The G&M railroad is on the road
Yes, your road....Just so you know, we are now ready to launch the Greenwich and Meridian Railroad. Our own Catt created the concept for the G&M so as to have an international, or global railway, each person can decorate their cars and layouts in a manner that they see fit, but we’d prefer that you at least use the logos that are pertinent to your era. As for car numbers, ngauger will be listing the scheme that we think will work best.

We have created this sub-forum for anything and everything to do with the G&M railroads and how they operate throughout the world. We want you to show us what you’ve done. We can also discuss other aspects of this global railway including interchanges, deliveries and routing of cars. The idea is that we are one big railroad that spans the continents. We can route a car full of bananas from Brazil to Chicago or auto parts from Asia to Detroit. We can ship lumber from Seattle directly to Tokyo, or even coffee beans from Manila to Toronto, there is no limit to where the G&M goes, we're just not sure what route it will take to get there. Hey look, if we can have a Eurotunnel, we surly can have one that goes under the Atlantic and another under the Pacific. Icon_lol

We have uploaded several sheets of logos for you in three different eras, early (late 1800-1930), mid (1930’s to 1990’s) and late (1990’s to today). These are a combination of several logos that were submitted and voted best in a recent logo contest. There are three sheets dedicated to HO and two for N and Z scale. These contain logos for all eras and have varying sizes for different applications. There is one additional sheet, this one is a style sheet and gives you example of how different locos or cars look. The two colors, off-red and sand, are colors that you can use if you want to match our color scheme, but use your own imagination for your part of this railroad. Links to each of the sheets with an explanation can be found in the next post.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
The following links will take you to jpg's of the logos for the G&M railroad for you to download and make decals or just to print. Note that these sheets are running from around 750K to around 1.2 meg. Each sheet should print out as an 81/2 x 11 sheet. All logo sheets have both all solid colors for those printing with a standard color printer, and partial clear or white, for those that are using clear decal paper and want the background color to show through, or are using white decal paper or an Alps printer.

The following three sheets dedicated to HO scale:
The following two sheets are for N and Z scale. These contain logos for all eras and have varying sizes for different applications.

There is one additional sheet, this one is a style sheet and gives you example of how different locos or cars look. The two colors, off-red and sand, are colors that you can use if you want to match our color scheme, but use your own imagination for your part of this railroad.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Now that you can see the artwork you'll need to number your engines and rolling stock Big Grin

The Official G&M numbering system is explained here.
The reporting marks are GMRR and the numbers:

123456 - 7

1 - the first digit represents the type of car:

(1) Standard boxcar

(2) Hi-cube boxcar

(3) Passenger Car

(4) Reefer (ice or machanical)

(5) Flat car

(6) Gondola ( standard fixed end ,drop end,coal,woodchip)

(7) Hopper

(8) Tank Car

(9) for all others including cabooses and MOW equipment.

2345 - the middle four digits would be individual member's ID number with leading “0”’s - which can be found by hovering the mouse over a member’s name and noting the number at the bottom of your browser at the very end of the link. (It is the last 2, 3 or 4 digits after the “=” sign.). If you can't see the link - then click on your name and when the next screen opens, you will see the link with the "=" at the end of the link.

6 - the last digit in the grouping of 6, is for the car number for each individual. This “digit” can be any number or letter giving everyone the ability to have 36 identical cars 0 to 9 and A to Z

7 - the number after the hyphen relates to the type of loads that the car will normally carry. This gives a huge amount of combinations so that no members will have identical numbered cars.

(1) Grain

(2) Sand

(3) Plastic Pellets

(4) Flammable Liquid

(5) Livestock

(6) Dry Goods

(7) Frozen Items

(8) Produce

(9) Fruits / Vegetables

(0) All other loads

Car numbers with the G&M designation and herald that are made and used by individuals need to contain their member’s ID as described above and shall be their responsibility to keep track of these numbers.

So, once you get your car or engine lettered and decaled and numbered.
Post your pictures in this thread:
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~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???
Just one more thing, if anyone has some specific needs regarding these sheets of logos, let me know and I can put together some custom sheets. I know how it is to run a full sheet of decal paper only to use a few of them. I can also customize the sizes, like maybe someone wants some specific logos in O or G scale, or they want more of one type of logo, I will do that so no one walks away because they don't have what they need.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I found it,now I just got to remember it is here. Eek
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
All right! Time to dig out the decal paper!
Well I guess I better get that Dash 9 finished and painted. :mrgreen: Good thing I have some Accurail covered hoppers and boxcars that are data only.
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Is this Railroad dead?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Check it out
Quote:Is this Railroad dead?

No Les, just a very sound sleeper. :mrgreen:
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"

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