Interaction Hobbies Christmas tree dealer kit
I finished the model last night. 

The longest part of the build seemed to be assembling all the windows but they look great when finished. I stained the floor in a natural pine and painted the edges in white.


The build up of the walls was pretty straightforward, with the exception of the cupola front and rear wall. Those took a bit of sanding and fitting to make them go where I wanted them to. The three roof pieces are made from resin board and need to be curved before assembly. I used a small pill bottle to work the curve into them.


I did have a problem with a gap between the roof and side walls. I think this was my mistake as I didn't sand the tops of the inner and outer walls flush and the inner walls were pushing the roof up.
So I used some scale 2X4 as trim to hide the gap.


and the finished product. There is a fair amount of detail included like the  roof joists under the eves and two different doors for the side counter (I used the side folding ones.) There were also three laser-cut Christmas trees in the kit. You might notice that I didn't add the sign. That's because This one is going to a friend for his Christmas present. He'll choose what he wants on the sign.
With the signage in the kit you can have the shack as either the tree farm or a coffee shop. 

Darryl sent me two kits so this one is going to my friend, the second is going to go to my wife's Christmas display. I learned a few things by building the first one so I can improve the second one.

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RE: Interaction Hobbies Christmas tree dealer kit - by cnrglen - 12-10-2022, 02:58 PM

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