Branchline Heavyweight coaches in CN and CP
You're right, Glen, those long stripes can be difficult to apply, but the extra soaking does help somewhat.

I don't recall when or where I bought this undecorated Bachmann Skyview Lounge....


I did paint it, but put it aside for some other projects.

I later returned to working on it, but trying to put striping on a car with corrugated sides was more difficult than I had expected...


...and I eventually resorted to a combination decal stripes in short portions and brush-painted ones.  I had planned to use masking tape, in order to airbrush the stripes, but it was at least as difficult as applying the decals on the corrugations.  I eventually did get the job done, but I am somewhat disappointed that I couldn't do better.


It's too modern for my layout, but suitable for a good friend's layout, who was the intended recipient when I first bought it so many years ago.


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RE: Branchline Heavyweight coaches in CN and CP - by doctorwayne - 12-25-2021, 01:31 AM

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