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Sumpter250 Wrote:The government's " Do Not Call List " is a sad, sad, joke. Icon_lol
Amen Brother! Worship We've got every phone number we have on the "No Call List" and we are bombarded with calls. Several each day. Any 800 type numbers or numbers that have invalid exchanges like Area-000-Number we just ignore. I gather these places have some sort of computer program that generates fake numbers that can't be traced to their origin, so it does no good to report the calls. There is also some sort of loophole where they are permitted to call you (usually while you're eating supper) if they claim to be a charity of some sort. The few times we've been tricked into answering such a call, we simply tell them we don't do anything over the phone, including promises to donate money when they say "Can we mail you such and such?". Of course that doesn't deter them from continuing to call you over and over and ...
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"
My feeling is that the DNC list was effective for a few years, until they realized 1) they are unlikely to ever get caught and prosecuted; 2) there are loopholes.

I'm thinking that one loophole may be when you sign up for something or order something, such as the shoppers card at your local supermarket. Somewhere in the fine print you may be authorizing them to call you for solicitation or research purposes, or authorizing them to give your phone number to someone else.
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nachoman Wrote:My feeling is that the DNC list was effective for a few years, until they realized 1) they are unlikely to ever get caught and prosecuted; 2) there are loopholes.

I'm thinking that one loophole may be when you sign up for something or order something, such as the shoppers card at your local supermarket. Somewhere in the fine print you may be authorizing them to call you for solicitation or research purposes, or authorizing them to give your phone number to someone else.

The loophole is that you automatically give any business that you've done business with, or have contacted for any reason, the right to call you, unless you tell them not to. No fine printed needed, although it may be there just as a protection. It's an "opt-out" world rather than an "opt-in" one. But as you say, once they realized that there's no one enforcing the law, they went wild.

Others that don't have to ask you are:
  • Politicians (big surprise there :o )
    Survey takers
    Government agencies
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Remember this: It is not rude to just hang up. You didn't ask them to call.
Charlie B Wrote:Remember this: It is not rude to just hang up. You didn't ask them to call.

And, for the same reason, it's not "rude" to unleash a string of "intensely horrid profanity". if they are going to "open the book", they deserve whatever is "written on the pages". Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Big Grin Big Grin
Maybe if they could know that I was retired U.S. Navy, they would think twice before calling. Icon_twisted
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Sumpter250 Wrote:And, for the same reason, it's not "rude" to unleash a string of "intensely horrid profanity". if they are going to "open the book", they deserve whatever is "written on the pages". Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Big Grin Big Grin
Maybe if they could know that I was retired U.S. Navy, they would think twice before calling. Icon_twisted

One day I got a call from "Rachel" and just waited until instructed to "press 1". I did and when the guy came on the line I politely, (well, kinda sorta Icon_twisted), asked him how I could get off his f-in' call list. He told me that since I swore at him, I'd stay on the list forever... which I would have anyway. Wallbang

Another time I did tell the woman that responded to "press 1" that we had an illness in the house (we did) and the calls were very disturbing. She said she'd take care of it and the Rachel calls stopped for a while, but started up again a few months later. At least we had peace for a little while... Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Easy,I push one then after a live person answers I blast them with supposed Bigfoot howls and yelps for several minutes. I don't think they can hang up because they never call back.

Summerset Ry

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