The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
bone chilling 69 here at 6:30 need to get out and do some yard work before it heats up.
(06-28-2019, 07:32 AM)jim currie Wrote: bone chilling 69 here at 6:30 need to get out and do some yard work before it heats up.

You're right, it was rather chilly this morning, we were in the low 70's just about the same time, however, I had no inclinations to go out and do yard work. Nope Thinking that way only makes me want to sit back and rest up before tackling anything like that..... Icon_e_biggrin
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Afternoon all.  103 on the back yard weather station [in the sun now].  40% humidity.  Go out and sweat.  Staying in.  Watering again. 

Yesterday started at 6:30 AM and ended at 9:30 PM.  Too long a day.

Today was Dr.'s apt. and errands.  

Hope all OK.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

Sunny and 68 headed for sunny and 92 with high humidity. The forecast for the next week is similar with lows in the upper 60s and highs near 90 with chances for rain starting tomorrow night and lasting through all of next week. I'll be firing up the a/c later this morning.

Had lots of plans yesterday but got nothing done. My back started acting up. Tried ibuprofen. No luck. Wound up sitting with the heating pad for most of the day. Back is fine this morning. On the plus side my car is back home and supposedly fully operational. Time will tell.

Busy day today. All of yesterdays chores along with laundry.

My sympathy to all those dealing with inappropriate temperatures (including myself).

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, yeah Tom, 100+ is in some areas seems a lot hotter than our 110's. Plus, most people aren't use to it.

Another story: something that really made me think how great our technology is and how it's changed us. We went to Denny's yesterday for breakfast and there was this guy that was "talking" to someone using his cell phone. Only, he was using sign language, as was the person on the other end. They were hooked up with Skype or some other app where they could see each other. Without our current technology, these people would have no means of communicating. I remember back in the 60's, the phone company had previewed their "picture phone", but that was tethered to a landline and I doubt that too many people had them because of costs. Back then, I was a service tech on huge computers, about the size of four refrigerators side-by-side, but with far less computing power of today's cell phones and costing well into the six figures. Sometimes I get annoyed seeing all these people walking around or sitting in a restaurant looking at their phones and ignoring the world around them, but not this time, this time I was just amazed and thankful that we have the technology that we do....
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good Morning Blue. 
Cloudy and 71 degrees here in southeast Ohio. Chance of thunderstorms though the radar is clear for many miles.
I find it interesting using a phone to communicate using sign language. I find the quality of the speakers on cell phones are not the greatest but that would have no effect here. 
I use Facebook video messaging to chat with friends from my PC.  I have problems hearing a phone even wearing my aides but using the sound system and the video of the computer it is like being there, and other than the cost of internet service, it is free. 
Hello Blue
Sun and 80. Will be close to 90 today. That is enough for us up north.
We finally had a few days without rain but did get a storm yesterday afternoon.
My long forehead is flaking from the sun I got last Saturday at our club meet.
Oh I still have hair it's just a little farther back now.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
103 on back yard weather station with 41% humidity.  Just came in from running big Stihl weedeater attachment on the big power head [I mainly use brush cutter head on it at the farm].  Wow is it great.  Cranked with one pull.   2285_  Sprayed Glas Star Plus [Roundup].

Need rain and we are watering again.  Just not 10" in two hours like last time.   Icon_e_surprised 

Wifey bought me this hat for birthday.  Looked silly to me.  Well.  IT WORKS.  Use to have sweat running down face into eyes and across glasses.  Not anymore.

TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
Greetings, gang.

78 and very humid headed for 94 and very humid.

Very productive day yesterday. 13 mile bike ride, track repaired, and laundry all caught up. Went to the local farmers market and picked up a home grown tomato. Left there and went directly to the grocery store for bread, lettuce,two ears of corn (farmers market was out), and bacon. Guess what I had for supper last night. While at the framers market I ran into some people I used to work with, including one I hadn't seen in 20 years. Had a nice chat.

This morning is the F1 race followed by a bike ride. Not much else planned for today.

Don - neat story.

Frank - looks like a neat idea.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, the start of another week, and another month in a few days. It's hard to believe that we're just about halfway through they year already.

Nice hat Frank, I've seen a number of people here doing their walk and wearing them. I have another solution to the sweating thing, just stay away from yardwork. Go inside, crank up the A/C, crack open a cool one and head to your layout.... Icon_e_biggrin Or, you can have a yard like ours, crushed rock front and back, all plants are desert types, and in the summer, weeds don't like the heat. Around here, when it's over 100, the humidity is usually 10% or less. It's 5:00 AM here, temp is 86, humidity, 10%. We've had the past two days at 110, gunna be close to that today. 41% humidity, good luck with that.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
well weather is kinda back to normal 81 at 6:10 headed to 110 . pool time  2285_
Morning all.  Slept till 9.  Icon_e_surprised   Was tired.  Did lots of chores outside in the heat.  May take buddy to the farms today.  Tried his cell and didn't answer.  Unusual.  He's been wanting to go.  He needs to get out.  Sits at his office all the time lately.

Not much on agenda this week.  That is good.

Hope all have a great week ahead.
TCA 05-58541   American Legion  NRA  Retired Mayor of Rolesville NC
OH, I'm wondering if there are any O scale modelers here.... If you are, you'll want to see the latest auction then head to this thread....  If your not into O scale, go there anyway....

Big BIG surprise... 2285_ 2285_ 2285_
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Happy Canada Day, gang.

Welcome to the second half of 2019. 74 cloudy degrees outside with a predicted high around 90 and very humid.

Watched a so-so F1 race yesterday morning then went for a short slow bike ride. Just too hot and humid to stay outside. I went to see the new Men In Black movie yesterday afternoon. Laughter and explosions ensued. Lots of fun.

Nothing major on the agenda for today.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning all, 5:00 AM and it's somewhere between 81 and 84 depending on what weather site you go to. Temps around 110 for the fourth day in a row. Normal high, well, again, that's to be debated by what site you go to, anywhere between 106 and 109. Let's just say that it's hot and no monsoon-like storms hitting us, but like I've said, they can pop up anytime without warning.

Got a chance today to do some work on my layout, still doing trackwork though, can't wait to get to the really good stuff.

Just in case you missed my post yesterday, we've got an O scale anniversary car up for auction. Take a look here
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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