My "Southern Rwy & Graham County RR" layout
Both new structures are good looking! They are made from wood kits right?
Both buildings look very nice Gerd. A little sidenote, don't know in you care or not but there are no concrete driveways/roads around industrial buildings in these parts, to expensive. Everything is either asphalt or gravel. There are a handful of concrete loading docks but that's it.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Hello Mike,

thanks for this hint. I like the concrete look and will use this one for my layout. I was looking for some variety too.

Reinhard : The small garage like structure is laser cut paper kit, the other one is laser cut wood.

Cheers, Gerd
Good morning,

this week, I've three evening to work on my layout.
First session was yesterday and I finished the scenery on the bridge segment. I added some grass, trees and bushes. I also planted telephone poles and some fences. Once the side boards are painted, the module is finished.

[Image: Bridge_9.jpg]

[Image: Bridge_10.jpg]

Tomorrow I'll go ahead with the scenery on woods furniture. This will take some more time due to all the details around the structures and the stores interior.

Cheers, Gerd
Well, here're some photos of Woods furniture making good progress. The scene inside and around the store is missing and some more details parts.
This evening, I'll so ahead to start the backdrops for this module.

[Image: land_3.jpg]

[Image: land_4.jpg]

[Image: land_5.jpg]

[Image: land_6.jpg]

Cheers, Gerd
Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup


Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Cheers
greeting from the blade city Solingen / gruß aus der Klingenstadt Solingen


Scale Z and N
Thanks :-)
You have a nice balance between open space, trackage and structures.
Thanks Reinhard,

meanwhile, I connected all modules and the first trains rolled through the new landscape. I really like the look of the scenery here.
The next couple of weeks, I'll be busy to prepare everything for the big indoor live steam meet, so progress on the N-scale layout will be slower until mid of January I guess.

Bye, Gerd

Today I finished the second riding car and made 6 pairs of wheel stops for the live steam railroad.
Now I'm ready for the show in 2 weeks and can spend some times on the smaller scale earlier as expected.

I started to paint the module boxes and the backdrop for the new module. I look forward to get the paint jobs done within the next days and will show you new photos when all modules are back in place (Actually, the layout is taken appart for better access). So stay tuned - there'll be an update with photos soon...

Bye, Gerd
Well, the new year is there and also the second phase of my home layout.
Yesterday, I set the whole layout up again and made some movie clips.

You can watch them on YouTube -> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

The last remaining topic is the scenery around the store. But now the major part of phase 2 is done. I'll start with the 3rd phase during February I guess with many more photos. This last phase includes 4 new modules representing the GCRR division up to Robbinsville.

Happy new Year, Gerd

Well, here're some photos of the nearly finished module "Woods Furniture"

[Image: WF_1.jpg]

[Image: WF_2i.jpg] [Image: WF_3i.jpg] [Image: WF_4i.jpg]

I also made some kind of panorama view of the Southern Division.

Once the live steam event next week is over, I can start with the carpenters work on the new modules.

Cheers, Gerd

Attached Files Image(s)
Great looking modules! Have fun at steam weekend!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Good morning,

the last couple days, I completed my rollling stock and added a GP38, GP18 and a better SD9, all equipped with DCC.
I now that the SD-units where not used on the Murphs Branch by the Southern, but I like to have a 6-axle diesel loco in my fleet.

[Image: GP18_I.jpg] [Image: SD_9i.jpg] [Image: GP38i.jpg]

Meanwhile I collected a couple of structures for Robbinsville and I'll start with the assembling this week. I bought the plywood for the first two modules "GCRR-Yard" and "Tallulah Creek" as well, but it's still to cold (and to messy) in the workshops to get started with the modul boxes. But I hope for better weather and some spare time the next weeks to clean up the workshop and finally get started with the GCRR-division. All in all, there are 5 new modules planed for this extension.

Cheers, Gerd

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