What Browser do you use ?
I finally got fed up with IE on my old Win XP system and switched to Google Chrome .....so far , what a difference ! I'm not a "computer guy " , it takes me a while to catch on to anything new on the computer so I plugged along on the old IE just because . Nope

I'll try this out for a while and see how it goes .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
IE... Ewww

[Image: iebestbrowser.png]

I've been using Firefox for years on multiple platforms

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.
Generally Firefox, but some pages don't load right or load slowly, so I'll use Safari as needed.
I tried FireFox about a month ago for a couple of days . Maybe it was me but I just couldn't get it to work satisfactorily so I went back to IE ...., until now Big Grin

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Strictly Firefox. Find it to be really good and fast and the some of the add on's are very useful. I gave up on Internet Exploder some years ago. Hate the way it's integrated into the operating system and the way it looks and functions. Firefox can be modified in many ways. The latest version 17.01 seems to be really good and they are quick to fix any known bugs or issue with the browser. As for pages not loading fast or displaying properly; that's usually because the web author doesn't bother to follow proper HTML markup standards.

I tried Apple's Safari for Windows (which I understand they no longer update) and although I liked a lot of things about it, I found it would crash frequently.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
On my desktop at home which is Win 2000 I use IE6 and Firefox. On my new laptop which is Win 7 I have Chrome and IE8. I find that IE 6 and 8 works across all websites better than any of the others on average. Just my experience your milage may vary.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
[albumthumb][/albumthumb]I use Firefox most of the time on my Macs and occasionally Safari. I think I've seen Chrome on there as well but Firefox works so well I have little reason to change.
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.....and Chrome is an absolute POB to get rid of - I downloaded it by accident and went back to the standard IE browser very quickly Confusedhock:
My first browser was Netscape, and I actually paid for it in the store 35 since no one was giving any software away at that time. Then upgrades became free after Microsoft released IE. After a while Netscape took the Mozilla engine, and so I just started using Mozilla, then to Firefox when it was released. I have avoided IE at any cost, but I still have a copy of IE9, as I do Chrome, usually just for testing things like changes to Big Blue. If I need IE for a specific site, Firefox has an add-on for that. I think I had a lapse of judgment a long time ago and downloaded and used Opera for probably five minutes before I uninstalled it. :o
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I hear a lot of people talking about Firefox , not only here but elsewhere . I'm just not as well versed in all this mumbo-jumbo as you guys are .......started out with Win2k back in about 2002 and switched to XP on the professional advice of a guy on RRL forum ( Bill Loye ) and have stuck with that OS . I should probably take a look at Win 7 or 8 but can't justify the $$$ at this time .
I'll plug along with Chrome for a while and , if I run in to issues , take another look at Firefox .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I have been a longtime user of Firefox under Windows but switched to Safari because it offers excellent synchronization functions if you use iMac, iPad and iPhone in parallel.
Reinhard , when it comes to social media , they make zero money off me .....no cell phone , no Ipad , no texting , no laptop . 357 I figure my wall phone Eek got me this far in life , who cares about those other distractions . My Facebook interaction is laughably sparse .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
teejay Wrote:Reinhard , when it comes to social media , they make zero money off me .....no cell phone , no Ipad , no texting , no laptop . 357 I figure my wall phone Eek got me this far in life , who cares about those other distractions . My Facebook interaction is laughably sparse .

Now, the iPhone runs the navigation software TomTom and some other useful tools. e.g. doing railroad photos in Vernon, CA. That is really very hand.
The iPad is very important because of you! Whenever my back makes pain sitting in front of my PC (iMac) reading your appends I move to the living room rest by back on the couch and process seamless reading you appends on my iPad. Without my iPad I would miss your appends in the living room 357 Just in case you feal bad now Worship Worship Worship

Facebook is really a tricky story. I did simply hate it and did not use it intentionally. The bad news is that during the last year lots of information has moved from forum etc. into Facebook. That does not change my general disclaimer but I got a well hidden account and participate mostly as a reader only. One well known example is Atlas. They moved lots of information into Facebook and closed their forum. There is a BNSF group with good information and the Conrail historic group is also very useful in Facebook. I am not happy about that but it is the really.
faraway Wrote:
teejay Wrote:Reinhard , when it comes to social media , they make zero money off me .....no cell phone , no Ipad , no texting , no laptop . 357 I figure my wall phone Eek got me this far in life , who cares about those other distractions . My Facebook interaction is laughably sparse .

Now, the iPhone runs the navigation software TomTom and some other useful tools. e.g. doing railroad photos in Vernon, CA. That is really very hand.
The iPad is very important because of you! Whenever my back makes pain sitting in front of my PC (iMac) reading your appends I move to the living room rest by back on the couch and process seamless reading you appends on my iPad. Without my iPad I would miss your appends in the living room 357 Just in case you feal bad now Worship Worship Worship

Geeze, and there was the time I thought I was at the top of the tech heap by having a laptop. 357 You're telling me there are other devices now that gets you access to the Internet, takes pictures and lets you read books, messages and other things? :o Now I understand why the email I get from my son says. "Sent from my iPhone". Icon_lol Icon_lol

Wow, someday they'll invent a small, hand-held, device you carry around and can actually talk to someone. You would think they'd have that by now, but all I see are kids walking along and pushing buttons on something in their hand. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: Can you imagine, running Firefox, IE9 and Win8 on those devices, watching TV and movies and not be able to talk to anyone because they're phones that are bigger than then an old CRT television set. 357 357
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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