Bachmann GP38-2
I could not resist to toy around with the nice priced Bachmann GP38-2 DC only model.

The GP38-2 drive is as good as the GP50 drive. In fact is it the same drive with a lowered front end to fit under the low nose. I am very satisfied. It is very close to Atlas at a fraction of the price.

First text of new drive with new PCB, decoder and LED
[Image: file-29.jpg]

The shell is "very" generic. You should not expect any RR specific detail. Some details are flat wrong. Ok, there is only one GP38-2 shell tool and that makes the nice price, fair deal to me.
The dynamic breaks have been removed and the lamps moved down into the hood. I did hesitate to install correct lamps units from details west ruining the perfect paint. Instead did I drill two holes with the correct diameter and distance, painted them inside silver and filled them with Micro Kristal Clear. Not perfect but much less risk.
I am in the process to add some CN specific detail. Next will be the paint shop.
New decals for different road numbers, CN style ditch lights and bells at the front of the cab are on order.

First match of raw shell on drive
[Image: file-30.jpg]

I have a question for the Canadians:
CN did keep marker lights very long. Only very few modern units or recently repainted units have no marker light. I would need marker light units (three lamps in a row) but can not find anything at Walthers. Are they available as etched brass or simply decals? I would like to add them over the cab number boards.

ps. Yes I know, CN does not fit on my layout at all but I like the Canadian paint scheme so much.... A nice priced Bachmann engine is always good starting point for something irrational Wink
They look good. It looks like this is what you want for the markers: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Those are Bachmann drives? Wow! Wow again..Thanks for posting the photo..Wasn't exactly what I was expecting to see.

When you finish those CN units they will look great.. Thumbsup

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
Yes, those are really the low cost toy Bachmann locomotives. I think Bachmann did a great job. They are the perfect base for kit bashing. The drive is above average and you can modify the shell as you like without the fear to ruin a high cost model.

The markers have been ordered from Eric. Thank you, that is what I was looking for Thumbsup

That's it for now. The bells are really missing. Have to wait for the parts from the other side of the big pond... that will take weeks Sad

[Image: file-31.jpg]
The major issue with those Bachmann drives is they don't have flywheels. I don't know if a high-end decoder alleviates this at all.
jwb Wrote:The major issue with those Bachmann drives is they don't have flywheels. I don't know if a high-end decoder alleviates this at all.
I do use my favorite ZIMO MX630 decoder and the engine runs like silk. It is really close to Atlas.
faraway Wrote:ps. Yes I know, CN does not fit on my layout at all but I like the Canadian paint scheme so much.... A nice priced Bachmann engine is always good starting point for something irrational Wink

You can always make an excuse, looking good is close enough for a reason Icon_lol

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Your post inspired me to pull out a project and do a little more work:
This is an Atlas Trainman with CP pilots, winterization hatch, Q-fan, and Nathan horn. I need to add the bell above the cab and lower headlight still, but I have the same hesitancy that you do, as well as not wanting to get involved in converting the light bar to LEDs.
jwb Wrote:This is an Atlas Trainman with ... lower headlight still, ...converting the light bar to LEDs.

Trainman is a first class drive. I love it and prefer it if I can find a suitable shell. Btw. an Athearn GP38-2 can be modified to fit on the Trainman drive.
I made a qick scan of prototype CP GP38-2. Lots of them have the light in cab but lowering the headlight looks complicated in your case. The lamps will be in conflict with the "CP" letters or will the lamps fit between the C and the P as it is done at the prototype?
LED conversion should not be a great problem. You run DC right? Most models run with 3 Volt bulbs. Just get some LED and resistors and experiment which combinations fits in which brand best. The LED should survive testing if you start with 1500 Ohm resistors (that is good for about 16 Volt).
There are decoders made with programable momentum and that really is what the flywheels are for. Guys, both GP38'-2s look great in my book. Thumbsup
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Power pooling is less common these days, but foreign locos did get around a lot in the 1980s. I remember a photo of two GP38-2s, one Chessie and one Conrail, working as helpers on the SP Coast Route Cuesta Pass near San Luis Obispo. Especially if your Vernon layout is in its 1980s time warp, I'd run these without apology -- or MUed with a GP50!
Nice looking units. Cheers

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Catt Wrote:There are decoders made with programable momentum and that really is what the flywheels are for. Guys, both GP38'-2s look great in my book. Thumbsup

John,I recall reading a discussion about DCC and flywheels and most thought the flywheel was obsolete in DCC operation and was there for DC operation.

Of course many suggested the manufacturers remove the flywheel.
As a add on to what Reinhard said about the use of Athearn shells on the Atlas drives I will mention the Athearn GP40-2 shell can be made to fit as well..

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
The CN prototypes have unique styled ditch lights sitting on top of a very robust looking device with a hole. Is that used to lift the engine (lift rings)? How it that done? The ditch light would be damaged if you attach cables and do it with a crane.

[Image: Bildschirmfoto2012-11-11um093813.jpg]

ps. CNB engines grow well in the dry hot climate of SoCal Wink

[Image: file-33.jpg]
[Image: file-32.jpg]
Reinhard,Those Bachmann GP38-2 resembles Athearns early RTR GP38-2s.These lacked the grabs like the newer releases.

As I mention before Bachmann has my full attention and I'm planning on buying their sound equipped RS3 and GP9.

I have no complaints with my sound equipped Alco S4.

And thanks for sharing photos of your work.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!

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