Step 3
Next I glued the Trolley Braces in (front and rear tops) and glued the Mantle Ring and Bust Pipe to the Furnace.

[Image: Step3.jpg]

Step 4
I glued the Bell Platform to the Furnace.

[Image: Step4.jpg]

Step 5
I put the pipes together but only glued in a couple spots (it says to leave the others unglued for now for later assemble. this was just a pre-assemble on how it goes together) and placed the Trolley Supports in postion, again, not glued in place yet.

[Image: Step5.jpg]
I glued the supports for the Mantle Ring to the Ring and then to the wall of the Furnace.

[Image: Step6.jpg]

Step 7
Was to glue the supports for the Bell Platform to the Platform and the Furnace

[Image: Step7.jpg]

Step 8
Glued the Bell Hopper to the top of the Furnace.

[Image: Step8.jpg]

Step 9
I glued the Trolley Supports to the Bell Platform. I noticed that the Beam Bells were in the wrong spot because the Trolley Supports would not fit because of the location of the Bell Hopper. I moved the Beam Bells to the right loccation which is right next to the Sheaves and Sheave rod.

[Image: Step9.jpg]

Step 10
I then put the top of the furnace together. I glued the Bleeder Platform to the tops of the Offtakes. Then the Bleeder Valves and Bleeder Handles were added on top of the Bleeder Platform. Next, the handrails were added around the Platform and was finished off by glueing the Platform Bracing to the top.

[Image: Step10.jpg]
Next was to glue the Offtakes to the Lower Offtakes on the Furnace. Now the Furnace is almost complete. All that needs to be done is adding the handrails around the Bell Platform and painting. The handrails will be added after they have been painted yellow. The furnace also gets a nice coat of rust brown primer. That's the next step.

[Image: Step11.jpg]

Step 12
I sprayed the Furnace with rust brown primer and the handrails have been sprayed yellow. The paint is still wet and the flash on the camera was used for the furnace so that is why they look so shinny.

[Image: Step12.jpg]

[Image: Step12-1.jpg]

Step 13
Here is the finished Furnace with yellow handrails. You can see that the color is more of a rust brown and that the railings are a real eye catcher, just what I was going for.

[Image: Step13.jpg]

[Image: Step13-1.jpg]

Step 14
I started to assemble the Hoist House and Main Furnace Building. I sprayed the brick encasements on the columns grey, they were originally a yellow brick and looked really bad.

[Image: Step14.jpg]

[Image: Step14-1.jpg]

Step 15
Added 2 of the Main Furnace Walls. I painted them an Aluminum color and I will weather the heck out of em so that they look more like if has been there for a while like the rest of the furnace.

That is Myth Busters on the TV in the backround, love that show lol

[Image: Step15.jpg]
Was to start the Cast House. This is one of the 3 support walls. Again, the brick encasement's have been sprayed grey instead of that nasty yellow!

[Image: Step16.jpg]

Step 17
Here is the finished Cast House. Next, the Upper Cast House Floor will be installed.

[Image: Step17.jpg]

[Image: Step17-1.jpg]

Step 18
Was to paint the Cast House 2nd level floor to the rust brown primer color. This was also the ugly yellow color that the brick encasement's were molded in. This pic is of it still wet, it will dry the same color as the Furnace. You can see were the molten hot steel would run along the paths to waiting hot metal cars on the tracks below.

[Image: Step18.jpg]

Step 19
Here are some pics of the Cast House Top Level Floor in it's final postion over the Cast House and Main Furnace Room. I glued the floor down and added another wall to the Main Furnace Room wall. I also added Slag Runner Roof Supports.

In the next 2 or 3 steps, you will see the main building take shape with roofs and the rest of the walls being added on

[Image: Step19.jpg]

[Image: Step19-1.jpg]

[Image: Step19-2.jpg]

[Image: Step19-3.jpg]

[Image: Step19-4.jpg]
Glued the Slag Runer Roof to the supports and the last part of the Furnace Room wall was added.

[Image: Step20.jpg]

Step 21
Glued the 2nd level Cast House walls. I also added the 2nd level Cast House Roof Supports and the end Cast House wall.

[Image: Step21.jpg]

[Image: Step21-1.jpg]

Step 22
Glued 2 of the Cast House roof pieces onto the Cast House Roof Trusses

[Image: Step22.jpg]

Step 23
Glued the remaining Cast House Roof sheets in place. The Cast House is now done. Next will be putting the Furnace on the foundation in the Main Furnace Room and the Furnace Room roof.

[Image: Step23.jpg]

Step 24
Glued the Furnace in place on the foundation of the 2nd floor Furnace room. And also one fo the Furnace Room Roof sheets was glued in place.

[Image: Step24.jpg]

[Image: Step24-1.jpg]
Glued the other Furnace Room Roof sheet on.

