Bachmann EZ Track System , Anyone use it ?
We are just curious as the system looks pretty well made and seems to have quite a few parts available.
Any thoughts?

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Mike & Robin
Besides it looks like crap, cost twice what flex costs and is very limited on curve radius, nope no thoughts at all.


That said all sectional track looks very unrealistic and with sectional you have a lot more joints (connections) then you do with flex which comes in approx. 3 foot lengths. Every joint is a potential derailment or lost electrical connection.

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I actually think it is an improvement over non-roadbed sectional track in most instances where one would use sectional track. It works better for temporary layouts, such as Christmas time. It's better for children (and adults) who are likely to change their track plan. It's also good for those who are bad at tracklaying or have physical limitations that make layout construction difficult.

i think most modelers will eventually use flextrack, but for those just starting out I think the EZ-track is a good product. It can be glued down and ballasted just like sectional track to make it more permanent.
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I think Running Bear uses it on his layout.

We have some on my wife's layout, used for the On30 bits, but we are less concerned with appearance.
It is useful if you want a test track that can be hung on the wall between uses. It is messy if you need to take out a section for whatever reason.
I have heard that the turnouts are not as good as they could be.
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