The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good morning. It's 70° with 89% humidity. The high will be 92°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg][Image: cond20.jpg]

Not much going on here. Cable internet was down this morning so I fired up the Apple and played another round of Starfleet1. I won but toward the end there it was turning into a nail biter. I only had to get one more ship. I had already disabled it and was attempting to capture it. Four capture attempts had failed, an enemy agent was on board the Galactica committing sabotage, a cloaked ship was zipping around the quadrant taking pot shots at me and my marines were taking a royal beating. One screen from that is displayed below. I eventually stopped the enemy agent, outsmarted the cloaked vessel and captured the disabled vessel thereby winning the battle and getting one mission closer to promotion. I've been a captain for 20+ years, it's time for a change.

Plans for today. At this point there are none but that's always subject to change. I might be making a run to the bank later but that depends on how cooperative my van wants to be.

[Image: DSCN4299.jpg]

[Image: P1011444.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

It's 72 with a sunny start to the day. High is supposed to be in the low 80s.

Yesterday was a fairly quiet day until late afternoon. We got the trains out and were sitting on the patio when we got invaded. Our neighbors are celebrating their 60th anniversary this weekend and all seven kids were home with their families. One of the grandkids noticed the train and before you could say boo we had a yard full of people, young and old. Had a pleasant time catching up with the kids we watched grow up.

Then we met the new temporary neighbors. They are using an empty rental property across the street until the first of August when they close on their new home. They are moving here from Florida and have never seen snow. Where they are from (Merritt Island) it rarely got below 40. Sounds to me like they've got a few treats in store for them.

Nothing planned for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Realized after I posted that today is Sunday. No bank run. In other news, I struggled through another Starfleet1 mission and got myself promoted the Commodore and was awarded the Alliance Defense Medal. I've made it to level seven! I'm so getting my butt kicked next time!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
RB: - I never had the patience to play that game much Big Grin Big Grin Now that i see that screen, I remember playing it Smile

Tom: You'll have to teach the new neighbors how to drive in the snow!!! Icon_lol
I thought that worked the other way around - People move From Iowa To Florida!! Goldth Goldth
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Good Morning Blue
We have a sunny 80 it's gonna get kinda warm this week.
After cutting the grass yesterday, we spent the afternoon and evening at our daughters house for a birthday party.
Got home in time to chat with Brutus for awhile. No train news today.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning all, well, it's almost noon here so I can image it's mid-afternoon by now for a lot of you. I hate to keep picking on the weather people, but all this week they have forecast as much as a 60% chance of rain, except for today, which they say has a 0% chance.....Uh, guess what it's doing outside right now? Yup, raining pretty hard Eek , for a while anyway. Boy, if most people were that wrong and that often in their jobs, I doubt that they'd have one for very long. Nope

Can you see it now, "I know boss that I said there would be a 0% change of failure with this thingy that we're building, but how was I suppose to know that it would blow up like that????" :o "Well, my friend", said the boss, "there's a 0% chance that you'll have a job here tomorrow and you can take that to the bank!!!!" That conversation would take place anywhere in the world, except the weather forecast dept. 35

It's gone now, but it was 10 minutes of unexpected bliss. Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
ngauger Wrote:RB: - I never had the patience to play that game much Big Grin Big Grin Now that i see that screen, I remember playing it Smile
Yeah, it was quite a common game back in the day. I helped sell quite a lot of them. I think I have around half a dozen copies here but I have only one Officer's Manual. That's the only thing I don't like about it. The manual is required just to open the game as it needs a code word from a particular line on a particular page and that code word changes each time the game is started. One time it could be word three of line five on page five, next time it could be word four of line three on page eighteen or it could be word two of line six on page forty, etc, etc, etc. I've circled some throughout the years but certainly not enough.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Got promoted to Commodore in my Starfleet1 game today and things got much harder. Just when I figured I had it easy I found myself in a quadrant with five enemy ships. I was just starting to get the upper hand when a cloaked enemy ship showed up and life got much more interesting. I won but it was very close.