The Furnace and Cast House part of the Blast Furnace Building are now complete (exept for attaching the pipe at the top of the furnace and the conveyor that goes to the top of the furnace. That is later.)

[Image: Step25.jpg]

Here are some pics of the Furnace and Cast Room. Keep in mind that this whole building will get a coat of black wash and rust stains all over the roofs, tanks and pipes. This is WAY TO SHINNY for a blast furnace and is just the "undercoat"!! LOL

[Image: Step25-1.jpg]

[Image: Step25-2.jpg]

[Image: Step25-3.jpg]

[Image: Step25-4.jpg]

Step 26
Started building the next part of the Blast Furnace.

The Gas Main Supports were put in place, Elevator assembled and glued in place, the Stack Risers, Stack Breach, and the Lower Stack were assembled and glued in place. The Upper Stack was also assembled and glued in place. The foundation was also painted grey for concrete and the rest painted rust brown to match the furnace.

[Image: Step26.jpg]
Next, the Hot Blast Main Supports were gluedin place. The Clean Gas Main and the Clean Gas Feed were glued in place on the Supports.

[Image: Step27.jpg]

Step 28
Glued the 3 Stoves into place on the foundation and Lower and Upper Stove Valves were also glued to the Stoves along with the Burners and Burners Feed Pipes.

Next, the walkway will go ontop of the stoves and the Hot Blast Main will go on the top of the Supports and connected to the Stoves.

[Image: Step28.jpg]

Step 29
Glued the Precipitator tank together and connected the Precipitator Pipe to the Precipitator and the Gas Pipe. Also added the supports and glued to the foundation. Also glued the Platform Walkway to the top of the Stoves and connected it to the Elevator.

[Image: Step29.jpg]
Glued the Gas Washer Tank together and the Gas Washer Pipe to the Gas Washer and the Precipitator Tank. Glued the Washer Valve and the Washer Valve Wheel to the bottom of the Gas Washer and also glued the supports for the Gas Washer to the foundation.

[Image: Step30.jpg]

Step 31
Glued the yellow railings to the Stove Platfom.

[Image: Step31.jpg]

Step 32
Glued the Gas Collector Tank together and the Gas Collector Pipe. Glued the Gas Collector Pipe to the Gas Washer and the Gas Collector. Glued the Gas Connector Supports to the Gas Collector and to the foundation.

[Image: Step32.jpg]
I decided that I should do the first step in weathering the building while I could still reach it easily. This is the black wash step, I will use chalks and create rust marks on the sheeting. The whole building will get a coat of the black wash.

[Image: Step33.jpg]

[Image: Step33-1.jpg]

[Image: Step33-2.jpg]

[Image: Step33-3.jpg]

Step 34
The pics show the overall view of the building. The Furnace Building and the Stove Area are now glued together and the platform for the second elevator opening is now connected to the Furnace.

[Image: Step34.jpg]

[Image: Step34-1.jpg]

[Image: Step34-2.jpg]
Glued the Pipe connecting from the top of the Furnace to the Gas Collector.

[Image: Step35.jpg]

Step 36
Glued the yellow Railings in place on the upper Elevator Platform. I have to touch up the side of the Elevator. This part of the Blast Furnace is now complete. Next will be the conveyor to the top of the Furnace and the Bridge for the hopper cars to drive over.

[Image: Step36.jpg]
I had the last few steps and then they somehow got erased on my camera :censored:

So here is some pics of the finished model!! Eek Big Grin Took 33 hours to build!!!!!!!! Eek :nod:

[Image: Step37.jpg]

[Image: Step37-1.jpg]

[Image: Step37-2.jpg]

[Image: Step37-3.jpg]

[Image: Step37-4.jpg]

[Image: Step37-5.jpg]

[Image: Step37-6.jpg]

[Image: Step37-7.jpg]

[Image: Step37-8.jpg]

[Image: Step37-9.jpg]

[Image: Step37-10.jpg]

[Image: Step37-11.jpg]

[Image: Step37-12.jpg]

[Image: Step37-13.jpg]

[Image: Step37-14.jpg]

[Image: Step37-15.jpg]

[Image: Step37-16.jpg]

[Image: Step37-17.jpg]

[Image: Step37-18.jpg]
And there we have it, the Walthers Cornerstone Series N Scale Blast Furnace from start to finish Misngth
Looking good!
A question to all...Whats with the influx of interest in modeling steel mills lately?
Not that theres anything wrong with it........
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:Looking good!
A question to all...Whats with the influx of interest in modeling steel mills lately?
Not that theres anything wrong with it........

Thank you Ed Misngth

i think alot of it has to do with Walthers re-releasing and re-tooling there older steel mill series, lol, and i also think that steel modeling is just becoming more and more of a hit when it comes to modeling large industries Misngth
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World

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