the next module will be finished during the next week I guess. Yesterday, I got the last kind of trees, that was missing to continue the forrest on the new module.
It's the new Graham County Junction module. Once this one is done, I'll rebuild the old junction module into a ballast loading spur. I know, that there was no ballast loading in this area, but I like this idea and can run some more hopper and gondolas.
I'm also very inspired by your photos, especially the one where the rails run parallel to the street. I'll build a curved module next and maybe I can model a scene like yours on my layout.
I'll update my photo thread, when the new module is finished.
Just be on the lookout for those "pickers" from "Antique Archeology" ( American Pickers, the show ). They might be interested in some of those signs on the side of the "Trading Post" .
.......and, yes, even I have to stop and think, this is N scale :o :o . Great detail, all around !!
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Yeah, all that and especially the trees. Those shots give everything real depth and in some cases, seclusion. Something that is very hard to achieve in any scale. Fantastic, as always...
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
As a fellow Nscaler...I'm super impressed. That's really some great work. Really nicely done!
Including the "Bait" in the store sign is a great touch. We have a store just like that one somewhat near our home...not the best kept, needs a coat of paint, hardly any windows, and sells small grocery items - including fishing poles and live bait. I'm glad to see not every store is a big corporate food chain...that there's still some mom and pop's out there.
Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Thanks Don! Nothing says Appalachia better than trees of course (even though it's a pain to make a bizzilion of em' )!
Mark thank you for the kind words. I used a Blair Line kit for that store and it had to be a Mom and Pop because the chains hadn't made it into the back country in the 60's, which is one of many reasons why I model that time period and place.
Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
you thread comes a little bit to late for me. I find so many ideas and inspiration while watching your photos that I could torn down parts of my layout and do it all new. :oops:
But don't worry, I wan't do so 8-)
For example, the view of the rails running parallel to the street is one good sample that I like a lot, but missed on my layout. I hope to get such a scene modeled on my curved module.