Charlie b's layout
Personal connections on your layout mean a lot.My Leetown Division was named after my late Mom and other additions include Peter's Corner ,Christopher's Landing and my GERN Bowyer Mine.The James St. and Mary St. terminals also have family connections and one of my pullman passenger cars is named after my wife/financer Sharon E.Boyd.Last but not least Doctor Wayne's Clinic is located in downtown Leetown.
It has taken over a week to do, but about 3 hours total actual work including figuring how to do it. I bought 50 red pre-wired LED's and made the markers from them and used a 3mm warm white led for the interior lighting. Having DCC I used 150k resistors to dim the lights a little and made wipers for the Intermountain wheel sets. I have more to do and I hope I get better with each one. It would not have been hard at all if the cabooses hadn't been built.     Charlie
Nice effect, Charlie! Applause Thumbsup Thumbsup Applause

Great work Charlie! Thumbsup I just mailed 6 N scale cabooses for you to do. My next op session is in two weeks so please hurry! Goldth

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Tyson Rayles Wrote:Great work Charlie! Thumbsup I just mailed 6 N scale cabooses for you to do. My next op session is in two weeks so please hurry! Goldth
Sadly they were so small they got lost in the mail...both ways.. Icon_lol
No problem I just sent 6 more! I got an endless supply of the little suckers! Icon_lol

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
Just a few pictures  to update the thread.                                
Nice, good to see someone is making progress!

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
It's always a treat to see some action on the Wilderson Division
(09-29-2018, 06:31 AM)cn nutbar Wrote: It's always a treat to see some action on the Wilderson Division

I agree!  Your Kiski boxcar looks great, too, Charlie.

Thumbsup Thumbsup train Thumbsup Thumbsup
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  
Big Grin 
Starting off the New Year working on a building I started two years ago. It is a trucking company garage based on a trucking company that was in my hometown (East Liverpool,Ohio)       .
My son and his lady friend were over and helped me clean and organize the train room so I was in the mood to get my little cubby hole organized. Now I have room to work and I have been repairing some cars as well as finishing up some trucks and autos for the street population. I am hoping I can really get back into it and get things done. I know it will never be done but I at least want it well along before this summer comes along. 
It looks as if you've already got a good start on it, Charlie. 

I really need to get to work on my layout, too...too many half-done projects, both on and off the layout.

That is my problem too, too many half-dones so I am trying to complete them before I forget how they go together.
More added today. Cut piece fit...I think I could build the full scale one faster and neater and I can't even say mortar mix.  I will have a lot of filling to do The building is 60x100 feet. It was a victim of consolidation in 1981 or so.       Charlie

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