Went out to dinner at KFC with my father and step-mother this afternoon. Everything went well.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

[Image: DSCN4309.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2465.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Couldn't get to sleep so I played a bit of pinball. I almost caught up to my high score. 29,842,000. I was only 160,000 shy. Starfleet1 is next. More strategy required there.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
Sunny and 77, going into the 90s today.
No train news yesterday, I just played lazy.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good morning. It's 73° with 94% humidity. The high will be 88°.
[Image: condmc-1.jpg][Image: cond50.jpg]

Looks like things are getting ugly south of here. Storms are moving off the gulf and intensifying as they move inland. Problem is they're moving right in my direction. Right now the bad stuff is passing by on the west side of the Texas line. But the radar is showing me more bad stuff moving up and it's on THIS side of the state line! There's a lot of red and yellow in those radar pictures and all of a sudden I don't want to be here.

Played a game of Starfleet1 late last night and very nearly got my head handed to me! Five minutes in I found a group of four enemy ships in a quadrant that gave them no star systems to hide behind. An attackers dream! Naturally jumped in with a torpedo attack which to my amazement they all avoided then surrounded me and things went south from there. I got two of them but my shields had taken a severe beating. Before I could reset them a cloaked ship popped up and breached the shields and took out phaser control and auxiliary engines. I had minimal shield power, main power was drained and I couldn't maneuver or fight back. So I ran! I limped across five quadrants and lost my sensors in an ion storm before I almost tripped over a starbase where I could resupply and make repairs. Then I went back and taught those guys the error of their ways. I just managed to squeak through and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. I think I'll try another mission today. I can already hear the crew. Oh crap! Here we go again!

Sometime today I'll see if I can get into town to make a bank deposit. That all depends on the weather and how cooperative my van wants to be.

[Image: DSCN4310.jpg]

[Image: DSCN2465.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning all day 4 of job will start on back on 2nd shift today and tomorrow as I work on Sunday 1st shift this week. 3 day work weeks are cool won't get rich but it is an income and pleanty of spare time the rest of the week. Just 2 more days of training then they will put in on my own to sink or swim.

No new train news here as of yet today. Other than the rumor is that Lionel in the not so distant future will bring back a good portion of production the the United States. 2285_ 2285_ 2285_

Computer wise have not had any time (or willingness to check out my add on Apple IIe drive yet) but did download 3 older computer emulators programs one for the Ti 99 4A just have not figured out how to save basic programs yet, also Have the Commodore 64 emulator that is a freebie version which only lets you use a small portion of your screen where as the paid version has full screen and a lot more game files included and have not gotten around to the 3rd on which is an Apple IIe emulator.

RB, I have an old text adventure for the apple IIe that is star trek based on the Kobayashi maru(Spelling error?) test made famous in star trek lore as the test that Kirk cheated on at the academy.
AF350 Wrote:RB, I have an old text adventure for the apple IIe that is star trek based on the Kobayashi maru(Spelling error?) test made famous in star trek lore as the test that Kirk cheated on at the academy.
I don't think I've ever tackled that one. I have one though for The Promethean Prophecy.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I didn't have to drive into town to make my bank deposit. My father was going in to fill the gas cans for the tractors so I got a ride with him. When we got back home we were lifting the cans out of the truck bed (smallest one is five gallons) when I used my best Howard Cosell imitation to say " Welcome people to this years Iron Man competition. The first two contestants you see are engaged in our newest event. Competitive gas can lifting'. I lifted a five gallon one out and when it was at about shoulder height I lost my balance for a moment and did the only thing I could do. I plopped down on the ground and also let one off, loudly! Continuing in the Howard Cosell format I said 'And contestant number one is disqualified! The object is to lift gas, not vent gas!'. By this time my father was laughing so hard he had to lean against the truck to keep from falling over. I continued. 'Oh and contestant number two is DQ'd as well. No outside support is allowed'. We both had a good laugh at that one.
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Greetings, gang.

It's a partly cloudy 88 degrees with 55% humidity. Needless to say the air conditioner has been started after several days of fresh air. It will probably remain on for the rest of the week.

We've been out shopping all day. My wife needed some new clothes for our upcoming vacation..(What wife doesn't?) While we were in one store my wife found a pair of walking shorts that she liked and wanted a second pair. I told here fine but be sure to try those on also. Another woman in the store turned around, took one look at me, and said "Listen to him, honey. He's very smart...for a man." My wife and I are still laughing over that.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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