Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works
It was 'painting day' today. Starting with the main walls:

I used a fairly stiff flat brush to apply the Ceramcoat Drizzle gray to the walls. I didn't go for an entire coat of paint as I wanted the A&I stain to show through in places.


Then it was time to add the signage to the front. There are two painting masks/templates included in the kit.

You can simply paint the masks and glue them to the front of the building as your signs, or you can use them as templates. I chose the former. The masks have small 'nicks' on the short edges for marking where the black stripes will go, as well as positioning them later to add the white lettering.


I first tested the masking template out on a scrap piece of basswood before trying the real thing. The instructions are set up for those that don't have an airbrush and would have to brush paint, but I airbrushed both the black strip and the lettering.


and the finished sign. The key to airbrushing with the template is very thin coats and trying to hold the airbrush far enough away from the target that the paint is almas dry before it lands.
I used Polly-S tarnished black and Vallejo Off-white for the signs. I'll be using Folk-art vintage white for any trim that will be hand painted.

While I had the Off-white in the airbrush, I painted all the windows and doors. 
This is where I'm going to hit pause for a little bit. A kit that I've been waiting for has showed up and I have to finish it before Christmas.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Schaake Machine Works - by cnrglen - 12-04-2022, 05:42 PM

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