Logging Locos, Logging Track Plan, Logging Mill, Mainline Pick-up
What if I had a logging pond next to the sawmill down at the base of my peninsula, and I was running moderately short logging trains out to the tip of the peninsula. And I abandoned my original idea of a small turntable at the the tip of the peninsula, and accepted the general practice that the logging locos/trains could just back up in reverse down the mountain to the sawmill (down the peninsula)

Now here is the question. Could I have a visible track that would permit viewing the empty train going out the peninsula, and a loaded train backing down the peninsula. Then have an invisible track that would move the trains in the opposite direction, when they were not performing their task correctly (ie, loaded train going out, empty train coming back). The invisible track would be hidden in the scenery to carry those politically incorrect trains undefined to their 'staging points'. Perhaps 2 waiting tracks by the pond, and 2 out the peninsula??

Messages In This Thread
Gallows Style Turntable - by railandsail - 07-27-2019, 12:44 PM
Bridge Across Log Pond - by railandsail - 07-27-2019, 12:49 PM
Train Movements / Track Planing, problem to solve - by railandsail - 07-27-2019, 01:00 PM
15"radius vs 18" radius - by railandsail - 10-09-2019, 07:34 AM

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