The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

19 this morning with some light flurries and a predicted high in the mid 20s.

Quiet day yesterday. Went to the gym. Then got invited to grandson's place for dinner and quiet time with newest great-grandson. Nothing on the agenda for today other than laundry.

Remember the Day of Infamy.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning or evening gentlemen, guess it will depend on what side of the time zones you all fall. Cold and nasty here in TN no wet stuff though, guess the weather people are wrong again. Go figure!!!. I have come to the belief that after all that has happened I have no sleep schedule left. between the meds and nothing to do all day but lay around, I'm a mess. Good points the house is quiet after midnight till about 0700 then everything starts to wake up. 
Good Note #2 I haven't Smoked In a little over a week now.  Went from 2 packs a day to nothing, I really don't even feel like smoking anymore except for the occasional cravings and they end to hit hard. But for now I'm winning! Breath better, taste more, and smell more. didn't realize that 25yrs of smoking covered that much up, interesting.
Now I need to over come this boredom thing , can't sit or stand for more than 30min at a time need to spend most of the day horizontal, which is making working on the trains difficult to say the least. we will work through this obstacle as well. 
Well gentlemen going to get a snack and some coffee and select some reading material.
You all Have a Great Day keep warm
Pennman, good to hear that you're coming around, slow that it may be, but most of all, congratulations on your efforts to kick the habit. That will do more for your health than anything else you could do. Keep it up. I quit a very long time ago when it was still OK to smoke in the workplace, there were machines and ads and others smoking everywhere to keep you tempted. It was tough going, but I prevailed and am thankful that I did. Keep at it, there's lots of support now days so take advantage of it if need be...

We had a nice rain, can't say how much since the TV weather people stopped updating those numbers a few days ago. Rain is in the forecast again starting this Tuesday right though the following week including next Saturday when our granddaughter's outdoor wedding is planned. Let's hope they have a break for the day and the sun comes out instead.... Let's face it, those weather-guessers have been wrong before, let's hope this is one of those times....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
(12-08-2018, 07:12 AM)ezdays Wrote: Pennman, good to hear that you're coming around, slow that it may be, but most of all, congratulations on your efforts to kick the habit. That will do more for your health than anything else you could do. Keep it up. I quit a very long time ago when it was still OK to smoke in the workplace, there were machines and ads and others smoking everywhere to keep you tempted. It was tough going, but I prevailed and am thankful that I did. Keep at it, there's lots of support now days so take advantage of it if need be...

We had a nice rain, can't say how much since the TV weather people stopped updating those numbers a few days ago. Rain is in the forecast again starting this Tuesday right though the following week including next Saturday when our granddaughter's outdoor wedding is planned. Let's hope they have a break for the day and the sun comes out instead.... Let's face it, those weather-guessers have been wrong before, let's hope this is one of those times....

The Cravings Suck the worse but getting by them. I remember the old cigarette vending machines they where everywhere, think it was like .50 cents a pack. Hell remember my grandfather sending me to the Deli for a couple of packs of Camels, No questions asked, Pete would hand me the smokes and what ever else was requested.
         I am glad you are on the road to recovery. If any good comes of it it is quitting the smokes. I was a 3 pack a day guy and smoked for over 50 years. My wife was a smoker too. She quit cold turkey in 2007 and we had 10 cartons in the cupboard. I told her I would quit when those were gone. I took them to the office at the railroad and quit smoking in the house and car. If I had the urge for a cigarette I had to walk up and down a total of 86 steps. I made those cigarettes last a year. I smoked the last on Sept. 13, 2008.  My lungs have improved, my heart is good and I have built a nice train layout with the money We saved. The funny thing is I still like the smell of the smoke when some one is smoking but hate the stale smell when you go in a smoked in room. I still however will catch myself reaching for a cigarette in my shirt pocket now and again and think that if they were there I would light up before I realized it. 
       The only thing that hasn't improved after quitting is, dammit, I still get hurt doing stupid stuff.  I am just getting over 3 months of a bad back injury which required a lot of work from my chiropractor and some pain meds from my doctor, and I have no idea how I did it. 
        Anyhow, keep up the healing and I pray you have a complete recovery and buy something train related with the money you are saving.  Icon_e_biggrin

Morning.  44 degrees with gray snowy looking clouds.  Sun trying to come through.  Messy weather instore.  Western NC in for a big one they say.

Hunt was not as good as usual.  Bucks 350 yds. or more away as it was getting dark.  Finally cowhorn came out at very dim light.  Light blowing ee dandruff floating around in green cap light as I walked out.  Stopped soon.  Front coming through.

Few errands.  Watching and cleaning out DVR.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Good Morning Gentlemen, Good day to sit a the table and watch the cold come in! Its 30deg outside and holding but been just cold enough to put a good coat of ice on everything. News is saying I24 Tn/Ky line is closed due to wreck. Got food, coffee, my loving wife, yep I'm set no reason to leave today.
You All have a good one Keep Safe and Warm
Anyone know what this stuff is??????

[Image: enhance]

Still coming down hard.  Suppose to change to rain soon. Has in southern parts of the county.

Staying in today.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

17 and sunny with a high supposed to be in the mid 20s.

Took yesterday off from the world. Didn't do anything except watch movies. Today will probably be the same because right now my nose feels the size (and shape) of West Virginia. Also a scratchy throat and some coughing. Gonna be along day. Right now just waiting for the cold medication to kick in.

Frank - looks pretty. Spring starts in 100 days.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Yeah Frank, I've heard about growing huge marshmallows like that. Around here, they'd shrivel up from the heat though, that's why we don't have any here in the desert..... Icon_rolleyes
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Melting as raining on it now.  Hope it stays above freezing.  Posted photo on riffle forum.  Asked what is this?  The lady shooter on it said big explosion at Styrofoam factory.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
(12-09-2018, 07:31 AM)Chief Eagles Wrote: Anyone know what this stuff is??????

[Image: enhance]

Still coming down hard.  Suppose to change to rain soon. Has in southern parts of the county.

Staying in today.

Hate to say it, but I need to dig through my photo album. I have some of the best shots of Trenton Yards. Morrisville Yards and the NE corridor in the snow. I due believe I even have Horse Shoe in the snow before they started to close it every other day or if it was cloudy out or any other reason they could come up with to close here down.
Morning.  Snow was about gone due to rain.  Now more snow.  Not doing much on highways here but Raleigh west, it is.  Suppose to stop by 2 PM per guessers.  Enjoying the TV and Prime.  Staying in.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 18 with a high near freezing today.

Another quiet, medicated day yesterday. Not doing too bad this morning. Still deciding whether take medication and go to the gym or skip the medication and stay home. Don't like taking stuff unless I absolutely have too.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Yeah Tom, I'm with you, the medications would be OK if it wasn't for some of the side affects. Some of those are scary at best, others require more meds to counter the side affects that are created.

Temps here will hit the 70's today, and a bit under the rest of the week. We had rain taken out of the forecast for this weekend, lucky, since our granddaughter's wedding is outdoors this Saturday. Pat (Duffy) and his wife have put too much effort in getting things just right to have it clobbered by rain.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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