Trainroom Cleanup

Nice job! How about considering taking a two week vacation to Kentucky? My basement looks like something you'd see on the A&E series "American Pickers". IT'S A MESS! Icon_lol
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
Ralph Wrote:I admire your organization. Ironically my train room is a disaster right now as I do a deconstuction/resconstruction project.

Ralph, I can do you one better. My layout room looks like a tornado went through it. I've really got to clean it.
I am impressed! My layout is a disaster area -- everything gets piled into it. I spent a few hours yesterday cleaning up my workbench and organizing it; today is the actual layout itself. I have less space than you, but more junk piled into it. I need a bigger train room.......

Detroit Connecting
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inner-city connection.
My theory is that, if your hobby room, workbench or desk is tidy and well organized, then you're not working enough or having enough fun. Nope Leave things be until they have to call in the Hazmat crew. Eek

I'm waiting until the floor under the workbench in my train room has enough stuff piled up that I've dropped, that a few of those tiny screws, springs and other small parts that I've lost over the years will come to the surface. 357 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I could never be as tidy and organized as Larry ....more power to him ....but having a cleaned up area really does make me more enthused . Spending time looking through piles of stuff seems ridiculous but I've certainly done it ....and as for dropping tiny things on the floor , there are Tichy rivets SOMEWHERE in my carpeting from when I was building my Hulett Ore Unloader . They just disappear it seems and I've been on my hands and knees with my Optivisor luck .
The somewhat organized area does give you a rejuvinated attitude towards modeling but you need a day or two to do the job . Just START in one area and start rearranging . The good news is , you'll find stuff you haven't seen for several months and were just about to go buy another ! Right ?! So cleaning and straightening SAVES YOU MONEY .

DO IT !!

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Yessir! Smile
Geez , it paid off already ! When we were going to sell the house a couple of months back , I put everything in boxes in something of an orderly fashion . There is always the last box where the remaining stuff goes , bits and pieces ...and I forgot about it . Turns out I found a 3 pack of work gloves , 3 rolls of good masking tape , hobby paints , ACC glue ....of course I would have gone out and bought this stuff AGAIN ! Nope
I've worked on the layout for 2 days now , cleaned up after myself and put the tools back ......we'll see how long that lasts Goldth Goldth

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
ORGANIZATION : According to the Sumpter250 Dictionary is defined as;

Being able to remember the last place I set down my Xacto knife, and the bottle of glue I was using. Icon_lol Icon_lol

( somewhat surprisingly, is seems to work for me :o )
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:ORGANIZATION : According to the Sumpter250 Dictionary is defined as;

Being able to remember the last place I set down my Xacto knife, and the bottle of glue I was using. Icon_lol Icon_lol

( somewhat surprisingly, is seems to work for me :o )

The way I do it is just let everything fall on the floor and then you never have to remember where anything is.... Nope The one exception to that is my Xacto knife. That usually rolls off my bench, point down and right into my thigh or foot. I just need to trace the stream of blood to find it. 35 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
and as for dropping tiny things on the floor , there are Tichy rivets SOMEWHERE in my carpeting from when I was building my Hulett Ore Unloader . They just disappear it seems and I've been on my hands and knees with my Optivisor luck .
You know why this is?

I fully believe tiny parts defy the law of gravity by spouting wings(parachute?) and land many feet away from the suppose landing zone..

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
yellowlynn Wrote:Ralph, put a bit more sawdust on the floor, spread a half dozen gallon paint cans round, and you'll be closer to mine. As far as finding things, fellas, get used to it; itnever gets better. I look and look, then wifey picks it up directly where i'm looking and hands it to me. It's kind of a regular thing for both of us.

Lynn 35

That happens to me as well....
A few days back I'm looking high and low for my tape measure, which has its designated storage spot...but is NEVER there. So I give up looking for it and sit down at the work bench, cursing my fate...until I happen to look down...There, within a few inches from my hands sits the #@#& tape....Right in the middle of an uncluttered spot on the bench....!!!! Curse
Gus (LC&P).
I hate when that happens .....I'm thinkin' ghosts ooooooooooooooo

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Gus, you probably told about the missing tape just to make me feel good Cheers I wish I could tell you it gets better, but, sorry to say, it doesn't. GET USED TO IT. At least now I know I'm not the only one that has things change into unrecognizable objects when I look for them. Welcome

Whitehouse, Tx
what we need is one of those glass boxes with the gloves that go inside of them. then, no parts would ever be lost! loosing small parts is pretty much my number one frustration, followed by crystal clear window pieces that dissappear onto the floor
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
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Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:what we need is one of those glass boxes with the gloves that go inside of them. then, no parts would ever be lost! loosing small parts is pretty much my number one frustration, followed by crystal clear window pieces that dissappear onto the floor

Just yesterday, I picked up a small clamp and one of the bright orange pads jumped off it and disappeared. Eek Now the pad is the size of a penny, and is almost florescent so I surly should be able to see it, probably even in the dark, but do you think I have a clue as to where that sucker went? Nope Yeah, if I find it, I'll find all those tiny screws and springs that I've lost over the years. 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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