The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
Good Morning Blue
The temp is 84, going into the 90s. Humidity feels like 200.
As much as I love summer this weather makes it difficult for this old guy to breath out there.
I do find something to do each day so I can be out for a little while though.
Nothing new from the train store.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Morning from CA. Packed and ready to go to airport. Fly out around noon PDT. 5 hours non-stop to Charlotte. A short hope to RDU. Good to be going home but had a great time in CA.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning everyone, here we are at hump day. Some look forward to it being closer to the weekend, others, like myself, wonder where the week has gone. Icon_lol

50% chance of rain yesterday as we watched them track a storm heading our way from the north. I haven't a clue where it went since we didn't see a drop of rain all day. Today there's suppose to be a 60% chance of rain, but so far this "monsoon" season, we've only seen two short showers that only lasted a few minutes each. I don't know how the rest of you stand the high humidity, but it's 51% here right now and 87 degrees out, and that's really tough to handle for us. Confusedhock:
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Found out this morning that tomorrows doctor visit will be a consultation only! Curse :x :evil: Wallbang Another waste of time! How many times do they have to look at a foot to know that it's past time to get rid of it?
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I got couple of things done today at least. I got some laundry done. I updated the virus protection on the computer I keep at my fathers place and I did a little work on Apple IIe #1. Yes, it's all refurbished electronically and mechanically but the case still looks thirty years old. I was able to clean it up a little and get a start on filling in some ding marks. I also super-glued closed a crack in one side of the case. Now the crack can't even be seen. And I used the expensive professional stuff, not the cheap crap that comes in those itty-bitty use 'em once and they're done tubes that Wally-World sells. Once I get the case scrubbed down I can recoat it so it'll look like new. It's the least the old machine deserves for holding together through all the punishment I've put it through over the years. It's got scratches, dings, tobacco smoke stains, some writing, old tape adhesive. All that is going to go away and it'll look like the same computer I pulled out of the box in 1982. Is it worth it? I asked an old collector of antique Ford's that question about an Edsel Ranger he was restoring to original condition. I'll give you the exact answer he gave me. It is to me and that's all that counts.

Well that's all for today. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have not one but two doctors appointments to go to. I have to be ready to go at 8am so that means getting up at 5am.

Have a good night everyone and a better day tomorrow.

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[Image: DSCN4336.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good evening all.

Was a very hot muggy day and is still hot right now. The day started with an early morning appointment followed by two long naps this afternoon.Will not know until Friday what my work schedule will be for the next week.

Found a pair of steel toed sneakers at Wal-Mart(will save the boots for winter if I am still working there then).

Been too tired to do much with trains lately, off the rest of the week so maybe tomorrow I will work on some stuff.
Greetings, gang.

It's sunny and 73 degrees already at 7 AM with an expected high of 96 for today.

Absolutely nothing accomplished yesterday. It was a goof off day for both of us. Today we need to journey to the attic to get the suitcases down for our pending trip to Michigan. We're leaving Sunday and will be gone for three weeks. On the plus side one of the places we'll be seeing is Niagara Falls. On the minus side we'll be spending time with the in-laws and my wife's sister and her husband, including time in a camper.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning. It's 72° with 98% humidity. The high will be 96° but will feel like 110°.
[Image: pcloudy-1.jpg][Image: cond30.jpg]

I'm almost ready for my trip to Oakdale so I have some time to play with. Today's gonna be a hot one. Glad I won't be out working in it. We'll stop at McD's for breakfast then head out for Oakdale. First appointment is at the clinic at 11am. Second is at the hospital with the surgeon at 12:30pm. I have a list of every med I use, when, how much, how many times a day, etc. Hopefully that answers all their questions on the meds. Now if they tell me they can't do anything on what Medicaid pays, there might be some trouble at that hospital. We've gone to a lot of trouble to find this guy because many say he can do what needs to be done for what Medicaid pays. The next closest place I know of is LSU in Shreveport and that's over 120 miles one way. With my transportation issues and no ride there it might as well be on the moon. So hopefully today we'll get all the positive answers we need.

[Image: gmorn1.jpg]

[Image: DSCN4346.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good Morning Blue
The temp is a muggy 86, going into the 90s again today.
Granny and I talked about going to Niagara Falls about a week ago, but without passports it's a long way around to NY state. And since we have been there it was a thumbs down idea. Too bad though the Canadian side of the falls is very nice. Not much going on here till the humidity goes down on Saturday. We do go out some during the day but not for long periods of time..No train news, I guess everybody that can is staying in.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Home and at Town Hall. A little "jet laggy". Busy day. Later
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good morning folks, glad you made it back safe Chief. I guess we no longer have the corner on the high heat market. Most of the country is in a heat wave right now, any you have my sympathy. Triple-digit temps are bad enough, but with high humidity, that has to be unbearable. Our humidity is high for here, but it's our dew point that makes the difference. We're pushing 60 degrees for a dew point, typical for our monsoon, or rainy season. The only thing wrong with that, is that we've been bypassed by rain for most of the season. Yesterday's 50% chance put us on the wrong end of that 50%. I'm sure if I took our vehicles to the car wash, that would be the deciding factor whether we got rain or not. 35
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Evening Blue. Nothing happening here in the southern Carolinia. Just relaxing. Chief glad you got back safe and sound. I got my first pack of people in yesterday and I put people in 3 of my passenger cars. will add pics at the end of this. Well still will be waiting a while to find out about this job I'm trying for at the V.A.

Well thats about all going on here

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[Image: MyTrains682.jpg]

[Image: MyTrains681.jpg]

WARNING This veteran is medicated for your protection

visit my web page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Cars look good RT.

Had a good day on the doctors appointments today. Long waits in both cases. First doctor just wanted to examine my left foot as I have a couple of small ulcers on it due to a worn out shoe. If you're thinking just buy a new shoe it's not that easy. I have to have my shoes made and that takes a long while. Visit with the second doctor was more productive. He studied my right foot from all angles and wondered how it wasn't making my life difficult yet. I told him it was making my life extremely difficult and it was only a matter of time before it gets really bad. He agrees that the only thing for it is to get rid of it. He asked how soon I want it removed and I asked him how soon he can do it. He'll have to get my medical records from my doctor and see what prep work has to be done. I may have to go through another nuclear stress test to see how strong my heart is first. I told him I had one a year or two ago. Things are starting to move and maybe within a month I'll be rid of this thing. We wrapped things up there and headed back home. Stopped at KFC for dinner. It was late afternoon by then. Went to Wal-Mart from there to get a few things. Couldn't find a good cart at one end of the store so had to go to the other end. By then I was hurting pretty bad. Found a good cart and got my bit of shopping done. Got home and was just glad to be able to relax.

Well time for me to call it quits for now. My neck, back and hips are giving me quite a bit of pain. We also have thunderstorms moving in so I think I'll just call it a day.

[Image: P1011216.jpg]
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
RB, glad to hear that you're finally going to get some relief. Keep us posted, our prayers and best wishes are for you.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good evening all,

Slept most of the day today and stayed inside most of the day as well.

Paid some bills, balanced book and fixed a minor glitch on computer all seems well now.

Did find a good pair of steel toed shoes(sneakers)they fit and are comfortable and are not as clunky as the boots. Will not know until Friday what next week's schedule is.

Sorry to hear about your foot situation, I try to keep my feet in a well cared for condition being diabetic I am always checking my feet for blisters and non healing sores.


People really bring passenger cars to life especially in the larger scales Thumbsup

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