NY&A Flushing Avenue
I've scrapped my plans for the New York Cross Harbor based 2nd Avenue project. I decided to go with a present day Flushing Avenue module instead. I some what lost interest in the 2nd Ave module (not the railroad itself, just this particular plan). Flushing Ave has a main line running through a warehouse like 2nd Ave but with a more interesting crossing with the signals and the bridge that crosses over the lower/express lanes. This is what the crossing looks like.

[Image: Flushingave.jpg]
[Image: Flushingave2.jpg]

I've ordered some material that will get me started and would like to get over to the crossing to take some pics to get better idea of the area instead of just the google images. I got my New York & Atlantic MP15AC today and finally got it programmed and running. I hope this project takes off and eventually do a whole Bushwick Branch layout but I don't want to get ahead of myself yet and see how this turns out first.
That sure is an interesting place to run a train. I have been fughting the urge to model some downtown switching in Portland Or. but so far have resisted the urge.

I sure would hate to derail in that area...not a lot of room for error in re-railing cars.
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg

That is a fascinating scene! Looking forward to seeing your model version!
I like all the nooks and crannies of a downtown layout scene ....Flushing Avenue .......wonder if it crosses Toilet Street or Crapper Crescent ?? Goldth

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Rscott417 Wrote:[Image: Flushingave.jpg]

Its a bit worrying that I knew exactly where that first pics was of, despite never having even visited the US! Good choice tho
Tim David
It looks like I ordered too many things from too many different websites, I have 3 emails regarding back orders with just prices and no description. It may take me some time to sort out everything as they get delivered Nope
Very interesting. It's fun when you can find a real street scene where you can find many railroad aspect (bridge, signal, street running, warehouse) that can be easy built into a module without unrealistic compromises. I'm actually in the process of doing something similar in spirit.

What is the approximative size of your module?

Back orders... It's one reason why I try to scratchbuilt and kitbash as much as possible. I hate to wait because I tend to quicky lose my drive while working on a project.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/
Its going to be 4 feet wide and I havnt decided on the depth yet, im going to have an additional 4 feet of track on removable shelves on both sides so that I can run a train through the entire scene and keep it compact when im not using it.

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