Does anyone know when the Mayan Apocalypse is happening?
MountainMan Wrote:Now you just have to survive the Doomsday Asteroid Scenario, The Yellowstone Scenario and the Mega-Tsunami Scenario...oh, yeah...and the plague. Big Grin

Of the above choices, there is one that justifiably warrants concern. The Yellowstone Caldera. This is a "Super volcano", and it is due for another eruption. It's not going to stay quiet for ever. No matter what survives, or does not survive, the world will be a different place, after that one goes"bang".
We're working on ways to deflect "Near Earth Objects" that may impact us, They would be the most likely cause of a "Mega-tsunami", and we do know a lot more about medicine, so "Plague", isn't quite as frightening. I guess the big question will be, " is there enough firewood left after Yellowstone pops its cork, to outlast the global winter caused by the blanket of volcanic dust in the air, that will block the suns light, and freeze the Earth.

Oh! You forgot about the possible super coronal mass ejection that will strip the Earth's atmosphere completely away.....
Warm blooded oxygen breathers won't survive that one !! Eek Eek Eek Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_twisted

- - - and then, there is that Super Black hole, in the adjoining space time continuum, that will cross into ours, and devour our entire "universe". Icon_twisted 357 Icon_twisted Icon_twisted

- - - and finally, the greatest "natural disaster of all time " - - - - The Congress of The United States of America !!!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
Happy New Year :oops: :o Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Quote:- - - and then, there is that Super Black hole, in the adjoining space time continuum, that will cross into ours, and devour our entire "universe". Icon_twisted 357 Icon_twisted Icon_twisted

I vote for the black hole..... Oh, I was assuming that we had a choice and I'm not really in favor of a tsunami or any of the others. Besides, a venture into some space-time continuum sounds interesting. 2285_ Maybe we could wind up back in time before everyone was walking around with a cell phone in their ear or text messaging as see what it would be like to actually have a conversation in person with someone for a change. :cry: It might also be neat to know what our forefathers really intended when they drafted the first ten amendments to the Constitution. :o
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
I really have my heart set on Zombies.
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
As in the opening chapter of 'A Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy' where earth has to be bulldozed out of the way to make space for some intergalactic super highway, I'm voting for a similar scenario, but one for a new intergalactic railway, one that runs huge steamers and big tunnelmotor freights of course..

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We were watching something last night that I recorded a while back about our place in the universe. They were saying that the earth may be blown away in some 3.5 million years (they were pretty precise on that) because of some star that may explode in the next million year, or may have exploded already (they weren't too sure about this though). This does kind of put me on edge and I wonder just how we need to defend against this. My theory is that someone someday before 3.5 million years from now, will screw up royally and cause the earth to crack in half like an egg. The molten center will then spill out like the yolk, and then, and only then will we really know what happened to Arne Saknussem and how he got to the center of the earth... Icon_lol Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Mike Kieran Wrote:Does anyone know when the Mayan Apocalypse is today. I'm trying to decide if I should print out some private road name decals. P.S. I also got a set of Woodsville Terminal stickers and I'm going to attempt to print a set of Greenwich and Meridian decals for an IPD box car..

I thought you were planning on robbing your local train/hobby shop, get those locos you always wanted but couldn't afford and run them on your layout until, the Mayans were proven right, or the cops knock on your door, in which case you chant mayan songs etc to have a believable excuse, if that fails, don't pick up that soap..... 357

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Is that because I am from Brooklyn? :mrgreen:
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.
Quote : - - and finally, the greatest "natural disaster of all time " - - - - The Congress of The United States of America !!!!!!!
Happy New Year

Sorry , thats not a NATURAL DISASTER we actually voted to have those guys -- Several times in some cases~!!
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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