Branchline Heavyweight coaches in CN and CP
Well the Cn car is now caught up with the two Cp cars:

It's considerably more complicated with the stripes on the car body and the roof(not shown) represented as decals as well as the letter boards, car number and the CNR crests near the ends. It's taken a couple hours to get this one done and ready for clear coating. 
I repainted a Rapido sleeper a couple years ago but forgot how I laid the stripe decals and found I was making the same mistakes all over again. After some learning (or re-learning) I remembered that it was best to soak the strip decals until they were ready to fall off the backing paper. Then I could use tweezers to remove the entire long decal and place it. It seems if you try any other way the decal breaks into several parts as you try to remove it from the backing.

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RE: Branchline Heavyweight coaches in CN and CP - by cnrglen - 12-24-2021, 09:50 PM

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