Music Videos
Just wondering you guys listen to music videos much ? Is You Tube the only site for such music or am I missing something else ? I was just listening to Dire Straits - Money for Nothing , in live concert with Sting , Eric Clapton , Phil Collins et al , and I sort of surf around You Tube for my other favourite artists , from time to time ....everyone else do the same ?

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Nope, but then I don't have broadband. If I did I don't think I would as I usually find music distracting (meaning it distracts me from what I'm trying to do) and most anything made since the 70's is not to my taste anyway.

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
I loved my MTV back in the 80's but I don't surf for music videos now on Youtube unless I hear about something interesting in particular. I seem to listen to Public Radio most of the time while driving in my car, preferring news talk over music on the radio....OMG, I've become my Dad! Eek Goldth
Definitely. I even found Man O' War's Warriors of the World. Great song and video (Warhammer compilation). I'll use YouTube in my classroom from time to time. My juniors are doing a multi-genre research paper, so I played the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald -- it has actual news broadcasts mixed in along with pics of the crew and family, and footage of the Fitz. Great example for this paper. Couldn't have done it without YouTube!

Detroit Connecting
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I gotta agree with Mike. I doubt that there is anything on YouTube that I'd want to watch in the way of a music video. To be sure, I don't even like watching news videos on Foxnews so some that Kim Kamando sends me. No, if I want music, I'm happy with our collection of CD's, Montavonti, Percy Faith, Joni James, ABBA and Ray Conniff are a few that I listen to when I think about it. I'm not sure I would find them on YouTube, especially since I have their CD's. To me, a computer is good for doing things that you can't do simply any other way. Streaming TV shows and movies are other things that just don't strike me as something I want to do either, even though I have the bandwidth.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
"even though I have the bandwidth"

Yeah Don, go ahead and flaunt it !!!!!!! Curse


Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
You still on " rabbit ears " down there , Mike ?......put some tin foil on 'em . Icon_lol Icon_lol

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
I go to YouTubewhenever a song comes into my head I want to hear. Generally I can find it, listen to it, and then shut it down till I think of something else. Every once in a while I use it for a "How to" on computers I know nothing about. 50% of the time I find something out.

Whitehouse, Tx
YouTube is rapidly sinking under the weight of copywrite restrictions, people withdrawing their posts and advertising. I used to use qiute a it, but have barely touched it in the last six to eight months.

It is rapidly being replaced the by purchase-as-you-go-and-own-it sites such as iTunes.
I guess , I didn't explain my use very clearly ....I look up old concerts and sessions on my favourite artists , mostly from the 60-70-80 era .......rock , jazz , some classical . The newer concerts featuring these old artists are good too , even if most can't sing like they used to . You Tube does provide this , but with the odd copyright hiccup ( the squabble within ToTo comes to mind ) . The sound from the computer isn't the greatest ...maybe I'll look into some add on speakers .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.
Tyson Rayles Wrote:"even though I have the bandwidth"

Yeah Don, go ahead and flaunt it !!!!!!! Curse


I'd rather not. You see, my ISP kept upping the bandwidth without my even knowing and now I find I've been paying the price. About the only thing I need it when MS sends a Window update of about 200 gig, Eek but no movies, no videos and no music. So now that I know what's going on, I'm going to ask my ISP to downgrade my connection, which will still be faster than dial-up. Thumbsup ... Sorry about that MIke, but I'm not happy having to pay for it just because they want it that way... Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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