I've Got the MRR Blahs !
Damn ! I just can't seem to get in to the groove on my layout as of late . I've started a new job a couple of months ago in the RV and trailer business ....much more enjoyable than the car business of 20+ years , but weather related ......as in folks don't shop for RV's when freezing their butts off in unseasonably COLD weather ....but it's not bad , considering . Just can't seem to get back to my layout much ? What's the answer ??? Eek Misngth

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
John Allen reported that he, too, sometimes didn't feel that much interest. It happens to all of us. A new job may be interesting enough that you don't need the change of pace ... yet.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

If you find the answer, please let me know. Have had the MRR blues for a couple of months now myself. After being involved for almost a year with another project that kept me from doing practically any work on the layout, I just can't seem to get fired up about working on the layout or even playing around with other ideas for it. Guess we just need something inspiring to get us going again.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
I have many different projects going on on my layout, but when I hit a snag on one thing it puts a wrench in the gears of all the projects. I have been in that position for several weeks, along with the typical end the darned long winter blahs that should have been over a month ago.
I can force myself to work on the layout, but I need some sunshine on my body to put some sunshine in my soul. Goldth
I agree that this happens to most of us. Usually something rekindles my interest or else an idea will strike me that makes me want to get into it again. I think it's best not to be concerned about those times. The hobby will always be there when I feel like coming back. Sometimes other things take priority, or maybe we just need a break to avoid wearing it out.
I too have a case of "modeling blahs" and I haven't done much modeling or attended many club meetings during the past few weeks and yesterday I half heartly walked through our train show...I didn't even bother to operate yesterday and left around noon.I did manage to find 4 cars I been looking for though.

Summerset Ry

Make Safety your first thought, Not your last!  Safety First!
So do I some times and I enjoy the freedom to suspend a hobby whenever I like to do so. One of the biggest advantages of a hobby vs. the "real world" Thumbsup
It's mainly a problem for me at the end of winter every year. I've been inside all winter and my interests move to putting in the garden, going fishing or doing a little hiking now that the weather has gotten halfway decent. Happens every year.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Think what I really need is to get out walking and biking again . The weather has been uber-crappy for weeks and weeks but I can't complain too much since other Forum members living up near Toronto are getting it even worse ...snow and ice this late in the year .I'll accept the rain and wind ...just won't walk in it .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Just a little secret, but frequently I'll enter a challenge here just to get me off my butt and getting something done on or for my layout. Just like the current Get Off Your Duff Challenge. I got two things done this time that I should have finished a long time ago, but it got me out of my rut for now.
Maybe what we need are more challenges.... sooooo, if anyone has any suggestions for the next challenge, just let me know. Welcome Maybe it'll get a lot of us away from those MRR blahs. :ugeek: :ugeek:
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
You may be right , Don , but in the past when I entered challenges over on RRL it got me off on a tangent where I was only interested in the challenge ! Sorta like one step forward and two steps back as far as my ( then steel mill ) layout was concerned .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
teejay Wrote:You may be right , Don , but in the past when I entered challenges over on RRL it got me off on a tangent where I was only interested in the challenge ! Sorta like one step forward and two steps back as far as my ( then steel mill ) layout was concerned .


Yeah, I hear where you're coming from, but some of our challenges, like the one we are running right now, are wide open. You can pick any project you want, the challenge is to finish it on time. If it weren't for these challenges though, I'm sure I wouldn't have done nearly as much as I have on working on my layout.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Yeah makes sense if I pick a subject matter that pertains to the layout ( duh ) ....I'll give it a look . Thumbsup

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I tend to have this problem at the end of winter. The weather is beautiful, it's time to be outside. I want to go riding on my old John Deere 3 speed bicycle, perhaps ride the rail trails that have been built in the area. Plus yard work, gardening, getting the boat ready for the season, etc. I have been in a modeling lull anyway since the Metropolitan Fuel & Aggregate trestle got built, I lost my drive. I still have another trestle to build at that industry, but can't seem to get into it. There is also the money issue, I have much larger item that I want to buy, a 1950's Ford or Chevy pickup. I need to save for that, so for now I am only working on low-buck builds for the MRR. I am sure come late fall I will have another modeling streak but for now I will just take a break.

So you can see judging from all these replies, you are definitely not alone.

Heck, my doldrum periods are longer than my active periods! Weather is certainly the biggest reason, once it finally got into the 50's and 60's I just had to be outside after a winter indoors. I was working at a good pace on my overpass scene not too long ago, and got to the point where I needed to make some trees. Couldn't get myself to start on them. Weather got nice and I haven't been downstairs for weeks now. Once it gets unbearably hot, I'll take refuge down there and get to work on those trees!

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