04-16-2024, 09:14 PM
Well I colored the walls over the past couple days:
I started with staining the outer walls with an alcohol and india ink stain to weather it.
Then I brush painted the walls with Depot Buff. Not enough to fully cover the staining in places. I want the look of a weathered industrial building.
I also took some time and airbrushed all the windows and doors in Boxcar red.
A painted wall with the doors and windows loosely fitted. I wasn't completely sold on the color choice I had made at first. I had briefly considered just airbrushing all the walls in boxcar red to match the windows.
I started with staining the outer walls with an alcohol and india ink stain to weather it.
Then I brush painted the walls with Depot Buff. Not enough to fully cover the staining in places. I want the look of a weathered industrial building.
I also took some time and airbrushed all the windows and doors in Boxcar red.
A painted wall with the doors and windows loosely fitted. I wasn't completely sold on the color choice I had made at first. I had briefly considered just airbrushing all the walls in boxcar red to match the windows.