Charlie b's layout
A K4/T1 double head a 32 car mail and express train toward the home stretch while a pair of E's wait for the main.    

I love that stock car train on the elevated track!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
sailormatlac Wrote:Charlie,

I love that stock car train on the elevated track!

I'm glad you like it Matt, but for some reason the cattle all run when they see it coming Icon_lol .
a baby trainmaster handles 20 loads of ore.
A mail and express train passes a local heading for the meat plants and post offices on the "other side"    
Love the black and white Charlie! Thumbsup
It is raining hard here, and has all day. Sandy is here, so here is a little video.
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Thanks to the hospital's Wi-Fi I was able to enjoy your excellent video, the still pics are very nice as well Charlie.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
That's a great shot with the "kinky" track..... Thumbsup

I laid mine using a straight edge....should'a known better :oops:
Gus (LC&P).
Some of the kinks really get exagerated with the telephoto lens but I did not want the track as straight as it is with the prototype today.  When they first worked the track in a section I remember it was pretty good, but it didn't take it long to start some weaving and deviation. Stick rail was the rule.  A lot of the old timers eyeballed the track to keep it aligned, they were there way before lasers, and did one heck of a job.  
    We did our share of aligning with lining bars and eye sight on the  KJR and it would look great until you took a picture with a telephoto. Icon_lol
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Thanks to the hospital's Wi-Fi I was able to enjoy your excellent video, the still pics are very nice as well Charlie.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Mike. Anything to help fill in the time on your road to recovery.
If you are like me there is nothing that you care to watch on television. I have gone to watching the old timers on HULU. They were made when it took talent to make a TV show, and it was funny to watch the comedians pull off things that parents would understand but you weren't embarassed to watch with your kids.
I am looking forward to more layout pictures from you, and I'm sure glad you can post.

Charlie B Wrote:
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Thanks to the hospital's Wi-Fi I was able to enjoy your excellent video, the still pics are very nice as well Charlie.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Mike. Anything to help fill in the time on your road to recovery.
If you are like me there is nothing that you care to watch on television. I have gone to watching the old timers on HULU. They were made when it took talent to make a TV show, and it was funny to watch the comedians pull off things that parents would understand but you weren't embarassed to watch with your kids.
I am looking forward to more layout pictures from you, and I'm sure glad you can post.


You're right about TV nowadays. I have access to about 130 channels (cable), but I routinely watch 4 or 5...The rest is mostly garbage... Sad
Gus (LC&P).

You're right about TV nowadays. I have access to about 130 channels (cable), but I routinely watch 4 or 5...The rest is mostly garbage... :([/quote]

I have dumped Direct TV after having it for 12 years. I just could not justify it any longer. I can get better entertainment off the local oldies channels of which I get 3 over the air in addition to 8 PBS channels that do have a couple hours a week when they are not trying to raise money.
We even have a 24/7 weather channel local and I bought a ROKU 2 that I hooked up to the TV and can get many movies and old TV shows for the 7 dollar monthly HULU subscription price, and it is there when I want it and that comes over the internet.
I posted a little more video. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->

I have started work on the team track/uptown area which will have a small coal yard where house coal is sold as well as a warehouse and a lumber yard.
The building that was a ware house had, what I believe, was an outside freight elevator. The original building was for storing pottery and straw, which was used to pack the pottery ware. There was a covered loading dock and I am betting the ware was brought on the elevator from the upper levels on the 4 wheeled carts that could be pulled right into the box cars where the ware could be packed for shipping. In the early fifties the building was converted to a very large hardware store, and they warehoused just about anything that they could turn a dollar on. On my pike they recieve everything they sell by rail Goldth

You sure have made a lot of progress in the past several months ....must be at it every day . Looking really good ! Thumbsup

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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