Scrap gons
Here is some scrap gons I"ve been working on !! ex BN now JETX 023, EX CP RAIL now ZVBX 10101 & BNSF 512043

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They've seen some miles!!

I especially like the third one which seems very realistic to me. Thumbsup
You could even use mismatched trucks ...the repair shop got them back to work fast and looks didn't count . Nice work ! You can vary the scrap metal loads , almost for free , using wood shavings from a pencil sharpener ....if they are curled , all the better . I lightly spray them with grey , silver , rust ...what have you . Try it , you'll be surprised .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Those are some beat to heck gons!! Good work!

Model Conrail

PM me to get a hold of me.

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